Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1451: I am the king, you are the minister!

When the battle of the gods started, Lu Chen noticed that the sky above his head had already shifted and the star palace had shifted!

"So fast, it seems that this nine-day sky-reaching formation caused the star to alternate..."

At this time, no constellation has entered the scope of the sky-reaching formation, but the gods of all parties have already begun to act.

"At this time, the star palace has not yet returned to its place. It is fair to everyone. We will solve a few first!"

"Shenwei Qilin Armor!"

"Haotian War God possessed!"

"Beasts and psychics!"

All of a sudden, the gods used their skills to start, and in the battlefield of the gods, the wind was surging, and the sand was wild!

Lu Chen also started the symbiosis between gods and demons. According to his thoughts, this kind of melee is best if you can't do it without taking a shot. At this time, you are not in a hurry to fight with others, and do defense first.

While Lu Chen was observing the battlefield, several figures suddenly appeared beside him at the same time.

These people were clearly from different camps, but they coincided with each other, and at the same time they chose to trouble Lu Chen first.

"The god, the devil, and the emperor, I have long heard that you are walking against the sky, but today you have reached the end of the road!"

"In God's Domain, how can there be a place for mortals? Your appearance is an insult to us!"

"The battle of the gods, even a mortal dare you to disrupt the situation? Mortals should be where they should be!"

There are a total of seventeen gods around, staring at Lu Chenhu. In the past, they might have started fighting first, but at this moment they surrounded Lu Chencheng, obviously intending to kill Lu Chen first!

Seeing this scene, Bone Mei suddenly became nervous.

As expected, from the beginning of the battle of the gods, the strange creature, I alone, must become the target of public criticism!

"Brother Mad!"

Surrounded by the gods, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mind turned sharply.

The most important thing he needs to pay attention to is the five-star subordinate god, but the astrological signs are unknown, and the five-star subordinate **** should not move at this time. In that case...

"It seems that you despise the Emperor? Okay, give you a chance!"

The Promise Sword of Gods and Demons, and the Spear of Void Destruction simultaneously appeared beside Lu Chen, and behind him, the little beast, the little hair ball, the little source, and the rhubarb also appeared at the same time!

The little beast looked like gearing his hands, with a smirk on his face, "God! The spiritual core of the gods, they say they are called the **** core, the name is different!"

"Squeaky, Squeaky!"

Little Mao Tuan said that the arm of the **** of hunting last time, the taste is indeed very nostalgic.

Xiao Yuan roared, fighting high.

When the gods saw these three beasts, they couldn't help frowning.

"It is said that the three sacred beasts who are the only mad are extraordinary, the heaven and the earth are the most refined, the sky-swallowing the gods, the beasts...The white rat is the swallowing the sky-swallowing the gods, right?"

"Don't be stared at by that white mouse, that guy eats gods, it's very difficult!"

For the gods, the most fearful thing is probably the little hairball, so pay special attention to the movement of the little hairball.

"Huh? That half-dragon and half-dog looks a bit like a tengu, but it's a bit surprised with the big tengu. What kind of beast is it?"

"I haven't heard of the only madman and a fourth beast that can be beaten."

Rhubarb saw a group of lower gods around him at a glance, and his face was anxious, "This, this... I said the boss, why should I be called out on this occasion..."

Lu Chen frowned slightly and asked strangely, "Rhubarb, aren't you the devil? You shouldn't put these lower gods in your eyes."

"I didn't put them in my eyes, but it doesn't mean that I can beat them... the supreme thing, it was a long time ago, I can't practice in the open heaven and holy land, I... forget it, I support you mentally!"

Rhubarb's appearance is indeed a bit bluffing. It stood in front of Lu Chen, angered at his dantian, and furiously said, "You rubbish, the gods and demons are here, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha! My boss said, Come on together!"

After provoking the gods, Rhubarb quickly hid behind Xiaoyuan.

Xiaoyuan's defense is the most terrifying, so let's follow Xiaoyuan.

Lu Chen is also a black line. Although Rhubarb is the supreme black demon, at present, it seems that it is a little bigger than before.

But let alone, these rhubarb sounds really have the effect of boosting morale.

"Hahahaha, it feels coming! Dad, leave it to you, Xiao Maotuan, Xiao Yuan, let's pick soft persimmons!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, worthy of the little beast, always keeping such a clear head and making the most correct judgment.

"Arrogant!" A **** shouted angrily and shook the world, and suddenly a burst of terrifying spiritual power broke out all over his body, "You, the head of the god, the devil, and the emperor, the iron arm of this seat must be screwed down by your own hands!"

"Magic Skill, Heaven-Through God Arm, One Punch Breaks the Star!"

The surrounding gods are also unwilling to show weakness, "Go together? Really arrogant, this seat will show you the gap between mortals and gods!"

"Magic Skill·Dawn Sword Shadow·Shadow Sky!"

In the distance, You Ming and the others didn't even dare to look at the next picture.

And in a certain corner, the hunting **** was also watching the battle on Lu Chen's side nervously.

Once Lu Chen dies, he can take back his divine core miniature and regain his freedom.

"Only I am crazy. At the beginning, your strength was slightly better than me by half a point. There are three three-star subordinate gods I know here. I can't even think of how you can survive this situation!"

A hundred miles away, a shadow stone was suspended in front of three white-haired old men, showing the battle situation at the battle of the gods.

But at the moment, Shadow Stone's screen was only staring at the battle on Lu Chen's side.

"Samsung Human Sovereign...Hey, Taixing, you said, without considering the divine power of the Heavenly Dao, the strength of the Samsung Human Sovereign is roughly equivalent to that of the subordinate gods of several stars?"

An elderly white-bearded man beside him smiled slightly, "This Lu Chen two-star human emperor defeated the two-star lower **** hunting god. So, the three-star human emperor is equivalent to the three-star lower god. Dao Chen, what do you think?"

The third old man threw the whisk in his hand on his shoulder, and said lightly, "It shouldn't be compared like this."

"Xuanzhen, Taixing, don’t forget, Lu Chen’s Human Sovereign Realm is "mutated". At the beginning, he broke through the nine-star Human Sovereign and cultivated to the 18th Star Human Sovereign, and after breaking through the Human Sovereign realm, I will consider Every time he rises by one star, his strength should be several times higher than that of a normal human emperor. Therefore, a three-star human emperor may be able to fight a four-star or even a five-star lower god."

Taixing always kept a faint smile on his face, "I have forgotten that this kid is still a mutant human emperor... If Dao Chen's calculation is good, then he does have the strength to fight for the soul of the gods and demons."

Xuan Zhen frowned slightly, "It's just that he is qualified to fight. Judging from his current situation, I feel hopeless."

"Not only was his identity exposed prematurely, but in the eight major systems, there are five-star top-level lower-level gods leading the team. Even if he fights alone, he may not be able to get a bargain in the hands of the Iori."

Dao Chen said lightly, "Is he that person? I don't want to speculate here anymore. Let's see how he performs in this battle and whether he can survive."

At this moment, a terrifying flame raged in the battlefield and went straight to the sky!

A white-haired man stood in the air, his demonized left arm was like the body of a demon god, and the Promise Sword in his right hand was entangled in black and white.

"God is it! Remember, in front of the emperor, I am the ruler and you are the minister!"

"Too virtual form!"

Lu Chen skipped the state of demons directly, and activated his imaginary form!

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