Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1459: Taoist invitation

Lu Chen was standing quietly on the battlefield at this time. The power of the sword just now was a little bit more powerful than he had imagined.

Just when he made the move, he clearly felt the power to surpass the limit!

"Is it because of the Polar Star?" Lu Chen raised his head to look at the star in the sky, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Emperor of Humanity is extremely humane, and Pole Star helped Lu Chen complete a breakthrough. If he can grasp the feelings just now, it will definitely be of great benefit to his future cultivation.

Just as Lu Chen was stunned, a white shadow suddenly appeared beside him, only three or four meters away from Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hurriedly withdrew, secretly startled.

When this guy got close to him, he didn't even react at all? If he wants to kill himself, I am afraid he is already dead!

This is still in his peak state, if it is normal, he is not his opponent.

In the battle of the gods, there is such a terrible opponent?

When Lu Chen looked at the man intently, he saw that the other party didn't mean to take action, and he was looking at him with a smile.

This is an old man of the descent race, he has a childlike face, a sword at his waist, and a gray robe.

"Lu Chen, why, looking at you like this, it seems that you still want to fight the deity?" The man smiled and looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Senior is..."

"I, I'm here to give you a prize. If you hurt me, then your prize will be gone."

"Awarding?" Lu Chen thought sharply.

In other words, this person is the master who brought him to the battle of the gods?

It's just that Lu Chen always thinks that the other party's *** is unkind, but this old man is not hostile to Lu Chen at all.

The most important thing is that in the battle of the gods, even though the eight gods wanted to solve him first, at least no one was secretly tricking him.

This shows that the "master behind the scenes" only attracted him, but did not target him.

"Little friend Lu Chen, what do you think? Are you thinking why I should draw you to the Battle of the Gods?" The old man saw through Lu Chen's mind and said with a smile.

Lu Chen did not answer, as if he had acquiesced to what the old man said.

"We really want to lead you to the battle of the gods, but we have no malice." The old man said unhurriedly.

"Then why do you use the spirit of the gods and demons to lead me out?" Lu Chen asked sternly.

"Well... I can only blame you for being too secretive." The old man smiled, "As far as I know, we are not the only people who want to find you. The results are all returned without success, and the clues are broken. Heavenly Holy Land, many people went searching and didn't see you."

"It just so happens that I have news about the Soul of the Gods and Demons. Your God and Demons against the sky are only the Soul of the Gods and Demons and Wutian. Whether you participate in the War of the Gods or not, you will definitely come to see the situation. ."

"What I didn't expect was that you actually participated in the competition directly... Hahaha, it seems we still underestimated your courage and growth rate!"

Lu Chen kept frowning, and he was still unsure whether the opponent was a friend or an enemy.

"Lu Chen, this is your reward." After that, the old man directly threw a ring to Lu Chen.

"Here are some god-level pills, medicinal materials, rare materials, a god-level exercise technique, and the news of the soul of gods and demons that you care most about!"

Lu Chen said in surprise, "You just rewarded me like that?"

The old man always had a gentle smile on his face, "My Dao system is holding this battle of the gods. Now that you win the game, you deserve these. If you break your promise, I am afraid that no gods will join our system in the future. ."

"As for why we are looking for you, if you want to know the answer, you can activate the teleport amulet in the ring. It is a teleport amulet to my cave. It will be valid for two years. If you come to me, I will be slow. Tell you slowly."

"Well, little friend Lu Chen, congratulations on winning the Battle of the Gods. If you are not willing to go to my cave, then I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

"After all, not all people who are looking for you are asking for your help..." The old man finished speaking, and his figure disappeared in place.

When he had just left, the light on the walls of the Nine Stars Sky Formation dissipated at the same time...Suddenly the earth shook violently, the ground collapsed, and the mountains in the distance fell, like the whole world collapsed!

"Brother mad, go!" Bone Charm flashed to Lu Chen, "You have already caused a movement with a sword just now. The nine-star heavenly formation was supporting it before. Now that the formation is withdrawn and the energy transfer is away, the ground is about to collapse!"

After all, Gu Mei pulled Lu Chen's hand and directly teleported away!


Several people were crowded in the cabin on the top of the snow mountain.

Nether, Bone Claw, Bone Charm, Little Beast, Little Hair Ball, Little Yuan, Rhubarb, Little Golden Carp, Lu Yiyi, and the Four Puppets of Thousand Chance.

Bone Charm frowned and looked at Qianji, and asked Lu Chen, "Brother Mad, this is the fairy who was made a puppet by you? I heard that he has become your counselor, and Brother Mad is really grieving with virtue, and finally influenced him. "

Qian Ji has a black line, who said that he has become Lu Chen's counselor? Who says he has been probabilized? !

Are there rumors in God's Domain too!

Lu Chen smiled slightly and said to Qian Ji, "What is that Dao system, do I want to meet their people, Qian Ji, talk about your thoughts."

Qianji's lips trembled and her heart was extremely angry.

Ask yourself again? Has Lu Chen formed a habit?

I can't wait for Lu Chen to die soon!

Looking at the palm that "I" slowly raised, Qian Ji was in pain, and said, "I am quite good at this. I will analyze it for yourself."

Qianji said a few points.

The Taoist goddess is extremely powerful. Since Lu Chen has already appeared, they should be able to track Lu Chen's whereabouts. To kill him, they don't need to wait for him to throw himself into the net.

In the battle of the gods, the Dao system did not have any special behavior. If they want to kill Lu Chen, they can do something secretly, and kill Lu Chen unconsciously, so why bother.

The third point is that the old way is to invite Lu Chen in full view, if Lu Chen dies there, I am afraid that others will still associate Lu Chen's death with them.

The last point, the old Dao said personally, the Dao family hoped that Lu Chen would help. Although they didn't clearly explain what it was, they had already revealed their intentions.

"So I think!" Qianji said confidently, "There is no danger here."

Xiao Beast interrupted Qian Ji, "Qian Ji, don't think I don't know what you think! Dad, Qian Ji's analysis makes sense, but I don't think I am in a hurry."

"Let's see if you can find the soul of the gods and demons. Then you will go. No matter whether they are hostile or not, at least it will be safer."

Bone Charm also said, "Yes, there is no good or bad in the power of the gods, but it is a struggle for interests. They want you to help, I don't think it is a good thing."

"Furthermore, the middle-ranking Shinto person said that the teleportation talisman is valid for two years. There are two years. Maybe we don't need to say, we can figure it out by ourselves.

Lu Chen nodded. What the ghost and the little beast said made sense, but they were not in a hurry to make a decision on this matter.

Now that we have talked about the clues of the soul of gods and demons, let's take a look at their rewards this time.

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