Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1454: Life and death

The Thunder Dragon plunged into the creation space, and the Thunder Dragon itself was transformed by spiritual power, which instantly aroused a surge of spiritual power in the creation space.

The sword shadows in the space increased crazily, and a "sword dragon" was formed in an instant, fighting with the thunder dragon.

At the same time, after absorbing a large amount of spiritual power, the space expanded rapidly, directly supporting the Thunder Net.

At this time, Lu Chen recalled Xiao Beast and others to avoid the space.

With the characteristics of the creation space, the Thunder Dragon should not be afraid of it now. The more it attacks, the more sword shadows it generates.

The key lies in the contest between the creation space and the Thunder Net.

Can the creation space support the Thunder Net!

Dao Chen squinted his eyes slightly, "Wuji gives birth to Tai Chi, and Tai Chi gives birth to Liang Yi...There are thousands of types of artistic conceptions, but Lu Chen's artistic conception is in harmony with the Yin and Yang Tao!"

Taixing also frowned, "The founding space already has a rudimentary form to create a world. If it is further improved, I am afraid it will be comparable to the means of the Supreme Lord God in the future."

"What you said is too exaggerated." Xuanzhen said, "This creation space is currently only absorbing spiritual power and nurturing spiritual power. It is still a thousand miles away from creating a world."

"What's more, creating the world can only be regarded as a strange trick. Lu Chen's strength determines that the creation space is not indestructible, and its expansion speed is slow. I think that Lingbo has the help of the stars, and it should be solvable."

In the field, Ling Bo's eyes widened.

Lu Chen didn't use much of this trick of creating the world, mainly because it was not suitable for use in actual combat. Not to mention the skill of the gods, the speed of the immortals could be easily avoided.

But here and now, facing the thundernet and thunder dragon attack, it really played a miraculous effect.

"I don't see it, you really have two things!" Ling Bo narrowed his eyes slightly, "but unfortunately, your dimension may be invincible in the lower realm, but you shouldn't underestimate my Star Thunder King!"

"Leverage Thunder Dragon's spiritual power to expand your creation space? It's pretty beautiful!" Ling Bo said, his eyes rounded, and he let out a low voice, "Thunder Dragon...Solve!"

The Thunder Dragon, who was in a fierce battle with the Stegosaurus, disintegrated instantly with Ling Bo's order!

The Thunder Dragon is based on thunder as its bones and water vapor as its flesh and blood. Now the water vapor has dissipated and the thunder and lightning are wiped out!

"Xinglei Skynet, take it! Broken this creation space for me!" Ling Bo's right hand claws, fully controlling the inward compression of the thundernet.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt a terrifying force, squeezing the edge of the creation space.

Lu Chen's eyes were wide open, sitting cross-legged, lifting the whole body's spiritual power to support the walls of the creation space, and trying to expand outward.

The creation space expands, the Xinglei Skynet shrinks, Ling Bo and Lu Chen both exert their full strength, and they are in a stalemate!

Bone Charm didn't even dare to blink his eyes now. If the Xinglei Tianwang broke through the creation space, Lu Chen would be captured by Tianwang directly, and he would not be able to escape.

Netherworld said anxiously, "Xinglei Tianwang is derived from the power of the stars, and it is continuous, but the spiritual power of the mad brothers is still limited, no matter how strong!"

"Furthermore, Ling Bo was originally a five-star lower god, and he was helped by astrological signs, and his strength was greatly improved. This...I am afraid that this battle is hopeless!"

The pressure that Lu Chen felt at this time was as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his back, miserable and without end.

Lu Chen's forehead blue veins violently, gritted his teeth, calling out his pet, "I can't hold it anymore, you...promote self-growth by creating the world!"

Lu Chen only said a word, and he had no more experience to explain more.

Fortunately, he recruited no one else. The Four Beasts had followed Lu Chen for many years and immediately understood what Lu Chen meant.

The Four Beasts cannot directly supplement the creation space with spiritual power and help it grow like Lu Chen, but they can use the spiritual power in the space to absorb it, like Ye Fan and the others.

"Quickly, Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan, Da... Rhubarb, you're by Dad's side!"

The little beast took the little hair ball and little source, and began to attack Jianying frantically...

With the help of Xiao Beast and others, Lu Chen only took a breath.

The Xinglei Skynet is too strong. If you want to break the Thundernet, the only chance now is to do your best...

Thinking of this, Lu Chen let out a low voice, "God and Demon Star! Inner Demon!"

After using the last two amplification skills, Lu Chen instantly exploded his whole body spiritual power!

"Break for Lao Tzu!" Lu Chen yelled angrily

Massive spiritual power was injected into the creation space, and the creation space suddenly expanded at this moment.

Ling Bo suddenly felt a strong resistance.

"This guy, he hasn't tried his best before!" Ling Bo said angrily.

"I want to break the Xinglei Tianwang, dream!" Ling Bo roared, and his whole body's spiritual energy exploded likewise!

At this moment, Raiwang had fallen into the outer wall of the creation space.

After all, Xinglei Tianwang was even better, and took the lead in tearing open the outer wall of the creation space.

It's just that when the creation space was destroyed, the creation space burst out with astonishing spiritual power, and even shattered the thunder net completely!

Boom boom boom... Within a kilometer, a dense explosion occurred in an arc-shaped range, and the terrifying aftermath of spiritual energy exploded wildly in the battlefield of the gods!

"Unexpectedly... unexpectedly... broken!" Ling Bo looked at the surrounding blasts incredibly, shocked, "Impossible!"

This is his ability to activate the power of the stars. It can only be activated with the assistance of the corresponding constellation. It is powerful enough to kill the six-star lower god!

But it was broken by the solitaire!

The hunting **** is now blank in his mind, where is the strength limit of the only madman?

The strong man among the five-star lower gods could not kill him with the help of the power of the stars? !

Ling Bo and Lu Chen were far away from the outer wall of Creation, and they were not affected by the aftermath, but they both vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, both of them were seriously injured!

However, all of a sudden, Ling Bo only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and a figure had already arrived in front of him.

"Ling Bo, die for me!" Lu Chen's eyes were blood red, "Tai Xu Form·One sword breaks the sky!"

Both of them were seriously injured, but Ling Bo has not recovered yet, but Lu Chen has already killed him. There is no need to say more about the strength of both parties!

Ling Bo's eyelids throbbed, and he shouted in a low voice, "Guardian Spirit! One Thousand in One!"

This guy already knew that he couldn't catch Lu Chen's sword breaking the sky this time, so he directly used his body skills to escape.

"Want to run? Shen Lin!" Lu Chen naturally wouldn't give him this opportunity.

"No, Lei Shui Lingshen is in danger! Activate the shield!"

"All Souls Forbidden Land!"

Seven or eight gods shot at the same time, offering a joint defensive formation. Lu Chen's Shen Lin didn't cross the defensive formation, and directly watched Ling Bo fled back into the camp.

"Damn it!" Lu Chen didn't dare to stay here for a long time, and quickly turned away from here and returned to the four beasts.

"Dad, that Lingbo is too disgusting, a five-star subordinate god, and he actually relies on the help of others to save a dog's life!" The little beast was furious.


Lu Chen panted heavily. He was already doing his best to chase Ling Bo just now. At this time, he vomited a few more blood, "Little beast, I can't control that much."

"The astrological signs are changing, and the spirit system does not dare to move rashly. I must hurry up to recover!"

"If I guess right, the next day, there must be someone who wants to kill me!"

Xiao Beast and others' faces suddenly became gloomy.

The situation of my father now is definitely a critical moment of life and death!

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