Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1482: Not ruthless enough?

Even in a single attack, the rapid shadow gun is a powerful move. After colliding with the opponent's group attack, it directly breaks the opponent's moves and shoots the nightmare directly.

The nightmare snorted coldly, "I'm the only one who is crazy, but I'm so crazy, really when I can't fight?"

"Nightmare Devoured!"

With the help of the group attack just now, Nightmare has flooded the channel with its own controllable spiritual power!

After Nightmare Swallow was launched, Lu Chen's surrounding environment suddenly changed suddenly, and he was suddenly in a wilderness, and even the target of the speed shadow gun was lost.

In an instant, the Destroyer Spear was already on Nightmare's forehead!

Although Lu Chen's Desperate Spear was kept away, the spear still survived. A surge of spiritual power slammed into Nightmare's head, and he flew out in an instant, piercing a 30-meter wall!

Nightmare's teammates were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"This... defeats the nightmare with one move? The nightmare is the best among the one-star mid-level gods!"

"How do I see through the dream?"

"what is the problem!"

Someone helped the nightmare out of the hole.

Nightmare's injuries were not serious, but he had no time to take care of his injuries now, but watched Lu Chen in horror.

"You, how did you crack my nightmare devouring?!"

Lu Chen received his gun and smiled slightly, "Eight Heavens do not like to expose their title, and your title nightmare should be related to dreams."

"But it's a pity that I have the gods and demons, and I can also rely on my spiritual energy to lock you in. As long as I realize that I am in a dream and keep my head clear, your dreams will not be fearful."

"You used to fight against the Chaos Beast, which was very exhausting. Now you are not my opponent at all."

Nightmare's eyes widened, this guy's brain is too clear.

"Your strength has reached the mid-level god?!"

"Almost." Lu Chen said calmly, "Now, can you keep your promise?"

Nightmare took a deep breath, and with the strength of the only madness, it was no longer a problem to destroy their team.

After thinking for a moment, Nightmare sighed, "You have the strength to kill me, but you haven't done so. Now even if you can't show evidence, I believe everything you say is true!"

"Since it was Iron Armor who framed us, we must settle this account clearly with them!"

"You follow us!"

The commander came out from the corner behind Lu Chen, Lu Chen mentioned a little, let the commander follow along with him, and they didn't say anything about Nightmare.

After all, he has lost, and if someone takes one more person, it can only show that his chances of winning are actually greater.


The commander personally watched Lu Chen planning step by step, and he became more and more interested in Lu Chen.

"At first I thought you would kill them directly." The marshal said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen shook his head, "I have no grievances with them, why should I kill them."

The handsome snorted arrogantly, "If these people dared to chase me after changing to me, it would be a death penalty!"

Lu Chen is also a black line, and Jiuyou is really not a good crop. "Senior handsome, you are you and I am me. From the first heaven to the eighth heaven, I have seen too many people."

"Good and evil are not absolute, right and wrong may be different positions. The struggle between ten thousand races may be a disaster for you, but for others, it may also be a battle for survival... Hey, in short, it is not a **** battle. People, I don’t want to kill them all."

"You, you are still too kind, if you are more cruel, I would..." said the handsome.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Senior, what do you mean by half, if I'm a little harsher, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing..." The handsome shook his head, as if to shake off the flash of thought in his mind.

Nightmare came over to talk to Lu Chen, and the commander stepped aside.

Looking at Lu Chen's back, the commander felt a little itchy in his heart.

It's a pity that this kid is a bit bad, but not bad enough! Not vicious enough, not unscrupulous enough!

Once you succeed, you will succeed, the king will lose, as long as you can reach the top, that is to do everything... if it is too affectionate, it will be a little pedantic after all, and it will be mixed with his hands and feet.

Hey, if this kid can accept an apprentice with his qualifications like me...

Forget it, the benevolent will never be a big deal!

Lu Chen didn't know or knew what Jiuyou was thinking about behind, he was telling some details with Nightmare now.

Nightmare listened very carefully, compared these details one by one in his head, and suddenly found that all the details were logical and logical.

Although Lu Chen didn't have any evidence to shoot, Nightmare was already convinced that what Lu Chen was telling was the truth!

"This iron armor is really scheming! Damn it, it's terrible!" Nightmare gritted his teeth, "Many of us, it's really shameful that many of us were turned around by him!"

Lu Chen laughed, "As the so-called fans are concerned, the bystanders are clear, Iron Armor and the others are also difficult opponents. Senior Nightmare knows too little information, and it is inevitable to be deceived."

"Crazy alone, defeated, I don't dare to take the word "Senior", but if necessary, I will join hands with you to deal with Ironclad and Mandrill!"

Lu Chen suddenly asked, "Senior Nightmare, what method can the undead clan insist on showing others as its own body?"

Nightmare thought for a while and said, "If you said that, I remembered a saying."

"The undead race is in the form of white bones, but they also have weaknesses. Some of the white bones are their life gates, which are called life bones."

"The undead race has three to five life bones. If it is pinched in the hands of others, not only will it lose its ability to transform, but you can also imagine what your heart and even the spiritual core will end up in the hands of others."

After Nightmare finished speaking, he looked at Lu Chen, "But you said that your teammates were under control, but four of your teammates have been sluggish and silent, but one person is particularly active."

"Huh?" Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment.

"Yes, there is one who can say that he should talk to what Ironclad says. Talking about your crimes is full of joy and vividness."

Lu Chen didn't see the iron armor deceiving everyone, naturally he didn't know that there was such a thing.

Someone betrayed him? Nether, withered claw? Or... bone charm?

It doesn't seem to be like... Could it be... Big? !

In that case, being so energetic, it seems to be strong!

What is Pangu doing? If you don't help, you make trouble!

"Uh...that person, his brain is not very good." Lu Chen was a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject, "Brother Nightmare, how do you look for them in Iron Armor? Don't let them run away."

"Can't run!" Nightmare said, "A middle-ranked **** of my family is with them! I have already sent a voice transmission and will soon be able to catch up with them."

"At that time, I only hope that you, brother Du Kuang, don't kill those two directly, and give us a sigh of relief!" The killing intent in the nightmare's eyes filled, "I must make them pay!"

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