Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1474: Status dispute

"I'm going to see that kid, you are here as a hostage!" The commander said suddenly.

"Why!" Da Zhuang widened his eyes.

"If we chase them out, those two people will see that so many people have run away. The secret is definitely not being kept. They will definitely kill Nether and them, take away some resources and ran away." The marshal said, "We won't help Lu. The little fox Chen, but... can't ruin his plan, right."

"Don't worry, I'm just leaving the body!" After saying that, Jiuyou's expression was sluggish for less than half a second before returning to normal.

Da Zhuang gritted his teeth and said, "This guy! Hey, look closer, don't let that kid play!"


The little hairball was fully fired, and the little beast dragged the seriously injured Lu Chen and crawled forward in the tunnel.

It's a pity that only the little hairball can eat these ghost gold mines, and even the little beasts can't digest it, and now it can only rely on the fighting power of the little hairball.

Fortunately, this guy can eat very much, like a ground burr, with full power, and even the little beast can't keep up with it.

After escaping three or four hundred meters, the small hair ball bit through the wall, and another mine room appeared in front of it.

Little Beast came out to check the situation first, and after confirming that there were no other creatures, he pulled Lu Chen out.

"Dad, we escaped!" The little beast placed Lu Chen carefully on the ground, leaning against a huge cluster of golden crystals, "Sister Green, look at Dad quickly, it's very badly hurt!"

After Xiaolu appeared, he first gave Lu Chen a pill, and then checked Lu Chen's injuries.

"Under this blow, the boss broke more than a dozen bones all over his body!"

Lu Chen said weakly, "I don't know if I am too familiar with Ye Fan. This time I lost the bet... Those two guys were too cautious. With this strength, they still have to join forces."

Little Beast said, "Dad, can there be such a calculating person, can you not be cautious? Like a thousand chances, you chased two geniuses before you killed him."

Xiao Lv was busy stopping Lu Chen's bleeding, and said, "They are guarding such a terrifying wealth, naturally they will be extremely cautious."

"But boss, your inference is still not wrong, they do have injuries, otherwise the two middle gods will strike together, I'm afraid you have already fallen."

Lu Chen nodded and sighed, "Although I escaped temporarily, I don't know if they will charm them."

Little Beast said suddenly, "Pangu and Jiuyou didn't chase them!"

Lu Chen said weakly, "Fortunately, the two seniors did not chase them out. Otherwise, Iron Armor knew that the two seniors were too strong, and they decided that they could not keep the secret, so they might simply kill Nether and them."

"If they don't chase it, Iron Armor may still leave Nether and them as bait."

While talking, a figure suddenly appeared behind Lu Chen.

"Good boy, I really ran away for you... Swallowing the God Rat has this usage. This is the first time I've seen him."

The little beast raised his head, and the person who was speaking was the great commander of God and Demon!

"Jiuyou! Why are you here? You are now escaping, Youming and the others are in danger!"

The handsome man sat next to Lu Chen and said leisurely, "Don't worry, I used Divine Soul Departure, my body is still there, although you yin us once last time, but since we followed you, we won’t cause you That’s the trouble."

"But I can state that if Ironclad and Mandrill still want to kill, then I can't control it!"

"You continue, I'm just responsible for looking at you."

Little Beast saw Lu Chen's look worried and said, "Dad, don't think about it so much. If you are caught, we won't have a chance at all. At least we still have a chance now."

Lu Chen nodded, and called out Rhubarb, Xiao Yuan, and the four puppets of the Thousand Chance.

"You go to find the Divine Mighty Stone nearby. Iron Armor and Mandrill are recovering, and I need to improve my strength, so we must be fast!"

"be careful!"

"Boss, don't worry, Rhubarb, Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan, while the Chaos Beast is constrained by its branches, let's find it separately!" After speaking, the little beast did not forget to look at his companion.

"Hey, in two hours, whoever collects the least will be the younger brother in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Rhubarb, Little Hair Ball, and Xiao Yuan all brightened.

The time to decide the outcome is finally here!


Qian Ji was collecting the supernatural power stone in front of him. This was already the fourth piece he found.

"I won't take me when talking about seniority!"

"In other words, why should I help Lu Chen find the Shenwei Stone?" Qian Ji muttered as he was busy, "makes me the same as his pet puppet..."

"At this time, if I could have my own body, I would have killed that kid long ago!"

However, now Qianji's fate seems to be tied to Lu Chen somehow.

While Lu Chen was alive, he still left his own head. If the Earth Guard falls into the hands of others, he might think that his head is an eyesore and throw it away...

Thinking of this, Qianji couldn't help but shiver.

"Damn, I still think of a way to get his own physical body, before that, Lu Chen can't die!"

"Huh? There is another piece over there! You have made a fortune! Puppet No. 2 goes there to pick it up! This thing is a treasure in the God Realm. Not only can it be used for testing, it can be absorbed after processing."

Qianji is gradually lost in the illusion of getting wealth.

The little beast followed behind Rhubarb. As soon as Rhubarb discovered a mighty stone and was about to collect it, he was taken a step ahead by the little beast.

"Little beast, can you be more shameless? If you say you want to split up, what are you doing with me!"

The little beast turned around and Lu Chen smiled purely, "Rhubarb, don't be so stingy, you are looking for a mine, I will dig, can't we work together in a division of labor? The big deal, I will share half of you!"

Rhubarb looked indifferent, "It's just mining a mine, I need your help? Find your own!"

"No, I will follow you! I can't find mines, you are slow to mine, but if we cooperate, it will be twice the result with half the effort! Think about it, when we go back, we both are holding a lot of magical stones, Xiaoyuan and Xiaomao The tuan is only a few yuan, hehe, will they not be able to hold their heads up in front of us in the future?"

"From now on, we will be the boss, and they will be the younger brothers!"

Rhubarb thought, it makes sense! At least it can suppress Xiaoyuan and the small hairballs!

Besides, as long as you command and direct yourself, it's very easy!

"Okay, the deity will take you with you. Wang Wang, there are two yuan over there, hurry up!"


Xiao Yuan quietly moved away from the team alone, and then faded away from the white tiger's appearance, turning into a vague cloud of black air.

The black qi splits automatically, and the thick crystals around the Youjin Mine are swept away in one swoop.

After a while, the two black qi brought back two supernatural stones.

Xiao Yuan regained his white tiger form, with the winner's smile on his face!

The little hair ball is eating a huge cluster of Youjin Mine crystals. This is already the largest one nearby, seven or eight meters high. The beautiful crystals look like a blooming flower.

However, in the mouth of the small hair ball, such a big gold mine did not last for five minutes.

The cheeks of the small hairballs are stuffed with crystals and are bulging.

After a while, there was only a little **** left in this cluster of crystal mines, but the small hairballs did not stop and continued to dig down.

The underground part gradually emerged.

Unexpectedly, in the underground, there is actually a huge divine power stone accompanying!

The small hair ball used both claws together to dig out this supernatural stone.

This supernatural stone was twice as big as the one Lu Chen used in the test before participating in the Battle of the Gods! Four or five meters high, strangely shaped, and full of chaos aura.

The little hair ball sticks to the Shenwei stone, his face is intoxicated, he swallows, and opens his mouth...

However, Xiao Maotuan suddenly thought of the boss...

The boss needs a supernatural stone...

So, let's not eat it, Xiao Maotuan's eyes are full of dismay, after all, he still didn't say anything.

This is for the boss!

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