Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 143: Give away ancient materials for free?

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The old man laughed, "Rhubarb is just an ordinary hunting dog."

Anyway, the NPCs in Nine Days were weird. This old man was even stranger than Xiao Min. Lu Chen only knew that the old man was definitely not simple, not an ordinary NPC, but he didn't know if he had a task for him.

Lu Chen thought for a while. At least the old man told himself a piece of useful information. From this point of view, it didn't matter to do the old man a favor.

"Old man, I can take care of it for you."

Looking at Lu Chen's gaze, the old man became more kind, "Okay, thank you little brother."

A message popped up suddenly.

[Complete the hidden mission "Xianyuan"]

[Rewarded ancient fragments*1, ancient heart*1]

WTF? Lu Chen opened his backpack unbelievably, and there was an ancient fragment and an ancient heart lying in the backpack.

"That's OK?" Lu Chen widened his eyes and looked at the old man opposite in shock.

Is this guy a fairy?

Wait, this task is a bit interesting. At first, I don’t tell him anything. When he is finished, he will tell him that if he doesn’t help the elderly take care of the rhubarb, or if he doesn’t come in to drink tea at all, the task will be gone...

Moreover, it seems that only the highest-ranking person will be here first.

So this task is not encountered by ordinary people at all!

"Thank you for helping me take care of rhubarb, that is a gift from me." The old man said with a smile.

Lu Chen blinked his eyes and chatted to get the ancient materials, so now he plans to have a long conversation with the old man, talk in the night, talk about the wasteland and old...

However, before Lu Chen could find the topic, the old man stood up and said, "I should go now, little brother, you and I are also destined, I will send you a sentence, you must remember it."

Lu Chen was a little disappointed. It seemed that his desire to get more ancient materials was going to be shattered.

"Old man, please tell me."

"Crazy **** and nameless, you can become a mad **** or an unknown..."

When the old man finished speaking, it suddenly turned into a white light, and went straight to the sky, disappearing instantly.

Only Lu Chen with a surprised look, and the rhubarb looking up at the sky.

"Woo..." Rhubarb sobbed twice, his head lying on his feet, looking depressed.

But Lu Chen still hadn't slowed down.

Mad God! nameless! Others didn't know that these two people were Lu Chen, but NPC knew it was nothing unusual.

But now that you know, what is the difference between the two?

"Crazy God and Wuming? Is there any difference? Isn't it all me? I don't know what this sentence means..."

Looking at the tea in front of him, Lu Chen drank it.

【Drinking Sanxian tea will increase spiritual power by 50 points! 】

puff! Lu Chen almost squirted the fairy tea out, but fortunately he held it back forcibly, and swallowed it back.

50 points of spiritual power! He now only has 68 points of spiritual power, which must not be wasted.

Not only can it not be wasted, but also to see if there is still in the teapot.

As a result, Lu Chen lifted the teapot and it was empty.

"Well, I didn't expect that there is such a task here, I almost missed it." Lu Chen shook his head.

There are also two sacred beasts in Bai Beast Mountain, one is in the door of the undead or underground mine, and the other is a bit difficult to find. It may be in some undiscovered instance or secret realm.

"There must be a lot of movement in this world, and I don't need to waste time wandering around." Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Be advanced."

There was no one else around, Lu Chen took off the human skin directly.

From the crack in the back, a terrifying creature slowly revealed its prototype with a height of about four meters.

Just like Lu Chen, Xiao Min was scared to cry last time, but Da Huang just raised his head and took a look, and he continued to get down on his head without serious consideration.

"Improve the stars, enhance the talent... the blood of the dead!"

After two golden lights, Lu Chen's new attributes have been generated.

[Quality (5 stars and 2 levels): three-dimensional increase by 550%] [0/320 (five-star quality points) 0/1 (Ancient Heart)]

[Level: 28 (upgrade progress: 1104040/6 million)]

[Physical strength: strength: 821 (basic 533 + equipment 181 + title 107) agility: 753 (basic 533 + equipment 220) physique: 783 (basic 533 + equipment 197 + title 53)]

[Spiritual strength: Spiritual power: 118] [Spirit pill 118: 78/11800 (pure aura)]

[Attack power: physical attack 1028-1044, poison attack: 10]

[Defensive power: physical defense 543 (basic 266 + equipment 223 + title 54) spiritual defense: 24]

[HP: 21632 (Basic 13860+ Equipment 3940+ Title 3832)]

Thousands of physical attacks, 500 defenses, and 22,000 lives faster!

"Hmph, attributes have improved again." Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, this time the reward came too easily.

He looked at Rhubarb and said, "Rhubarb, you can stay in my territory from now on and help me take care of the nursing home!"

Rhubarb stood up reluctantly, shook the dust on his body, and walked to Lu Chen's feet.

There is an extra rhubarb in Lu Chen's pet column.

Lu Chen glanced at the attributes of rhubarb.

【Pet: Rhubarb (white)】

[Age: 202 years old (childhood)]

[Physical Strength: Strength 28, Agility 24, Physique 30]

【Defense: Material Defense 14】

【HP: 600】

[Talent: Super strong sense of smell, can smell danger beyond 600 meters]

"Really, your age... is too capricious, 202 years old? You are still a child!" Lu Chen said in shock, "but your three-dimensionality is a bit low, you won't be bullied by the ten beasts. You have to warn them. That's fine."

"By the way, you have the gift of super sense of smell, do you know where there is another beast?" Lu Chen asked.

Lu Chen asked casually, after all, the old man said that rhubarb was just an ordinary dog.

But who knew that Rhubarb actually wagged his tail, and it seemed very excited to see that.

"You know?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

Rhubarb nodded.

Lu Chen's eyes widened suddenly, "Where?"

Rhubarb barked twice, and Lu Chen's system automatically showed what Rhubarb wanted to express.

The system only displayed two words, but when Lu Chen saw these two, his eyebrows frowned, "No, it's all in..."

At this time, the two words that Lu Chen saw in front of him were clearly...Xianshan!

Lu Chen has also been to Xianshan several times and is very familiar with Xianshan's ground trip.

The main city of Xianshan is built on the mountain. In the main city, there are shops, professional gathering places, Xianshan twin towers, and besides, there is a lake called Fengyutan.

On the side of the main city of Xianshan, there are some small peaks, these small peaks are the guild places of the major guilds.

"Strange, I haven't seen any beasts after I have been there several times."

"It's impossible for the sacred beast to be in the guild territory of a certain guild..." Lu Chen pondered.

"Wait! At the beginning when I established the army, the game mentioned that I did not rely on the protection of Xianshan and established my own door. This activated the territory mission...that is, Xianshan is actually very strong."

"Xianshan does have some soldiers, all of them are level 50 elites, but they are not many, only three to four hundred."

Can such a defensive force be able to shelter the entire fairy mountain, such a large area, and so many guilds?

Lu Chen felt a little dangerous. There is a wild monster ecosystem in Nine Heavens, with a range as large as a fairy mountain, but there has never been a wild monster daring to cross the thunder pond for half a step. Why?

"Could it be that this sacred beast is very likely to be the guardian beast of the fairy mountain! It is the real power to guard the fairy mountain?"

Thinking of this, Lu Chen suddenly felt an unprecedented pressure.

To get the beast, doesn't it mean... he wants to kill the fairy mountain? !

"Axi, can this game still be played! What kind of shit, god, blood, and demon mission?!" Lu Chen said frantically...

Is this a human task!

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