Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1421: A few friends

Lu Chen still didn't know how to enter the Eighth Layer, and he couldn't bear to ask Linglong again.

When leaving Xianling Dongtian, Lu Chen used the Ten Thousand Realms Sound Transmission Talisman.

When he came to the edge of the human immortal domain, Gu Ying was already there waiting for him.

"Guying, you came so quickly."

Gu Ying smiled and said, "Xianzun didn't let me go back at the time, so I was in the Demon Race Immortal Realm. If you need any help, I can rush to it as soon as possible."

Lu Chen was a little surprised. Although Saint Martial Immortal Venerable could not participate in the war on behalf of the human race, he did help himself very much.

"Why are you going to the Wanling Race this time?"

"Ask about going to Eighth Heaven."

Gu Ying looked at Lu Chen, shaking her head and sighed, "You kid, I was only half a catty with me five years ago, but now... I really don't know how you practiced!"

"Go, I'll take you there!"


Shengwu Dongtian, Shengwu Xianzun frowned slightly, "Lu Chen, are you sure you want to go to the Eighth Heaven? You are now in the Seventh Heaven with a hard time standing up, and even if the ten thousand races have signed the immortal agreement, you can practice here for a while. Isn’t it safer to go to the Eighth Heaven?"

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "I know too, but I'm afraid my friend can't wait. I still don't know what happened to her."

Shengwu Xianzun nodded, "Well, since you have already decided, I can't say more."

Lu Chen asked, "Xianzun, may I ask how to enter the Eighth Heaven? It won't be a catastrophe, right?"

Shengwu Xianzun stood up and said, "If mortal to immortal is separated by a ravine, then from immortal to god, there is a moat!"

The first words of Saint Wuxianzun made Lu Chen look solemn!

"The Seventh Heaven does not have a Celestial Boss. It uses Heaven's Tribulation as the boundary to block Xianfan, and the same is true for the Eighth Heaven. There is no Celestial Boss of the low-level Celestial Region, but there is an extremely severe test.

"This test is different from any previous test!"

"What is the test?" Lu Chen frowned.

"This test is called Ask Dao Fengshen!" Shengwu Xianzun turned to look at Lu Chen, "In the Tongtian Pagoda, there are a total of 81 powerful battle spirits left by the gods."

"These battle spirits are far inferior to the gods, but they are far from comparable to ordinary immortals. There are countless immortals of the ten thousand races, many of them are strong, and there is no one among the 100,000 conferred gods. From this, you can also infer Show the strength of these battle souls."

"Even if you face tens of thousands of Xianzun on the Xianzun Tiantai alone, you must remember that the strength of the gods' battle spirit is not comparable to any Xianzun you encounter!"

"In short, a **** war soul can shock all the immortals of all races!"

"Those who break the tower need to block or dodge the 81 war spirits of the gods, one attack from each of the gods' war spirits!"

"81 attacks, with increasing power level by level, the last layer of Conferred God Platform Battle Soul is the full blow of the Battle Soul!"

"Although theoretically, you can dodge this blow, but the attack of the gods' war spirits is often not a dead end. Our strength can't completely dodge. We can only reduce the damage as much as possible, and how much can be reduced. It depends on personal strength."

"A total of 81 trials, step by step ascended the Conferred God Stage, and finally obtained his own title."

Lu Chen nodded, "If others can live through, I am confident too!"

Saint Martial Immortal Venerable shook his head, "Lu Chen, if you are Nine Star Immortal Venerable, I think so too. But the problem is that you are not Immortal Venerable, you are Human Emperor!"

"Starting from the true immortal, to the nine-star true immortal, the nine-star immortal king, and the nine-star immortal sovereign, there are a total of 27 immortal roads. At the end of the second immortal road, there is the power of heaven."

"Of course Xianzun has not formed the heavenly power, but our physique has changed, at least not like mortals, restrained by the heavenly power!"

"No matter how strong your human emperor is, but you have never opened the way to immortality, you are still a mortal, and the divine power of heaven can cause 100,000 times damage to the body of a mortal!"

Having said this, even the Gu Ying who was watching was almost desperate.

Every **** war soul, one person can shake the seven heavens and the immortals of thousands of races!

And Lu Chen's mortal body caused him to suffer 100,000 times of damage!

There is no doubt that the Eighth Heaven was not prepared for Lu Chen!

Lu Chen took a deep breath, hurting a hundred thousand times, can he stop it?

God and demon too empty arm? I'm afraid it's too much.

The only possibility is to reduce the damage as much as possible, minimize the damage you have received, and then use the **** and demon Taixu arm, or the anti-spirit dragon to resist.

Shengwu Xianzun said, "Lu Chen, the spirit of the gods is invincible, but if you want to break through, you must remember to make good use of two points."

"Which two points?" Lu Chen asked.

"First, time! You can practice for ten years every time you pass the Level 1 Conferred God Stage! These ten years can be used to heal injuries, but also to improve your strength. The 81 war spirits of the gods do not have to break through all at once."

Lu Chen frowned. Time is what he lacks most now.

"Second, help!"

"Lu Chen, do you know why Immortal Venerable Seventh Heaven accepts many customers?"

Lu Chen said strangely, "Isn't it to help run the under-named industry and develop power."

Shengwu Xianzun smiled slightly, "That is the appearance, and the most fundamental reason is actually related to asking Dao Fengshen."

"When asking the Conferred God, Immortal Venerable can bring his sects through the level together, and they can weaken the strength of the battle spirit attack in advance."

"The more the number, the stronger the strength and the better the weakening effect, but each of them can only help you once."

"Level 81 Conferred Platform, Level 1 must not exceed 1,000 people to assist, the total number must not exceed 81,000, and the strength must not exceed the Immortal King. If you have the assistance of Immortal Venerable, you will be considered a tower-breaker."

"And you must remember that you must be someone you can trust, otherwise, once the heart is not aligned, not only will it not be able to weaken the attack, it will be counterproductive."

Lu Chen frowned more tightly.

Help? Do you have it? The moment he insisted on leaving, I'm afraid it hurt the hearts of many people who cared about him most.

"Crazy alone, Huang Ting and Lianhua can't help you anymore, they are already Xianzun, I'll help you, I haven't got to Xianzun!" Gu Ying said suddenly.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Okay, thank you very much. Xianzun, where is the Tongtian Tower?"

"The most central Mount Shenfeng in the Seventh Heaven! You can bring a lonely shadow, and you can trust him."

"Okay! Thank you Shengwu Xianzun for these years."

Shengwu Xianzun said, "It's me who should say thank you. You help me do what I can't do."

At this time, thanking you again is unnecessary. Lu Chen nodded to Saint Wuxianzun, and then looked at Gu Ying, "Lone Star, I still have to trouble you."

Gu Ying smiled slightly, "You are welcome, Xianzun, I've taken Lu Chen there."


Before ascending the Shenfeng, Gu Ying kept shook his head. He looked at Lu Chen with helpless expression, "No, Lu Chen, I will definitely help you, but you...you, you didn't say it was just me. What about people! What about your friends, people like you will have no friends, I don’t believe it!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "There are a few friends, but... they don't want me to go. I sneaked out. I guess they will all blame me, maybe they won't help me."

Gu Ying frowned, "Then, then you still want to break? You can hear the words of Xianzun clearly? One hundred thousand times damage! One hundred thousand times! Not ten times!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "I can only find a way to avoid as much damage as possible."

Guying held his forehead, "How much damage can I help you reduce by myself... Forget it, anyway, my big deal is to go for a year and a half, since you have decided, I will accompany you!"

Lu Chen smiled and patted Gu Ying on the shoulder, "Gu Ying, I remember your favor."

The two strode towards the Tongtian Tower.

The seventh floor of Tongtian Tower!

However, at this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from behind.

"Brother Lu Chen, just leave us behind, Fengshen asked about this kind of thing, you didn't call us? Are you a bit too much!"

"That is, Master is really too much this time. Is it possible that Master doesn't treat us as his own?! It's so irritating!"

"Fortunately, Ziling Immortal Venerable told us what Fengshen asked, otherwise we would almost miss it."

Lu Chen turned his head and suddenly saw a crowd of people among the mountains!

Jiu'er, Mulong, Fengwu, Ye Fan, Xiao Zhan, Chutian, Lishang, Jinluan, Ziling, a group of immortals, immortal kings...

There are millions of immortals in the human race, covering the sky and the sun!

Gu Ying was taken aback. As the only alien, he suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"Hey, Lu Chen, are these "how many" friends you mentioned?"

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