Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1466: Friends of the Eighth Heaven

When Lu Chen came out of Jiuyou Demon Cave, there was another person behind him.

He is also a human man, but the appearance of the Chaos Demon God after being transformed is much more refined than that of Pangu, not only handsome and handsome, but also with a trace of evil charm.

The appearance of the human race was originally a general aesthetic standard. Now that Jiuyou is so conspicuous, it is probably difficult to keep a low profile.

It stands to reason that Pangu and Chaos Demon God will change whatever they like.

It's just the name he gave Lu Chen a headache.

One-star middle-ranked god, great commander of **** and demon...

He's all alone, but with Pangu, the gods and demons are strong and handsome, just like a family.

It also appears that Lu Chen, the God Demon Emperor, is particularly "alternative", which means a bit of piracy.

Lu Chen couldn't control the temper of the great god.

Both said that they would not help Lu Chen. A great **** of their level didn't care about the success or failure of a mortal like Lu Chen. All they cared about was the synthesis process of the soul of the gods and the devil and guarding the two souls of the gods and the devil.

"It's changed from male to female, female to female, no masculinity at all!" Da Zhuang is looking handsome, but his tone is slightly sour.

"I'm happy!" The handsome man looked arrogant, "Who looks like you is a brash man with brute force, no interest at all."

"Whatever you say, it was I who defeated you in the first place anyway."

"Trash taking advantage of the danger!"

"The waste of the defeated man!"

Lu Chen sighed. If the two identities weren't too terrifying, he would have liked to kick them all!

It seemed that he was going to quarrel between these two guys for a long time.

Fortunately, the two souls of the gods and demons are now in their hands. As for how to merge in the future, when their strength is reached, the two of them should give pointers.

Speaking of giving instructions, Lu Chen couldn't help but make a small calculation in his heart.

The two behind them are not ordinary people, if you can let them help, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort.

It's just that both of them explained that they would not help Lu Chen.

I don’t know if there is any way to make them work around...

Forget it, I'll talk about this later, I'd better go back to Xiao Beast and them first.


When he arrived in the small town outside Kaitian Holy Land, Lu Chen was already vigilant.

The Taoist elders said that there are still some people who intend to kill themselves.

Although Lu Chen didn't know who the other party was and why he wanted to kill himself, he was also more vigilant.

There are many people here, so you have to be careful.

Lu Chen had already sent a sound transmission to Bone Mei, and they should be coming out of Kaitian Holy Land soon.

"Senior strong, senior handsome, let's wait for a few friends here first." Lu Chen reminded the two behind him.

The two didn't take it seriously, they just chatted on their own.

"Unexpectedly, the place I killed you back then became a sacred place for cultivation within nine days." Da Zhuang shook his head and sighed.

The handsome snorted, "It's as if you haven't fallen since. You became mountains and rivers after you fell, and I gave birth to this sacred land!"

"Your body breeds mortals, and I let the gods improve their cultivation. Is there any need to say about our gap?"

"Didn’t the gods also come from mortals? Besides, the true source of spiritual power in the Holy Land of Open Heaven is not your body, but the cosmic chaos. You are only the product of the cosmic chaos. To put it bluntly, it is the same thing as those chaotic beasts. , Just a little bit higher!"

The demon **** finally couldn't hold back a bit, and said angrily, "Don't compare me with those chaotic beasts, I am the **** here!"

Pangu smiled, "I'm angry, I'm angry, I suddenly found that walking with you is pretty good."


"Why, fight, hey Lu Chen, Jiuyou is going to hit me, it's not mine to ask him if something happened!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath and tried to restrain the thought of returning the two souls to the two, and then stuffing the two back into the sky temple, the Nine Nether Demons...

"It's all in the past, don't make a difference between the two seniors." Lu Chen said weakly.

At this moment, Bone Charm finally came out.

When they saw Lu Chen, Xiao Beast and the others rushed over.

In the two turbulences of time and space, Lu Chen stayed for a few hours, but several months had passed since he was outside.

Little Beast just wanted to say something when he suddenly noticed that there was a stranger behind Lu Chen, and hurriedly became vigilant, "Dad, who are they?"

Lu Chen said, "Um...companions, they will walk with us for a while, in short, just ignore them."

This was the first time I heard Dad introduce his companions like this, Xiao Beast immediately noticed something was wrong, and looked at them carefully.

The big and handsome also looked at the little beasts with great interest.

"An original beast god, a heaven and earth supreme, a black demon big tengu who has reached supreme combat power, and a...swallowing sky and killing rat, good fellow, I said Xiao Lu Chen, your battle pet is a bit strong Ah." Da Zhuang said.

"Four battle pets, four of them are top-level battle pets!" The commander also looked surprised, "Unfortunately, their growth is not complete. The Black Demon Tengu's cultivation base is lost, and they all need more experience."

The strong and handsome can see the identity of the four beasts at a glance, even the rhubarb has reached the supreme.

Obviously, these two people are not ordinary people!

Nether, Withered Claw and Bone Mei clasped their fists to the two of them, greeted them briefly, and then said to Lu Chen, "Brother Duchuang, it is not safe outside. Wait for us to change some supplies and enter the Holy Land as soon as possible."

"Wait!" Lu Chen said, "This time we will go inside the Holy Land!"

"Inside!?" Netherworld widened his eyes, "But the inside needs a five-star lower **** or above to enter, and our ranks are too far apart."

"Yes, brother Du Kuang, if you are there, we do have the ability to kill Chaos Beasts, but you don’t know. The eight gods compete fiercely in it, and it’s not uncommon for teams to hunt each other. ."

The outside is suitable for gods below the five-star subordinate gods. At this time, most people have not joined the eight-line **** system.

Nether and their supplementary team members will even find people from other races, but inside, the eight elements are distinct, and that is completely different.

"People say that Kaitian Holy Land starts from the inside, and it is the real place of experience, and the periphery is just a little trouble." You Ming emphasized again.

Lu Chen said firmly, "Only inside is the power stone. Now for me, safety is not the first place, efficiency is!"

Afterwards, Lu Chen looked at the three Gu Mei, "You don't actually need to follow me on adventures..."

"Brother Kuang, you, do you dislike our weakness?" Gu Mei's eyes were a little sad.

"Bone Charm, you have misunderstood. You have helped me a lot. At this time, most people can't wait to draw a clear line with me, but you are still willing to help. Lu Chen is already grateful.

"The Taoist elders said that many people plan to disadvantage me, and I am afraid that if you walk too close to me, it will drag you down."

Netherworld laughed, "Hahaha, brother Du Kuang, you are out of sight when you say so, you see you just met these two friends, and you haven't seen you so polite with them, how come you are so kind to us? ."

"In the realm of God, apart from the fact that the three of us become gods together, we want to make a friend worthy of our heart. This is something we didn't even dare to think about in the past. Since we are predestined, we will naturally not let you be alone. Go on an adventure!"

Hearing what Nether and the others said, Lu Chen felt warm in his heart.

Yes, Yah-Tian can still make friends, which is something he never dared to think of before!

Since it is a friend, there is no reason to get off the bus halfway.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's fighting spirit rekindled.

He took a deep breath, "Okay, let's go inside the Holy Land together, no matter who he makes us, let them lose everything!"

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