Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1480: Treasures of the earth

"What? The main vein!" Baiyi stood up with wide-eyed eyes, "You mean, the new vein found originally is just a branch vein?!"

"That's it, my lord!"

The man in white immediately paced back and forth with excitement. A main vein symbolizes a lot of wealth!

The subordinates continued, "However, they found that there was a group of people collecting in the main mineral vein!"

This person gave the white clothes a detailed account of the iron armor.

"Iron Armor said that they found that the egoist's team was sneaky, and they tracked it down. It turned out that the egoist's team deliberately alarmed the chaos beasts before, and the purpose was to kill all the teams that went down and explored."

"After they met the so-called madness, they killed four of their teammates!"

"Originally, he still wanted to kill them, but the iron armor and mandrill were not weak, and almost killed the solitaire, but he was ordered to escape."

"I am the only one who left my teammate madly and is missing now."

Bai Yi frowned.

"There's still such a thing? Isn't there two masters beside me? So what level of armor?"

"One-star mid-level god, he said he didn't see those two masters, only a few of the undead races, they have already controlled them."

Bai Yi pondered carefully.

Although there are some doubts about Tiejia's words, in any case, the current situation is beneficial to him.

Not only did the Eighth Heaven discover a new large-scale mineral vein, but the master beside me alone left, and he also became the target of a thousand men. I don't know how many people want him to avenge!

"Hahahaha, God helped me too! How is the situation in the mining area now?"

The subordinate replied, "The exploratory team over there is clamoring to kill the solitaire, and has started to track down his whereabouts separately."

Bai Yi squinted his eyes slightly, "Very well, I'm the only madman who has become a public enemy. Whoever can kill him is a great contributor, and he can even account for 10% more in the distribution of the mining area!"

"You immediately organize a team of mid-level gods, find that guy, and once you find it, kill it on the spot!"

"As long as he dies, the earth will be swallowed for nine days, and then we can pass!"

After receiving the order, the subordinate did not leave immediately.

"Something else?"

"My lord, there is something unclear to my subordinate..." the man said, "That treasure is really on a planet that is solo? The subordinate means... Isn't the earth the technological world of the human race? Why is that treasure meeting? In the human world, or in such a technological world?"

Bai Yi suddenly sank his face, "All you have to do is to do things according to my instructions. Knowing too much is not good for you!"

The subordinates were so scared that they stepped back and hurriedly clasped their fists, "It's the subordinates who have made a mistake. Your sir will calm down, so I will lead someone to kill the madman!"

After his subordinates left, the white clothes flashed around and arrived in his dormitory.

Opening an exquisite regular multi-faceted shadow stone, a cloud of white mist was projected inside the shadow stone.

"Master, I'm the only one who was framed by the iron armor and has become a public enemy now."

There was a low voice from the other side, "I didn't expect that I am the only one who cares about love and righteousness, but it will end up like this, it is really interesting!"

"Master, is there any news from the earth?" Bai Yi asked again, "Did our people get in?"

"After the Ten Thousand Clan Celestial War, the earth relaxed its vigilance, coupled with many marriages, some people have entered the earth and are looking for that thing."

Bai Yi said overjoyed, "As long as you find that thing, does it mean...the **** and devil rebellious suit, is it possible to have it together?!"

"Heh heh heh heh, so I said it a long time ago, there is no need to kill the solitaire in the first few layers of heaven, he is looking for the gods and demons, just let him find them, and at most just help us Get the rebellious suit! If you change someone else, you really won't be able to find so many pieces!"

Bai Yi said with a smile, "The master is still wise, compared to the master, the other seven supreme gods are after all short-sighted people!"

"What they think is that the god-devil rebellious set cannot appear, but what you think is...when I alone gather together, then grab the god-devil rebellious life!"

"Don't underestimate anyone!" The voice in the white mist was slightly serious, "If you can cultivate to the highest god, how can there be people who wait?!"

"Yes, yes, master, white-clothed dull..."

In the white fog on the opposite side, the voice continued, "Now I am so mad there is still a soul of the gods and demons, and the ninth change of the nine changes of the gods and demons has not been obtained. We still have some time."

"In contrast, this time the Eight Supreme Gods opened up the outer passages, and all the masters of all departments have shown their importance. The degree of importance is not small, and this matter is even more important!"

"On the other side of my madness, you are staring. You can kill, you can't kill, you can't kill... and you can't let others kill! This matter, you do it yourself!"

"Master, please rest assured, the white clothes will not insult your life!"


Lu Chen was about to find the Iron Mandrill, when he suddenly realized that the wall behind him was making waves.

"No, there is Chaos Beast again?"

The handsome smiled, and said meaningfully, "Maybe it's not."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

Dashuai's meaning, could it be...Iron Armor and Mandrill came to him on their own initiative?

No, judging from the sound that came, the opposite side was digging a wall, and the attack was quite messy.

"It looks like there are a lot of people!" Lu Chen was a little trapped for a while, what happened.

"Something's wrong..." Lu Chen pondered for a moment before calling back his battle pet and Xiaolu, "Senior Jiuyou, let's hide and see the situation first, don't expose it!"

After all, Lu Chen went straight out of the entrance opened by Chaos Beast.

He didn't go far either, using the corpse of the Chaos Beast as a cover, quietly observing.

Not long after, the stone wall was beaten through.

Hundreds of people gushing out of the tunnel, they rushed into the mine room, and they were all stunned by the sight in front of them.

"Well, why are there so many Chaos Beast corpses here? How many Chaos Beasts are this, and there is a Chaos Beast leader!"

"Look, there are traces of collected here... Who on earth is mining here?"

The faces of Iron Armor and Mandrill were a little ugly, and the two of them glanced at each other and began to whisper.

"That guy is hiding 400 meters beside us?!"

"Impossible, it is impossible for his strength to kill so many Chaos Beasts... Strange, judging from the collection traces, it should have been collected just now, but besides us, who else has found this place?"

"Be careful, this matter seems to be getting more and more complicated!"

Someone yelled, "Look, everyone, there are several exits over there, many of which were just dug out by Chaos Beasts."

"There are so many Chaos Beasts dead here, Chaos Beasts should not dare to stay nearby, we follow the passage!"


Lu Chen had already escaped from the passage a step earlier.

Just in the crowd, he saw Iron Armor and Mandrill followed by five skeletons, stupidly following Iron Armor, without saying a word in the middle.

"Senior, how come you and Senior Pangu have become skeletons?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

The handsome smiled, "We can't run, we can't fight, we can only mix with your friends. But Pangu's skeleton is really the ugliest."

Lu Chen squinted his eyes, "The iron armor is actually with those people, it looks like it's been planted on me."

"It's just that Netherworld, why don't they justify, as long as they tell the truth, these people may not fully believe in iron armor."

The handsome sneered, "Netherworld and their life bones are in the hands of the iron armor, and you see that they are dumbfounded, it is obvious that they have been cursed!"

"If you want to save your friends, you'd better hurry up, otherwise, once the iron armors run away, your friends are no longer useful to the iron armors, they will definitely die!"

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