"There are strange spiritual power fluctuations on this camouflage stone wall, which is difficult for ordinary people to cross, and if it is strong, the other party will definitely know in advance." Nether said, touching the stone wall in front of him.

This is the rock wall left by the mandrill, the real entrance has been hidden behind this wall.

"Iron Armor and Mandrill are both middle-level gods. It's the best not to let them know." Lu Chen said.

You Ming nodded, "Don't worry, leave it to us."

After all, Nether pressed his hands on the wall, and the spiritual power on his body was flowing in a slow manner... The direction of spiritual power was not flowing along the blood vessels according to Lu Chen's meridians, but along the bones!

"Dead Call!" Nether screamed!

Then, from the stone wall, a ghost hand stretched out...Nether held the ghost hand, let the ghost hand pull him, and entered the wall.

"I... go..." Lu Chen was stunned. Is this okay?

Then, the second ghost hand stretched out again.

Gu Mei smiled and looked at Lu Chen, "Brother Mad, we may not be good at earth element, but as the saying goes, dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth, there are dead souls in every inch of the land, as long as they are undead races, they can summon these undead. , Can also achieve the purpose of walking through the land."

Lu Chen's eyes widened. That's why.

"Then... what should I do?"

"Brother Kuang, you can too!" Bone Mei said with some embarrassment, "I, I was afraid that you would fall in the battle of the gods, I served you the soul-returning pill, and your bones should have undergone some changes... ...But don't worry, as long as you don't die, it won't affect you at all." Gu Mei quickly explained it by herself, for fear that Lu Chen thought he was going to harm him.

"Returning the soul pill? Why don't I know! Will I become an undead clan after I die?"

Withered Claw said, "As long as your bones are preserved intact, there is a high chance of success."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, imagining that he was turning into a skeleton, always feeling a little crippled.

The ghost hand on the wall beckoned to Lu Chen, motioning him to stop the ink stain.

Lu Chen didn't care about so much now, and when he gritted his teeth and pulled the ghost hand, he was also dragged in.

He had encountered similar skills in the past, and they were all desperately ghosts, but now he is actually throwing himself into the net.

Sure enough, the world is unpredictable.

Bone Claw and Bone Mei also entered the stone wall one after another.

Now only big and handsome are left here.

The two waited for a long time.

"Why are there no ghosts to pick us up?" Pangu frowned, "Just leave us alone?"

"We are not their teammates, forget it, go in by yourself."

Pangu shook his head, "Hey, it's really sad." After that, he walked directly into the wall...

Lu Chen used his spiritual power to protect his body, and he could feel that his body was being pulled by a force of strength, and he kept moving through the rock wall.

Soon they were sent out to disguise the cliff.

"This corresponds to the location of the main channel, Bone Charm. Looking at the map, we will determine the direction of the main channel."

Bone Mei took out the map, and everyone found their location.

After taking note of the location, Lu Chen said, "I heard from them just now that they may have issued the main channel at 300 meters, then found the ground position, and entered the main channel area directly from here."

"So we may need to descend below 300 meters."

"If this is the case, we can go down to about two hundred thirty or forty meters. The dead souls can't get close to the ore!" Withered Bones said, "but the iron armor should be similar to them. The ghost gold mine is not earth element, and they can only shuttle nearby. Area, you need to dig it yourself when you encounter mineral veins."

"There are underground chaotic beasts near the Youjin Mine, and there will also be passages. Finding the passage is not far from the vein."

Lu Chen nodded, "Okay, let's go in. Everyone, be careful, don't fight with them for the time being, think of a way to defeat them one by one!"

After thinking about it, Lu Chen swapped out a small hair ball.

This little thing is small in size, and it’s okay to follow yourself. The most important thing is that this guy can eat!

Several ghost hands appeared on the wall, and several people entered the real entrance of the main mine.

All the way down, about two hundred and twenty-three meters, Lu Chen found that he was stuck.

It seems that the souls of the dead can only send them to this depth.

The little hair ball was on top of Lu Chen's head, grabbing Lu Chen's hair, and dug out a block of soil in front of Lu Chen.

A black crystal appeared in the soil.

The little hairball grabbed the crystal and began to eat without saying a word.

He swallowed the jujube and ate this big spar, and the small hairball continued to dig down...

These spars should be the chaotic gold mine scattered outside the veins.

It's a pity that You Gold Mine is very stable, and the small hairballs can be eaten directly, but Lu Chen seems to be unable to absorb it directly.

"Small hairball, dig in a place with a lot of ore!" Lu Chen said.

After traveling more than ten meters under the ground, the small hairball dug through the soil in front. Through the passage in front, you can see that there is a passage in front.

Lu Chen hurriedly penetrated the front soil layer and got out of the soil.

Not long after, Nether and the others also found here.

Several clusters of ghost fire lit up around Nether, illuminating the underground tunnel.

The tunnel is three or four meters high, more than enough to accommodate a few people.

From the end of the tunnel came a noisy muffled sound, as if there was a fight somewhere in the tunnel, and the vibration caused, causing the gravel in the tunnel to slip and become extremely unstable.

"Are they Ironclad?" Nether asked.

"It's not like!" Lu Chen said, "The voice is dull, it seems to be some distance away from us, indicating that the fighting arena is separated... It may be the branch, where those teams met the Chaos Beasts."

"We're looking for us."

It has to be said that Iron Armor's plan is absolutely ingenious. The exploratory force and the Chaos Beast are really fighting each other. In this fight, most of the Chaos Beasts are estimated to rush over, causing them to basically not encounter the Chaos Beast here.

Lu Chen also took over the iron armor and their light, and the road was unimpeded.

Following the tunnel dug by the Chaos Beast, he walked seven or eighty meters underground, and there was a gleaming light flashing at the corner in front.

Lu Chen and the others hurried away.

As soon as they turned a corner, they saw a shocking scene.

Here is a natural passage with no end, clusters of green crystals on the ground are like plants made of crystals, covering the ground, walls, and cave ceilings more than ten meters high!

Among these crystal clusters with dark green light, there are some gems with extraordinarily dazzling color everywhere, all of which are eye-catching and gorgeous.

This is the other rare materials associated with Chaos You Gold Mine. It is said that each one is extremely rare and expensive!

"It's the Emperor's Stone! And the Xuanyou Ziying Stone! Look, it's... the Chaos God's Mighty Stone!" Youming was thrilled, this is a wealth that can make the gods crazy!

Just when everyone was shocked, suddenly, the ground under Nether's feet, like a square stone being transported, was moved away with Nether in an instant!

"Nether!" Lu Chen whispered.

Immediately afterwards, Withered Claw, Bone Charm was also removed!

The stones at the feet of the three people ignited red flames around them, making them unable to move and being trapped in the ring of fire.

Da Zhuang and Da Shuai were also removed, but they did not panic or struggle, allowing the clods to remove them.

"I warn you, if you dare to move these rubbish! Isn't it an undead race? I will let you never see the sun!" A voice came out from behind a large cluster of golden crystals.

Then, the second person also walked out.

They surrounded Lu Chen.

"What a oriole catching cicadas, dare to hit our attention? Boy, you're so courageous!" With the help of the green light, Lu Chen could already see the speaker's appearance.

It is the iron armor of the middle god.

And the middle-ranked mandrill who looked at Lu Chen indifferently from the side!

Da Zhuang looked at the handsome, and said leisurely, "Two one-star mid-level gods, okay, the game is over, we should go home too!"

The handsome nodded, "These two middle gods are both cruel and cruel masters. Four of their men have been killed by them, and the bodies are underground."

"At this time, this little Lu Chen has always stopped singing, right? I don't believe he can escape this time!"

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