Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1438: Battle of the Gods

"Humanity limit?" The hunting **** narrowed his eyes, then relieved again.

"After all, it is only humanity, how can it be compared with heaven?"

Lu Chen sneered, "Do you gods like to be so self-righteous? Without 100,000 times of harm, I can tell you clearly..."

"You god... is dead!"

After all, Lu Chen's figure shot towards the hunting god!

The hunting god's eyes were full of contempt, "Without a hundred thousand times attack, this seat can also obliterate you!"

"Magic Skill·Planar Arrow·Sky Blast!"

Hundreds of arrows shot out!

It is this skill that blocks the air again. Lu Chen has seen the power of this trick before. Once the knowledge explodes, the entire sky will be covered by countless shocks!

Lu Chen yelled, "What a joke, are the gods afraid of being approached by mortals? It's a pity, you can't escape!"

"The tiger descends the mountain! Taixu form·Sacred lotus sword heart!"

Thousands of sword auras from the God and Demon Promise Sword in his hand blasted directly at the opponent's arrows.

The sword qi and the plane's arrow directly collided in the air, and countless violent spiritual vibrations rang in the sky. Every sound made the prisoners within a thousand miles frightened.

The Black Ape and others looked at the battle in the sky from a distance, and their faces were completely scared.

"Is the sky going to collapse? Is Varro going to be destroyed!"

"Are jackals really mortals? But, why are mortals so tough? Can they fight the gods?!"

In the air, the mad attack of Sacred Lotus Sword Heart prevented the arrows of the plane from blocking the sky, and Lu Chen's whole body was already shooting at the hunting **** like a black shadow.

The hunting **** opened his eyes full of anger, and once again drew the golden scale sunset bow, briefly charged, "Death to me!"

"Heavenly God Skill, Arrow of Destruction, Holy Arrow of Blasting Flame!"

The arrow shot in an instant, and the arrow turned into a virtual image, hundreds of meters long, braving the raging fire, even the surrounding air has been burnt to become hazy!

"Tai Xu Form·Void Destruction Gun·Endless Dawn!"

"Tai Xu Form·True Fire Profound Ice Sword·Ice Extreme Flame Burst Sword!"

A loud bang, resounding through the world, deafening!

The hunting **** was also in a trembled heart at this time, this guy proved to have caught the more powerful blasting sacred arrow!

This move is full of flame attacks, and now it seems that he used the wrong element, because the flame element of Lu Chen's Ice Extreme Flame Explosive Sword is not lower than that of him!

"This guy is so tricky! What is the ultimate humanity? Why can it offset the suppression of mortals by the gods?"

However, before the hunting **** wanted to understand, after half a breath of the three powerful moves, Lu Chen suddenly yelled, "God is coming!"

Suddenly Lu Chen had appeared behind the hunting god.

After all, the hunting **** is a god, and he reacts very quickly. When he finds that Lu Chen is close, he screams, "Heaven and earth move!"

Unfortunately, Lu Chen would not give him a chance to escape.

Three thousand world Dharma bodies descend, the heaven and the earth are coming without a trace!

Even if Lu Chen is still in the beginner stage and can't swim three thousand worlds without a trace, he can move as he pleases, but it is more than enough to move in this world!

The heaven and earth of the hunting **** moved out a thousand meters away in an instant, but in the next second, a cold light suddenly appeared behind him, and Lu Chen had already killed him behind him.

"Damn it, so fast!" The hunting **** hurriedly shot an arrow backwards, taking the opportunity to quickly go out several kilometers.

However, Lu Chen is like the shadow of the hunting god, and he can't get rid of it!

Little Beasts originally wanted to help, but at this stage of the battle, they found a serious problem.

"I'm going, we don't seem to be able to keep up with this displacement speed..." The little beast looked at the empty sky madly. The two people are no longer here, but there is a roar in the distance, and the sky flashes over there. Rings of colorful light...

Rhubarb said little by little, "This is the battle between the gods, and it is not at the same level with Xianzun, let alone mortals."

"I think at the beginning, when I fought with the main god, I jumped between the stars...that is the real thing to smash the stars and destroy the common people with a single thought..."

The little beast looked at Rhubarb with disgust, "I said Rhubarb. The hero doesn't mention the bravery back then. Now you have to recognize your position."

"In other words, we have to become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise we can't keep up with the battle between the gods."

While they were talking, Lu Chen and the hunting **** had already returned to the sky above them.

Lu Chen's attack was like crazy. The archer, the **** of hunting, had no chance to shoot at all. He was extremely embarrassed!

"A sword breaks the sky! The heaven and earth are evil! The sky and the earth are shot!" Lu Chen shouted violently!

The hunting **** a three-world earth-centered arrow shot to the ground to contain the heavens and earth evils, and then blocked Lu Chen’s sword breaking the sky with a golden scale sunset bow. In an instant, he could crack Lu Chen’s two ultimate moves, the hunting. God is also powerful.

But what he didn't expect was that at this moment, from the sky, a beam of spiritual power fell instantly and hit the top of his head directly.

After being shot by this world, the hunting **** fell directly from the sky...

Seeing this, the little hair ball was excited, and rushed in the direction where the hunting **** fell!

Not long after, I heard the wailing voice of the hunting **** in the forest in the distance, "Yes, it's the god-wrenching rat! Ah!"

It seems that Xiao Mao Tuan finally has the opportunity to truly "eat God"!

The little beast rushed over, yelling all the way, "Little hair ball, stay alive! Also, the spiritual core is mine!"

On the high mountain in the distance, the black monkey and others were already shaking with fright.

The jackal has knocked down the hunting **** from the sky!

The jackal who has been living in their tribe... defeated the hunting god? !

I don't know who took the lead and knelt to the ground.

"The old **** has fallen, and the newborn succeeded! Meet the emperor and the jackal!"

It's a pity that Lu Chen isn't here, otherwise I guess he can only shake his head helplessly, these people also heard a little understanding...

At this time, Lu Chen had faded from his demonic state. Although the battle with the hunting **** spanned thousands of miles, it did not last long.

It's just that if he doesn't withdraw from the inner demon, Lu Chen may directly kill the hunting god.

At this time, a little Mao Tuan took advantage of Lu Chen's not to say hello, and had already eaten the right arm of the hunting god. Fortunately, the little beast stopped in time, and finally the hunting **** had not died.

The hunting **** looked at Xiao Mao Tuan in horror, more alarmed than seeing Lu Chen.

"This Swallowing Sky Devouring Rat is so high! You, don't come over! I'm the only one crazy, stop it!"

"You, what do you want to know, I will tell you, don't let it come over!"

Lu Chen looked at the hunting **** and smiled contemptuously, "Aren't you a god? How can you be afraid of one of my pets?"

"You said it yourself. Okay, I'll give you one chance."

"Tell me, where is the Hongmeng God Tree?"

The hunting god’s eyes have been staring at the small hair ball, the guy is wiping the blood from his mouth, his small eyes are still looking at him greedily, as if he hasn’t eaten enough...

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