Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1470: Chaos ghost gold vein

At this time, Lu Chen, You Ming and others had killed four or five Intermediate Chaos Beasts.

Although everyone is not at a high level, and the current progress is not too fast, but the cooperation is tacit, the division of labor is clear, and it is also methodical.

"Lone Mad, the Chaos Core will be given to you." Nether took out the Chaos Core and threw it to Lu Chen, "You are in urgent need of improving your strength now. We have a long time, and we don't care about these years of work."

Lu Chen didn't turn down anymore, and it was a big deal to compensate the three undead after the strength came up.

While the team was continuing to search for the next prey, two figures stood in front of Lu Chen.

As soon as he saw these two people, Lu Chen's pressure suddenly doubled.

"You dare to calculate me?" Jiu You squinted at Lu Chen, "You actually hit our attention, aren't you afraid that I will kill you!"

Pan Gu also frowned, this time he didn't actually sing against Jiuyou.

Facing the questions of these two great gods, Lu Chen knew that if he continued to deceive them now, he probably would have no good results.

He hurriedly clasped his fists and said to the two of them, "The two seniors, Lu Chen has no other way to do it.

"At that time, chasing soldiers from all walks of life surrounded, chased and intercepted, and the opponent's strength was far above us. Even if we could repel one or two of them, we would not be able to escape from so many people."

Pangu looked at Lu Chen and said, "Because we said we won't help you, so you want us to do it ourselves! If you find a way to sneak away, we will definitely look for you everywhere. That will expose my position and change People lead away!"

Lu Chen replied, "I really think so. I think it should not be difficult to solve these chasing soldiers with the strength of two people, and it does not violate the principle of two people..."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he looked at the two great gods nervously.

Anyone who is used in this way will probably be very upset, not to mention that they are noble, and if they are angry, they might really kill themselves.

With his current strength, he is definitely not the opponent of these two.

Nether and others didn't see Lu Chen following, but after recovering, they found that Da Zhuang and Da Shuai were standing in front of Lu Chen.

Seeing the murderous appearance of the two, the three of You Ming were about to come, but Lu Chen raised his hand and signaled them not to come.

"Two seniors, if you have grievances in your heart, please don't embarrass my friend. Pay attention to me, and I will bear the consequences."

There was silence around, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

Jiuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly patted Lu Chen's chest with a palm.

The speed of this palm is not fast, but it makes the surrounding spiritual power shake!

However, Jiuyou's palm was suspended half an inch in front of Lu Chen's chest and did not fall.

The violent spiritual power swept across Lu Chen's side, and in a blink of an eye, the jungle behind Lu Chen was leveled directly.

Even dozens of Chaos Beasts died inexplicably under this blow!

Lu Chen looked at the palm print that stretched out 100 meters behind him in horror, then turned his head and looked at Jiu You in surprise, "Senior, you..."

The handsome man retracted his palms and folded his hands, "I lost you, it's my own problem." After that, he walked to Netherworld and others, "Let's go."

Lu Chen was also in a cold sweat.

It's just that it's not the time to relax, there is still a person standing in front of him.

Pan Gu was looking at Lu Chen with wide eyes.


Pan Gu said seriously, "Speaking of which, although your approach has taken advantage of me, you have to say that your kid's strategy is indeed a coup."

"Huh?" Lu Chen looked at Pangu in surprise, why did this guy look admiring?

"Under the circumstances at the time, we all felt that you were desperate, but you could still come up with countermeasures. From this point of view..."

"Xiao Lu Chen, it seems that Nuwa can value you for a reason."

"Uh... Didn't senior blame me?"

Pangu thought for a while and said, "Fortunately, as you said, we have not violated our promise. You will maximize the resources you can use. This is understandable. If I were you, I would do the same."

"But how did you fool us?"

Lu Chen informed Pangu of their methods.

Pangu slapped his forehead, "It's really careless, the most dangerous place is the safest. Why didn't we think of it in the first place!"

"You stinky boy, you are really cunning. Forget it, don't stand stupid, Jiuyou didn't blame you, can I be more narrow-minded than him?"

"Thank you senior!"

"But kid, you can remember, next time you don't want to be clever, I will keep staring at you!" Pangu said, pointing **** to his eyes, and then to Lu Chen's eyes. , He looked like he would stare at Lu Chen.

After finishing speaking, Pan Gu raised his hand and took the chaotic beast cores that Jiuyou had just killed. He looked at Lu Chen and smiled triumphantly, "Have you seen the twenty intermediate chaotic cores... just now? Do you want to pick up the leaks?"

"I won't give it to you!" He said, leaving with a smug look.

Seeing Pangu taking away 20 Intermediate Chaos Cores, Lu Chen also felt heartache.

I just said that Pangu is broad-minded, but the result is very...

However, neither Pangu nor Jiuyou continued to pursue them, and Lu Chen was also relieved.

When the team was resting for a while, Lu Chen was discussing the next move with You Ming and Xiao Beast.

Lu Chen only felt a chill on his back. When he turned his head, he saw that Da Zhuang and Da Shuai were no longer admiring flowers and trees. Four eyes were staring at him.

"That kid doesn't want to calculate us again, right?" Pan Gu squinted.

"Protection is not complete...Anyway, this kid is definitely not a simple and honest person, with a stomach of bad water." Jiu Youyou said, "Now you have to keep an eye on it, and don't let him run away."

"Well, let's stop fighting. It's important to stare at this kid. If you get tricked again, you and I will lose face!"

Lu Chen didn't know how he suddenly became the common enemy of the Creation God and the Chaos Demon God, and even caused the two ancient gods to put aside their ten thousand years of grievances and temporarily alliance.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen sighed. It seems that it might not be so easy for these two to make a move next time.

"Brother Mad," Bone Charm's voice pulled Lu Chen's attention back. She took out a map and opened it in front of everyone. "This is the distribution of mineral veins I bought from others. You don't always want to find the power of God. Stone."

Lu Chen said in surprise, "Mineral veins? Has a vein formed in this place?"

Bone Mei said, "Brother Mad, this place has existed for thousands of years, and it is not surprising that the veins are formed, but the veins are not the veins of Shenwei Stone."

Nether looked at the map and distinguished it, "This is the chaotic golden vein, this thing is the material for refining, but because it is too common, and the refining artifacts are more than tough, but difficult to manipulate, it is not popular. "

"Bone Charm, this map is useless, how much did you spend to change it."

"100 low-level chaos cores..." Bone Mei said embarrassedly.

Withered Claw licked his mouth, "Bone Charm, then you are really rich...that's something we can only save after hunting for a long time."

Bone Charm didn't want to continue talking about the cost, "Don't talk about the map, Brother Kuang, the Tianwei stone is accompanied by the growth of the chaotic golden veins, we follow the veins, maybe there will be gains."

Nether Ming thought for a while, and suddenly said, "The old mineral veins have been explored. I heard that a new mineral vein has been discovered recently...it is this one!" Nether Ming pointed to a vein mark on the map and said, "There must be Shenwei Stone here. Quite a lot!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

If he could get the supernatural power stone, his cultivation speed could rise several steps!

"It's just that there are generally powerful Chaos Beasts near the Chaos You Gold Mine, and their strength may have to reach the mid-level god. Moreover, there are also people exploring new veins." Dry Claw reminded.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "This kind of opportunity is too rare. While we are hunting, we will look over there!"

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