Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1381: Lu Chen has nothing to love

Above the human king realm, there is still realm!

Lu Chen's breathing began to become sharp.

The ancient world is a place for immortals to comprehend the artistic conception, but for Lu Chen, he can still increase his realm level here, which is impossible for any immortal to do!

After all, there is no fairy in the ancient world, but Lu Chen happens to be not a fairy!

Now Lu Chen has received two news at the same time. The good news is that there is still a Human Emperor above the Human King Realm. The bad news is that he is indeed trapped in the Mirror Realm world.

"I don't know who left this stone stele... It can be transformed into Chinese characters. It's so magical, it shouldn't be done by humans." Lu Chen thought for a while but couldn't figure out why.

Then Lu Chen went to the tower in front of him.

What disappointed Lu Chen was that this tower was just a library of books.

The books contained therein are all texts that Lu Chen can't understand, but judging from the illustrations on the cover of the book, it seems that they are all books that record historical events in the past.

Perhaps before the wise race was on the verge of extinction, the history of its race was recorded in this impenetrable tower and left to future generations.

Unfortunately, this world now has no descendants, only countless beasts.

Lu Chen lay in front of the tower, frowning.

Judging from the cue from the stele, either break the world in the mirror, or be trapped in it forever.

"So, we still have to improve our strength!"

Lu Chen spent the following long years in endless hunting, one or two years, ten and twenty years, until the period of a hundred years.

In this life, Lu Chen's tens of thousands of bloodline has been upgraded to a second-order three-star, but his realm is stuck at eighteen stars, and there is still no movement.

If Lu Chen guessed right, after the Eighteen-Star Human King, what might be needed is a qualitative change, which is...Human Sovereign Realm!

A hundred years can be said to be long, but after the experience, when I look back, it seems like a flick of a finger.

Deep in the forest, Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly. He seemed to have seen his mother who raised him when he was a child, and a group of she-wolves who wanted to ask for joy. This life of lone wolves has also gone.

With a familiar feeling of dizziness, Lu Chen silently prayed that he must be eliminated as an individual.

It is almost impossible for a person to explore the entire world, and in a human world, at least some rumors can help him.

"I don't know what's going on outside..." Lu Chen took a deep breath. Although he was worried about the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War, he still had to find a way out when he was delayed.


This time Lu Chen had good luck and was reborn in an ordinary family with good conditions, and he also had an older sister.

Only when he was very young, Lu Chen discovered a serious problem.

His parents didn't allow him to be naughty everywhere, like the first life, and didn't let him do rough work. On the contrary, his sister, who was only two years older than himself, would help the family with rough work when he was six or seven years old.

The same is true at home. The mother's name is Lu Jun, the master is outside, who makes money by socializing, his father's name is Song Hui, and the master is the wife and child...Even Lu Chen's surname has followed his mother!

"Chen'er, you are a boy from home. How good is it to learn embroidery, or learn some piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, why do you have to learn fist and kick from your sister?" Mother said to Lu Chen earnestly.

"In the future, your sister is going to inherit the family's property. If you have learned the skills, just marry a good family."

Lu Chen almost sprayed out a mouthful of old blood.

Unfortunately, the family where he was reborn this time is a normal family, but this world is different from the earth, where women are superior to men...

Lu Chen said with tears, "Mother, I don't want to learn embroidery..."

"You child, let me tell you that this can't be done with you. In the second half of the year, I will ask your father to send you to the men's hall, so that the teacher can teach you well!" After the mother said, she flung her sleeves and left the room.

Lu Chen has a black line. What else can he play when he can't practice martial arts in this life? It's better to settle it by yourself, and hurry up for the next reincarnation.

But Lu Chen couldn't make up his mind.

In the next life, God knows what he will reincarnate. It was a wolf last time or swallowed the evolutionary world, but if a pig or a dog is thrown, wouldn't it be even worse.

Forget it, women are superior to men and women are inferior to men. In other worlds where men are more important than women, it is different for women to practice.

According to his parents’ orders, Lu Chen couldn’t violate it at such a young age. In the second half of the year, he went to the Men’s Court to learn men’s etiquette, and learn to embroider and knit clothes by the way...

Usually, Lu Chen pesters her sister to teach her kung fu.

Lu Chen's elder sister named Lu Jiao, who loved this younger brother very much, couldn't stand Lu Chen's stalking, so she secretly taught him martial arts.

Such a peaceful day was broken when Lu Chen was sixteen.

On this day, his mother called Lu Chen to the living room. At this time, there were three or four heroic women sitting in the living room, all of whom were in Lu Chen.

"My elders, this is dog Lu Chen, who is 28 years old this year. Chen'er, I have met all the adults."

"Oh, Sister Lu is so lucky. I haven't seen him in a few years. My son has grown up so much. Now he is slim and ready to be released."

"No, Chen'er, do you still remember me? I even hugged you a few hours later. I didn't expect Chen'er to change his body and become so moving."

"I heard that Lu Gongzi usually stays at home except for going to the male court. A man who keeps his duty like this is hard to find now."

"I said, why didn't I hear that the son of another family gave birth to such an outstanding person? It turns out that Chen'er never went out."

Lu Chen looked unlovable, what kind of adjectives were these, why did he use it on himself?

Slim? I'm slim, you big-headed ghost!

What about staying at home and keeping one's duty safe? It's about cultivating secretly in the room, OK?

The mother also felt light on her face, and took out Lu Chenxiu's handkerchief to admire the others. "Look at it, sirs, this is a show by the dog who has nothing to do, but can it be returned to the eyes of the adults?"

Lu Chen sighed. He asked his classmates to show him the handkerchief. How could he do such a thing?

"Oh, the show is so good, Chen'er is really ingenious."

Assi, what kind of ghostly world, I'm going crazy! Lu Chen cursed in his heart.

Lu Chen’s mother chatted with everyone for a while, and finally got into the topic, "Dougi’s marriage, please take your time!"

"Where and where, Chen'er is outstanding, talented, and knowledgeable. The girls must be rushing to ask for it. Lao Lu, don't worry, this matter is on us."

A few months later, a girl from a large family came to see Lu Chenfang.

At night, Lu Chen ran to her sister's room secretly, crying sadly.

"Chen'er, what's the matter with you?" Lu Jiao looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Did you miss someone else's girl?"

Lu Chen said weakly, "Sister, I don't want to marry... No, I don't want to marry someone!"

Lu Jiao smiled slightly and patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, "Stupid boy, women's colleges should be married, men's colleges should be married, what's the matter, how can you really do things like knives every day, who is a man like you? "

"Sister, you haven't gotten married yet."

"I am not the same. I am a woman. Why can I start a family if I don't establish a career? My mother will let me join the army next year to resist foreigners."

"I'll go for you!"

"Naughty! You are a boy's family, you can still be good when you go to the barracks? If those women know that there are men in the barracks, do you know what the consequences are!" the sister said harshly.

Lu Chen thought backwards, it seemed a bit dangerous.

Although he is very eager to find a wife, he can't stop the army of hundreds of thousands...

This **** reincarnation is really going to play him to death!

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