Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1443: Can't operate

The bones smiled slightly, not as if they were hostile.

If you don't consider that her body is just a skeleton, the appearance of the white bones is really dazzling.

"It looks like it's really you?" Bai Gu smiled and looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen observed the bones for a while, and saw that the other party hadn't taken any action at all, and she hadn't even released her spiritual power. She didn't have the idea of ​​defending Lu Chen at all.

Finally, Lu Chen also let go of his vigilance and said, "Yes, it's me. But, why do many of you know me?"

Bai Gu finally got a positive answer, her eyes lightened slightly, and she smiled slightly, "Nine Domains Tongtian Road, immortal guards against the sky... I am a god, there is a number like you in the mortal world, why? I don’t know. I just didn’t expect that this time by chance, I would walk with you."

"Your real name is Lu Chen, I heard someone talk about it."

Lu Chen nodded, "Well, I'm the only one who is crazy is the name I chose randomly after entering the nine days."

"Whatever you choose? In my opinion, this name is very appropriate for you, going against the sky. I have never seen anyone mader than you."

Bai Gu was actually very interested in Lu Chen and asked questions.

No matter what the white bone's real body is, at least the current appearance is indeed a perfect beauty. The interesting thing is her curious appearance, which makes Lu Chen feel even more like the girl he met before.

"Is White Bone your title? Then what is your original celestial account or ID?"

"Well, in fact, most of the titles of the gods are not so domineering. I used to be called Bone Charm. It's just that in the Eighth Heaven, the title will be more recognizable, and the titles of the gods are often called."

Lu Chen nodded, "Then, why can the bones of your body extend? Is it your own body, or is it a special exercise effect."

"You mean this?" The white bone stretched out his white arm. Suddenly, the delicate skin disappeared, and Lu Chen had a white bone.

"This is one of the three talents of our undead race. The undead race has souls that can control the soul, like withered claws, as well as me and the ghost. The bones are full of spiritual power, and the bones will change according to consciousness."

"There are also those who control the undead. Their line mainly cultivates puppetry and spirit masters."

With that said, Bai Gu also Lu Chen demonstrated the ability of bones to stretch.

"Look at my bones, they can stretch very long. This bone has very strong defensive power and sensitive touch. When a bone breaks, it can take off a large part of its strength..."

Seeing the woman next to him was playing with his arm bones, Lu Chen was also a black line. Could this be a good chat?

"Uh... It's amazing. Well, let's put it away, don't waste spiritual power."

Bai Bone put away his hand bones and looked at Lu Chen, a little embarrassed, "Do you think our undead clan is disgusting?"

"Our undead clan is very special. The initial physical body will inevitably be destroyed when crossing the catastrophe and becoming immortal, but because of this, the undead clan is not afraid of the heavenly calamity, and the fate of your abandon will gradually form after we become immortals.

"It's just that at this time, we have no so-called relatives or friends..."

"No, no!" Lu Chen said immediately, "I have friends in many other races, and tolerance is pretty good."

The bones sighed, "You don't need to explain, we are actually used to it."

"Even to gain the power of faith, it's the same."

"Except for the undead world, not many people in the world are willing to believe in gods in our image. Although we have worked hard to protect them, they still can only accept the gods they are willing to accept."

Lu Chen suddenly felt that he had previously envied the strength of the Undead Race, but the Undead Race also had its own distress.

In fact, the same is true when you think about it. Some people believe in gods, and some even believe in demons, but who would believe in a bunch of bones?

"Then how do you get the power of faith?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"We don't use our own image to show others, but in this way, we can acquire the power of faith far less quickly than others," said Bai Gu, "that's why we will be here for a long time, using the chaos core to exchange the power of faith."

"Actually, if a **** is not a god, as long as it is not the strongest one, there will always be a lot of helplessness..."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

This is the first time he truly understands the undead...

After chatting with White Bones for so long, Lu Chen's biggest feeling is that these lofty gods do not really control everything.

They can control the destiny of mortals, but they cannot control their own!

Bai Bone left his Ten Thousand Worlds Sound Transmission Talisman to Lu Chen, "You need to have your own allies in God's Domain. You are a human race, and you should not have a fellow race. If you need any help, you can come to me."

Later, both Nether and Withered Claw had awakened, and the team continued to hunt.

The special care of Bai Bone for Lu Chen became more and more obvious, and even Lu Chen could feel some "care beyond his teammates."

It's just that Lu Chen is really under pressure.

Although he does not discriminate against the undead races, at least these three undead races are gods that he met in God's Domain and are more friendly to him, but he can accept certain alien races, but... some of them are really difficult for him to accept.

Four days later, Lu Chen fulfilled the agreement and assisted the team in hunting down fifty Chaos Beasts.

Nether and the others returned to the place where they left off. Nether asked, "God and devil, are you going out with us?"

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, "I won't go out for now."

You Ming nodded, and didn't ask too much, "Okay, then we don't have to pass this. You alone should be more careful. If you are looking for a team in the future, we welcome you at any time."

Dry Claw gave Lu Chen his own sound transmission note, "The three of us often act together, and the number of worlds under the control of the undead tribe is not many. The three of us share the world of faith, and we can come to our world when we have time."

Lu Chen took the sound transmission talisman, clasped his fist and said, "Thank you very much, I hope there is such an opportunity."

After that, Lu Chen turned and walked into the darkness again.

You Ming looked at the silent bone, and sighed, "Bone, don't think about it, he won't like you."

Withered Claw also said, "It is said that the gods and demons never cut off the dust fate, but you have to understand that the white bones do not cut off the dust fate does show that he is more similar to us, but it also shows that he has never let go of what he thinks in his heart... …"

"The undead race and the human race, after all, there is a gap between life and death!"

Together with the frustrated Bones, the two finally walked out of the Holy Land of Open Heaven.


Lu Chen called out the little beast, the little hair ball, the rhubarb, the little golden carp, and the little source, and went deep into the Holy Land of Open Heaven.

The team is led by Xiao Jinli. Although her way of hunting for treasures is a bit weird, Fang is in the Holy Land of Kaitian, and it's the same wherever she goes.

Little Beast walked next to Lu Chen, "Dad, the undead woman has already explained that she likes you before, why don't you accept it?"

Lu Chen held his forehead, Xiao Beast is still caring about his life-long events...

Rhubarb suddenly said lightly, "I can't do it."

"The reproductive method of the undead is different from that of humans."

Little Beast looked unconvinced, "Mu Sheng and Dad can make it, how come the undead can't operate it?"

"I don't believe it, wait for me to meet an undead girl and get a bone dragon out to show you!"

Lu Chen held his forehead, the little beast has really grown up, and his ambition is getting bigger and bigger...If this continues, his grandchildren are afraid that they will spread across all the races!

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