Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1462: Temple of the Sky

"Where is Mu Sheng! She is like this now?!" Lu Chen almost questioned, feeling too anxious.

Taixing said, "I don't want you to think that we are threatening you with this. I can tell you two things."

"First, Mu Sheng is not in danger! Second, she is no longer the Mu Sheng you know!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened, "What do you mean!"

Taixing sighed, "Her consciousness has been erased."

Lu Chen suddenly sat down on the stone bench, "consciousness was erased..."

In other words, even if Lu Chen finds Mu Sheng, she may just be a root system of Hongmeng, she doesn't know Lu Chen, she doesn't know Yaoer...

Mu Sheng, no longer have his own consciousness!

For a long time, Lu Chen said weakly, "Is there a way to crack it?"

"There are alien beasts and dreams of tapirs and man-eating dreams outside the sky. This is probably the only way to awaken Mu Sheng's memory."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, didn't say anything, just asked, "When will the Heavenly Outlet open?"

"Five years from now! If you want to go, we can provide you with a place to practice, so that you can go further in these five years. After all...the land outside the sky is chaotic and perilous!"

"Furthermore, Lu Chen, we are asking you for help, but some of the eight elements want your life! You are the safest with us."

Lu Chen looked at the three elders and asked, "What kind of training place can you provide?"

"We can send you to the low-level gods practice world, where one day of cultivation is equivalent to ten days!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly and suddenly said, "No, I will find a place to practice myself. I will come to you in five years!"


When Lu Chen returned to the cabin on the snow-capped mountain, Xiao Beast and the others immediately surrounded him.

Lu Chen talked about the matter roughly.

"Dad, those nasty old men are so bad, let you go out if they can't get out by themselves, they all say that the outside world is dangerous!" The little beast said indignantly, and then looked at the rhubarb.

"Rhubarb, the old man said that nine days people can't get out, I don't believe it, then how did you fight the Lord God in the first place?"

"I also created a crack to come in..." Rhubarb replied.

The little beast was a little embarrassed. Da Huang's words seemed to testify to the Taoist elders. "This... You used to be so fierce? Seeing you are so scared now, I really didn't expect..."

Rhubarb also said, "One more time, I used to be the Supreme Black Demon!"

"It's just that, boss, the universe is boundless, there are countless strong ones, your current strength is going to be beyond the sky, it's too dangerous."

Lu Chen seemed very calm. If this negotiation was a competition, then the three old cards of the family were too strong, and he had no room to fight.

"No matter what they think, how dangerous the sky is, I have to go." Lu Chen said lightly, "I promised Yaoer, I will take his mother back to Earth!"

"Rhubarb, do you know where the dream tapir is?"

"If you get to the sky, I don't know if my old ministries are still there, whether there are any apostasy... If they are, it won't be difficult to find a dream tapir.

The little beast frowned and said, "Yes, I forgot that Rhubarb is a person from outside the sky... Didn't the old man of the Dao system say that there are people who want his father's life? Then you can just avoid them when you go to the sky."

"That said, Tianwai seems to be a good place to go."

Rhubarb nodded and said, "There is one more important thing!"

Both Lu Chen and Xiao Beast looked at the rhubarb.

Rhubarb said unhurriedly, "The evolution of the little hairball! It is not a creature in nine days. Over the years, it has eaten the most, but it has only increased its attributes, and has not changed qualitatively. The answer may be outside the sky!"

"Squeaky, Squeaky!"

Xiao Mao Tuan said that he also wanted to go to Tianwai to see.

After discussing in this way, everyone found that this trip to Tianwai might still be an opportunity for them!

Little Beast asked, "Dad, you just went to Heaven, but why don't you accept their practice place? Although the one to ten practice speed is not fast, the key is that you can maintain this practice speed for a long time."

"We don't have a better place to practice now."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Yes!"


"Inside the Holy Land!" Lu Chen said affirmatively, "In the Open Heaven Holy Land, the deeper the core area, the more the Chaos Spiritual Energy will be filled, and there are Heavenly Mighty Stones in the Holy Land.

"It's just that I still have to go and see the Soul of Gods and Demons!"

After thinking about it, Lu Chen said, "Little Beast, Rhubarb, Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan, you should follow Nether and them to the Holy Land first, and wait for me while improving your strength."

Little Beast also knows places like Cangwu Temple and Jiuyou Demon Cave, and he may not be of much help.

"Dad, then you have to be careful and remember to do what you can!"


Early the next morning, Lu Chen went to the residence of the Taoist elders again and asked them for the teleportation charms of the two gods forbidden land.

San Lao was also refreshed and sent the teleportation talisman to Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, this is a forbidden place for the gods. We don't know what's inside, so remember not to rush into it."

Lu Chen agreed, squeezing the teleportation charm, and first came to the planet where the Celestial Temple was located.

This planet is different from any planet in the past. The sun and the moon are not visible, the sky is chaotic, and the starry sky is colorful, like a galaxy without a dome.

A huge white whirlpool in front of it is spinning, it is a thousand meters high and hundreds of meters wide, towering between the sky and the earth.

The vortex mist at the entrance of the cave surged, lightning and thunder...

In addition, this world seems to be a barren world, as if this world exists only for this huge portal.

There is a stone stele at Lu Chen's feet with this line written on it.

"The entrance of the Celestial Temple, where the ancient gods are, the gods cannot enter!"

"Ancient god?" Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Here is the soul?"

"Symbiosis between gods and demons! Dragon **** form! God and demons too virtual arm!" Lu Chen directly turned on many states, holding the magic spear, carefully approaching the stone monument.

When he stepped into the internal test of the stele, a bolt of lightning hit Lu Chen directly from the clouds at the entrance!


The lightning speed was so fast that Lu Chen had no time to dodge.

However, when thunder flashed by, Lu Chen found that although he had been slashed, he was unscathed.

The lightning had disappeared, and even the scene inside the entrance was much calmer.

"Is this allowing me to enter?" Lu Chen was not sure, but continued to approach the entrance.

When Lu Chen stood in front of the portal, there was no abnormality.

"It doesn't matter, go in and take a look!" Lu Chen took a breath, dripping on his toes, and shot directly at the entrance of the Celestial Temple!

After a familiar feeling of dizziness, Lu Chen opened his eyes, only seeing the scene in front of him, he was a little confused.

The world in front of me is colorful, not a single picture, but a fusion of multiple pictures.

Above the earth, a huge figure split the chaos with an axe.

A huge figure with a snake's tail in the sky, holding a colorful spar in his hand, flew towards the sky.

A giant is chasing the red sun on the sky.

A man with golden light, holding a huge bow, one bow and eight arrows, shooting into the sky...

There was confusion in Lu Chen's mind.

Pangu opened up the world, Nuwa repaired the sky, Kuafu chased the sun, Houyi shot the sun...

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