When Lu Chen opened his eyes, he was already standing in front of the ancient temple.

Seeing the swirling entrance, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling mixed and thoughtful.

Back to nine days again, back to reality, Lu Chen closed his eyes, took a long and deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

From the young man carrying a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred on the Tianyuan Continent, to the lonely wolf king in the unnamed jungle, to an ordinary Lu family heir in the world of female superiority and male inferiority... I have seen all kinds of things in the world, and experienced the separation of life and death, love and hate. hatred!

Now only one word can be used to describe how Lu Chen feels at this time.

It seems like a world away!

Lu Chen lowered his head and glanced at his badge.

【One Star Savage (variation)】

Forget the Savage Sovereign, Lu Chen was prepared long ago, but seeing the word "mutation" at the back, the fighting spirit that Lu Chen had just ignited was instantly wiped out.

What the **** is mutation?

In other words, whether anyone can do it or not, in theory, if the average human king can complete the Hundred Turns Human King in the six illusions, he can also break through to the Human Sovereign Realm.

But the problem is that Lu Chen was not an ordinary king before, he was the king of eighteen stars...maybe the mutation came from this.

Lu Chen suddenly thought of his long list of titles. He thought he had gotten rid of it. He didn't expect to be the Emperor of Humanity. He still has more titles than others...

At this moment, a figure suddenly shot towards Lu Chen.

"Xianshu·Cold Backstab!"

The surrounding air suddenly drops in temperature, and the water vapor in the air directly condenses.

If ordinary people are under the influence of this icy backstab, the extremely cold temperature alone is enough to freeze blood!

Even if it is a fairy, the action will be greatly reduced.

A cold light had already shot towards the back of Lu Chen's neck!

At this moment, Lu Chen turned his steps, and when he turned around, his **** stood up and directly clamped the blade of a dagger.

Lu Chen looked at the attacker in a cold voice, "Hurry up and take me out of here!"

Gu Ying's eyes widened. In the past few years, her skill has greatly increased, and her ice attribute has doubled compared to before. The last time she started with Lu Chen, she used a cold light back stab. This time she finally became the next heavy cold back. thorn.

As a result, Lu Chen caught his attack directly with two fingers?

What happened to this guy? Is it really the world in the mirror?

But how did he come out?

However, Gu Ying knew that Lu Chen was scheming at this time, and he also dispelled the idea of ​​discussing with Lu Chen or asking for details, "Fortunately, I will come over and take a look, go, and see Xianzun first."

After all, Gu Ying used the teleportation talisman to take Lu Chen back to Shengwu Xianzun Dongfu.

"Xianzun, Du Kuang has really come out!" Gu Ying rushed to report the letter excitedly.

Not long after, Shengwu Xianzun quickly walked out of the training room.

"What do you really encounter is the world in the mirror?"

Lu Chen nodded, "Xianzun, what is the situation of Human Race now?" Lu Chen asked anxiously.

Shengwu Xianzun sighed, "The war between the Ten Thousand Races and Immortals has ended a month ago. Even if the Human Race still has a Pangu with good strength, he alone can't resist the Ten Thousand Clan Immortals... All the immortals in the Human Race Xianyu , Is being evacuated urgently, the human race is destroyed, the immortal domain is the first to bear the brunt. In the future, there will be divided up by the ten thousand races. Occasionally, some immortals who remain are either killed or enslaved."

"So, under this circumstance, most of the immortals will either go to some abandoned planets to live, or return to their own planet to help resist the army of ten thousand races."

"The number of people still in Xianyu is less than one-thousandth."

"Now the coordinates of all the planets in the human race have been exposed! All races are preparing to destroy them one by one, and they should start to take action in the next few days."

Lu Chen clenched his fists, and sure enough, he was still a step late!

"Shengwu Xianzun, I must go back!" Lu Chen said, turning around hurriedly, about to leave.

"Lu Chen!" Shengwu Immortal Venerable suddenly called to him, "Now that the overall situation is set, I am afraid that I am unable to return to the sky, you...If you have nowhere to go, you can stay here."

"I can't put the Ten Thousand Spirit Race in danger for the sake of the human race, but at least I can take you in, and it can be considered an explanation to my dead mother..."

Lu Chen glanced back and said lightly, "Thank you Xianzun, but Xianzun's kindness is appreciated by my heart, but I can't leave my compatriots!"

Shengwu Xianzun sighed, and Lu Chen's departure would most likely never return.

After a moment of contemplation, Shengwu Xianzun took out a piece of talisman paper glowing with colorful light, "Lu Chen, this is my ten thousand world sound transmission talisman, which can cross ten thousand worlds. I hope you have the opportunity to use it."

"Gu Ying, bring the visiting order, and you will send Lu Chen to the Terran Immortal Territory."

Lu Chen took the sound transmission note and nodded heavily, "Thank you Xianzun, if Lu Chen has a chance to come back, he will definitely get drunk with Xianzun!"

Gu Ying said, "Call me at that time! Brother Du Kuang, I will take you away!"

Teleported to the boundary of the Immortal Territory of the Ten Thousand Races, Lu Chen directly called out the Ten Wings, and the two went straight to the Immortal Territory of the Human Race!

On the back of the dragon, Gu Ying had many questions in her heart, but when she saw Lu Chen holding the dragon's horns and looking into the distance in the direction of the human immortal domain, she felt that it was inappropriate to ask too many questions now.

He admires Lu Chen very much, but what makes people helpless is that now he is sending Lu Chen to the bottomless abyss!

It is likely that this will be the last time they will be together, and those issues will become less important.

"Lone crazy, that, Xianzun never expected that you would stay in the Ancient Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits for more than five years... Actually, Xianzun also has difficulties. If he is only one person, he can't wait to do it himself."

Lu Chen turned his head to look at Gu Ying, who seemed to be helping Shengwu Xianzun to explain.

"Gu Ying, Immortal Venerable can let me go to the Ancient Realm of All Souls, I am very grateful, and his current identity also needs to take into account the All Souls Clan, I can understand."

"Hey, don't you really consider staying in the Wanling Race? Don't blame me for speaking directly. I don't know if you opened the fairy road in the Wanling Ancient Realm, but even if your strength is comparable to the Immortal Venerable now, you are alone. What can I do? No one can save the human race now!"

Lu Chen looked into the distance, "Guying, there is my home, with my compatriots and relatives, that is something I must guard!"

Gu Ying sighed, as expected, he couldn't persuade Lu Chen.

"By the way, Gu Ying, do you know where the little beasts are?"

Gu Ying said, "They should be waiting for you in your fairy cave."

Lu Chen nodded. These guys spent three years in the Shen Beast Island, not knowing if they have grown.

Two days later, the two arrived at the immortal domain of the human race.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers remain unchanged, but this Human Race Immortal Territory has long been in vain.

From time to time, you can see people from other races, arbitrarily entering the territory of the immortal territory of the human race.

The current Terran Immortal Territory has no defensive formations, and people are allowed to enter and exit!

"Lone Kuang, this is my sound transmission note, if I can help, Gu Ying will not refuse!" Gu Ying also gave Lu Chen a sound transmission note.

Lu Chen took the sound transmission note and looked at Gu Ying.

Even if they are not of the same race, those who can lend a helping hand in times of crisis are true friends!

"Boy, Xianzun, I, Huang Ting, and Lianhua have made an appointment with you. We will wait for you to come back, and we will fight you for 300 rounds next time!" Gu Ying slapped Lu Chen on the shoulder.

Lu Chen's voice was a little choked, "Okay!"

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