Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1418: Golden scale dragon carp

Lu Chen didn't know any fashion design, so he gave it all to Jin Chanzi.

Later, Jin Chanzi took out a black and white two-color robe with a smile on his face, "Sir, I designed this suit based on the characteristics of your god-devil rebellious suit and the inspiration from the Tai Chi Pisces map."

"Oh?! It looks amazing!"

Lu Chen immediately put on this new suit.

Jin Chanzi helped organize and introduce his design ideas.

"Sir, this fashion dress adopts a borderless design, which sets off the gentleman's free and easy character. The gold-grained Kowloon is embedded embroidery, which meets your low-key requirements, while not losing the spirit of the king... Especially the double sleeves here, sir's After the **** and devil’s virtual arm is demonized, the dragon pattern here will change, and the two dragon heads, one gold and one white, will be demonized with your arm and change to the form of a magic dragon."

"Fashion is divided into two layers, the inner layer is convergent, and there will be no obstacles when fighting, the outer layer is elegant, and it shows the gentleman's temperament."

"Before I heard from Mr. He said that the whole body can be changed in small amounts, and the arms can withstand the demonization of the arms."

Lu Chen was shocked, Jin Chanzi is definitely a talent!

This set of fashion is low-key and luxurious, with concise colors and the style of the king, Lu Chen is quite satisfied!

"Hahaha, finally there is a new fashion!" Lu Chen was very satisfied, "Jin Chanzi, how long did you train a tailor to the fairy level? The craftsmanship is so good. What is this fashion called?"

Jin Chanzi smiled embarrassedly, with a hint of helplessness in her tone, "It may be thousands of years... Sir, the drawing says it's called "Two Extremes Supreme","

Dispersal of immortals, certain skills have the foundation for a foothold.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, and he didn't get rid of Bipolar Supreme, his expression dignified, "Thousands of years... so long... Jin Chanzi, do you know about the Hongmeng God Tree?"

"Hongmeng sacred tree? Sir, Jin Chanzi knows a thing or two, but I am afraid it is only some fur. After all, Hongmeng sacred tree is so mysterious that even Xianzun knows little about it.

"What do you know?" Lu Chen took Jin Chanzi and sat down again.

"Within seven days, the Hong Mongol tree and the Ten Thousand Worlds. It is said that the root system of the Hong Mongol tree covers the entire Seventh Heaven. It can be said to be ubiquitous, but we want to find the Hong Mongol tree but it is difficult to find its trace."

Jin Chanzi was grateful to Lu Chen, and naturally knew everything. He continued, "It has its own root system in the immortal realm of all races."

"However, these root systems are not the real consciousness of the Hung Mongolian tree. The main consciousness of the Hung Mongolian tree can only be seen by finding the main body of the sacred tree."

Lu Chen frowned. Hearing Mu Sheng's words before, she seemed to be involuntarily involuntarily.

Jin Chanzi's statement just confirmed this point.

As the root system lurking in the immortal domain of the human race, Mu Sheng is not the main consciousness of the Hong Monggu tree, she needs to follow the arrangements of the main consciousness of the **** tree.

So, to find Musheng, one must find the body of the Hongmeng God Tree? !

"Jin Chanzi, do you know where the body of the Hong Mongol tree is?"

Jin Chanzi shook his head, "Sir, this is the biggest secret of Seventh Heaven, how can I know it."

"It is said that the Hong Mongol tree bears countless heaven and earth treasures. The branches and trunks of the Hong Mongol tree are the best materials for refining artifacts. Its leaves are a world. Some people even say that it runs through the entire nine heavens. The Nine Heavens existed before it was formed..."

"Of course, these are all rumors, but it can also be inferred from this that, as long as anyone knows the location of the Hong Mongol tree, the Seventh Heaven has already rushed to it and swarmed."

Lu Chen thoughtfully.

At this moment, Lu Chen received a transmission.

"Master, you have an old friend who has come to Dongfu. He wants you to come back quickly."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, could it be that who had crossed the catastrophe again?

After looking at Jin Chanzi, Lu Chen said, "Jin Chanzi, you come back to the cave with me, let's get acquainted with everyone first."

The two directly teleported back to the cave mansion.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Lu Chen saw a familiar figure sitting at the door.

When he saw this person, Lu Chen suddenly exclaimed, "Man in the mountain! Are you finally willing to come and see me?"

This old friend of Lu Chen is from the mountain!


The two of them were sitting by the lake. The mountain man looked at Lu Chen and said with a smile, "Smelly boy, you really belong to you. In the First Battle of the Ten Thousand Clan, your name has spread throughout the Seventh Heaven. Who really doesn't know the king? ."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Don't make fun of me, but after this battle, I finally let go of a worry in my heart."

After that, Lu Chen looked at the man in the mountain strangely, "By the way, I've been in Seventh Heaven for so long, where did you go?"

The mountain man took a deep breath and said, "If I said that I am not from the Seventh Heaven, would you be surprised?"

"Huh?" Lu Chen widened his eyes, "Aren't you a fairy?"

The mountain man smiled and said meaningfully, "Lu Chen, what if I said, I don't belong to Jiu Tian? Would you be more surprised?"

Lu Chen was blindfolded, "No, what does it mean to not belong to Jiu Tian?"

The mountain man sighed, "I heard that you have been to the cracked world nine days away..."

Lu Chen understood it all at once.

The person in the mountain means that he comes from a cracked world!

Something nine days away...the world!

"Lu Chen, there are some things I can't tell you yet, but I believe you will know sooner or later." The mountain man said, "Because of this, I can't come to see you at any time. I missed your amazing battle."

Lu Chen frowned. If Jiutian is an unsolved mystery, he is indeed getting closer and closer to the answer, but it is definitely not the true face of Jiutian!

"Lao Shan, is there anything you came to see me this time?"

"I heard that you are looking for someone." The mountain man smiled slightly, looking unpredictable.

Lu Chen said anxiously, "Do you know about the Hongmeng tree?"

The person in the mountain was a little embarrassed, "Ah? What Hong Mongolian tree? I'm not talking about this... I'm talking about Golden Scale Dragon Carp."

"Golden scale dragon carp?" Lu Chen blinked his eyes. "Are you talking about the little golden carp?"

"Should the bead that you deliberately displayed as a human ambassador be the clear water bead bred by the golden dragon carp? You showed it in public, didn't you just want to find it?"

Lu Chen nodded, "At that time, it was to tease Thousand Chance, and I also hope that someone can recognize it. Then there will be some clues to find the little golden carp. If the little golden carp can see it by herself, it will naturally be the best."

"That's it." The mountain man said, "But the golden scale dragon carp is not something that everyone can encounter. It is the most spiritual thing bred by heaven and earth, and it is on the same level as your little source."

Lu Chen hurriedly asked, "Then do you know where it is?"

The mountain man looked at Lu Chen, "Give me the clear water."

Lu Chen still trusted the people in the mountains very much, and was about to hand over the clear water to the people in the mountains.

The mountain man slapped the clear water drop in his palm to pieces, threw the fragments into the water, and then looked at Lu Chen with a shocked look, "It's here!"

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