Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1488: Closed-door practice

Xiao Jinli went out for this period of time, and unexpectedly discovered an abandoned world without an owner!

The world was barren and devastated, the ground was torn apart, and the mountains were obviously cut apart.

It seems that some great powers were fighting here, causing this world to be completely unrecognizable and unable to live.

"This crack actually reaches the center of the earth!" Withered claws drilled out of the ground, "At least it is the upper **** who fought hard here to cause such terrible damage."

Speaking of the center of the earth, Lu Chen also went to the ground to take a look, but unfortunately the energy of the earth's core was not high enough, and the fire element attributes were not very helpful to Lu Chen's cultivation.

"This place has been abandoned for a long time. It is estimated that the planet will not last long." Nether said, "From the state of the earth's center, it may be less than three years."

Gu Mei asked, "Little Golden Carp, is there really time space here?"

Little Golden Carp nodded, "It can't be wrong, you guys come with me."

Above a cliff, a black whirlpool was suspended in the air.

"It's here!" Little Jinli pointed to the black hole and said, "The energy flow is obviously different from the surroundings. It should be the space formed by the distortion of time and space during the fierce battle with great power, and the center of the world is damaged, unable to heal the cracks."

"Boss, this kind of crack is very risky. The gravity inside is very strong. Once you enter, you need to be able to get out of it yourself."

"Moreover, this world won't last long. It should be destroyed in three years. If it can't come out by then, it will be annihilated with the space."

Little Beast frowned and said, "Little Golden Carp, then this place is also very dangerous."

Little Golden Carp nodded, "It's very dangerous. Because of this, most people don't dare to enter, but this is indeed an excellent place for cultivation. Not only does the time inside pass very slowly, it can reach a ratio of one to fifteen. The key is that under extremely high internal pressure, it is also very helpful for cultivation."

"Here, not only can you cultivate mental methods to improve your level, but you can also comprehend the exercises."

"I think maybe the boss can use it, so I will take you over to have a look."

Lu Chen nodded. It seems that this practice spot is not easy to use.

"This is a bit similar to the black hole arrow of the hunting god..." Lu Chen muttered, "Little Golden Carp, what realm do you think you need to reach to get out of it?"

"It's not just a matter of realm." Xiao Jinli said, "The boss needs to use advanced displacement skills while tearing open the cracks with enough damage to escape from the inside."

"Displacement and exercises are indispensable!"

"How many attacks are needed, you still need to try before you know."

Lu Chen thought for a while, if the time goes by slowly inside, and three years outside, there can be forty-five years inside, I don't know if it will come out.

However, Xiao Jinli said that the most important thing here is that the pressure is far higher than that of ordinary practice places, so the effect is better than other practice places.

Da Zhuang and Da Shuai didn't say anything, they just watched Lu Chen to make a decision.

After weighing it for a moment, Lu Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then I'll go in!"

It's a pity that Nether and the others are too weak to enter with Lu Chen.

"Little Beast, follow me, and I will take you to the world of alien beasts." Xiao Jinli said, "If you want to go to Heaven, you also need to improve your strength."

When I heard that there was a world of strange beasts, the four beasts immediately became interested.

After everyone had arranged their next training, Lu Chen looked at Da Zhuang and Da Shuai, "Are the two seniors going in with me?"

Da Zhuang shook his head, "Boy, don't count on you, we will help you."

"This place is inconvenient for us to enter, and we cannot exist with two space-time chaotic spaces at the same time."

For Pangu and Jiuyou, Jiutian is a time-space disordered existence, and then entering this rift will add mistakes to mistakes, which can easily cause some unknown mistakes.

That being the case, Lu Chen didn't delay anymore and stepped into the rift in time and space.


This is not a teleportation formation, there will be no dizziness, but as soon as Lu Chen entered here, he felt the huge pressure around him, making himself a little breathless.

Lu Chen hurriedly transported his spiritual power to resist this powerful pressure.

"Where is this place, the pressure is so great!" Lu Chen said in surprise, "How to practice exercises in this place..."

However, it is impossible for Lu Chen to leave here now.

If you have come, you will be at ease. Lu Chen took a deep breath and thought about countermeasures.

"It's better to upgrade your attributes first, otherwise you won't be able to practice the exercises at all."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen took out the Divine Power Stone and began to absorb the spiritual power of the Divine Power Stone.

"No, even the control of spiritual power has become laborious!" Lu Chen frowned, and he can absorb spiritual power easily, but now he needs to do his best!

The rift time elapsed in a ratio of one to fifteen. It took Lu Chen 10 days, which is equivalent to 150 days when he was outside, before he absorbed the light from the Shenwei Stone.

"It's almost a star rise. Forget it, there is no qualitative change from five stars to six stars. At least the attributes have been improved a lot, and the effect is not much worse."

Lu Chen felt the pressure in the space again, and it was indeed much easier than before.

Afterwards, Lu Chen took out the Destroyer Spear.

"Tai Xu Arm·Endless Break...Dawn..."

Lu Chen had just used the marksmanship he had already understood, but his attack actually failed.

The tremendous pressure directly caused Lu Chen's attack to sink to the sea, without causing any ripples.

"I'm going, I can't even use the power of the exercises!" Lu Chen's eyes widened. The danger of this fissure time has exceeded his imagination.

"To break through this space, it seems that more connections are needed... Only when the damage is more concentrated, it is possible to go out within three years!"

After all, Lu Chen waved his gun again.

Due to the pressure in the space, Lu Chen was sweating profusely after practicing for a while, so he sat down and adjusted his breath first.

In the following days, Lu Chen practiced exercises countless times.

In Lu Chen's feeling, after at least 10 years, he has been able to flexibly use the moves he has learned in this world.

"My control is stronger than before." Lu Chen looked at the spear in his hand.

"Since there is no problem with Endless Dawn, let's try the next heavy shot."

Taking advantage of the rest time, Lu Chen began to study the fifth stage of the Destroyer Gun.

The fifth stage, floating light gun shadow, light group attack.

The sixth stage, Ssangyong reincarnation, single attack of ice and fire system.

The seventh level, disregarding the shield of the gun array, pure defensive skills.

The power of the triple marksmanship is not weak, but the difficulty lies in the addition of more elements to the later exercises.

However, Lu Chen has nine stars. Based on his foundation, it is not difficult to master it.

The only regret is that after practicing these three forms, Lu Chen tried to attack the Rift World, but in the end he still couldn't split the world.

"The eighth stage, the Lingxiao Tushen, needs to understand the God of War Spear Path, and cannot currently practice."

Lu Chen frowned, he understood the intention of the gun, and it has become a big success, but the gun way has not been touched...

"It seems that the Lingxiao Slaughter God is a qualitative change. Maybe if you practice this trick, you can get out of here."

"It's just that I haven't comprehended the way of guns yet, so I can't practice yet... let's learn about other things first."

Lu Chen could only use the two major skills of Ice Fire Profound Ice Sword and Demon Abyss, but he could not do as he pleased.

The root cause is that he does not have a deep understanding of kendo.

"It's no wonder that my current advantage is not as great as before. If I can comprehend the so-called kendo and gun doctrine, I might have a chance to greatly improve my strength."


Lu Chen was cultivating alone, and he was not bored at all, but he never tired of it.

Although the pressure here is huge, but under such a heavy pressure, the gains are also very obvious.

After getting acquainted with the 5th to 7th level of the Desperate Spear, Lu Chen finally launched an attack on the eighth floor.

Gunway? !

Lu Chen remembered Pangu's hand in manipulating time and space. Pangu said that it was a kind of comprehension of the heavens, a state that was stronger than the artistic conception skill!

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