Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1492: Go to Tianwai

Ye Fan is unfamiliar with the earth, and he is not assured that Lu Yi is here alone. The best way is to let Lu Yi follow him to find it.

Lu Yi is naturally obliged to deal with matters related to her brother.

Lu Yi said, "Then wait for me, when I send the two children to my husband's planet, I will look for it with you!"

"Oh, by the way, let me talk to Brother Mu Hua. He has always been responsible for my safety. If I leave like this, he will not be able to explain it to my superiors."


The little beasts have already returned, and the little beast's voice has become thicker than before, and it seems to be one step closer to the perfect form.

The attack provided by Xiaoyuan was much higher than before, and at first glance, he was beaten.

Little hairball still sees no change.

As for the rhubarb, it seems that he has given up his cultivation, and is quite comfortable with the three beasts eating, drinking, and having fun.

Nether has repaired the earth puppet, and the earth guard headed by Thousand Chance can be used normally.

Da Zhuang and Da Shuai didn't quarrel, they both looked a little strange.

"Two seniors, what's the matter with you?" Lu Chen was a little uncomfortable.

"Um, if we are going to the outside world, the two of us won't follow."

"Ah? The two seniors won't go?" Lu Chen asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to take care of the two souls of the gods and demons?"

Pangu chuckled, "The turbulent flow of time and space we exist is located in the nine-fold day, so it is not convenient for us to leave."

Jiuyou also said, "I used to worry about your being stupid, but now it seems that you are not stupid at least. Then there is nothing worth worrying about."

"With your growth rate, becoming a high-ranking **** will not be difficult. Besides, you won't suddenly merge your two souls before the high-ranking god."

"Don't worry, when you return to the space, we will still supervise you."

Lu Chen originally wanted to say that it’s best not to watch yourself, but then I thought about it, this is also someone else’s.

When everything was ready to stop, Lu Chen took the three of You Ming and went to the place of the Taoist Elders.

Taixing, Xuanzhen, and Daochen saw Lu Chen's arrival, put aside the things in their hands, and were the first to receive them.

"Lu Chen, do you know about the outside world?" Taixing asked.

"I see." Lu Chen said, "The variables are too big now, so I must rescue Mu Sheng as soon as possible."

After thinking about it, Lu Chen asked again, "Three Elders, since the current situation is difficult to control, why don't the Eight Supreme Gods close the passage?"

The three elders glanced at each other and said, "There is a possibility!"

"They found a way to break through the Eighth Heaven! Perhaps, the key to breaking through the Eighth Heaven is beyond the sky, so even if the battle situation is getting more and more confusing, they haven't closed the channel."

Lu Chen frowned, "In order to break through the Eighth Heaven, did they ignore the safety of the ten thousand races?"

Dao Chen said, "We don't know this, but one thing is certain is that none of the Eight Supreme Gods raised the issue of closing the passage, and their attitudes are surprisingly consistent."

"So, I guess there is another possibility, they can't close the channel! In other words, they can't close the channel in a short time."

Lu Chen was silent for a moment. He was still very strange to the Eight Supreme Gods, and couldn't guess what they thought.

Xuan Zhen said, "Because the Battle of the Outside of the Sky concerns the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Thousand Clan, now the news of the Battle of the Outside of the Sky has spread to the Nine Heavens."

"Every world is paying attention to this matter now, because once the gods are defeated, the fate of all races can be imagined."

Lu Chen sighed. Now he can only hope that the gods can win this war.

"Do you want to go back to your own world?" Dao Chen asked.

Lu Chen was silent for a moment and shook his head, "There is not so much time... Besides, I have not done what I promised others, and it makes no sense to go back."

He said that next time he will bring Yao'er's mother back, but now he doesn't even know what is going on with Mu Sheng.

Even if he could bring back Musheng, a mother who had no memory, it would have hit the child too much.

Must find the dream tapir!

"I want to take these three friends with me." Lu Chen said.

Taixing looked at the three of You Ming and was a little surprised, "The passage you want to walk through is in ancient times, and ordinary people can't use it with horror."

"It's okay, I will find a way, just send me there."

Since Lu Chen insisted, without affecting their plan, the Taoist elders did not refuse Lu Chen's request.

"This is a teleportation charm, you just go straight to it." Dao Chen handed a teleportation charm.

Picking up the teleportation talisman, Lu Chen looked at the three of You Ming and saw that the three of them were excited and expectant, but also slightly nervous.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Go!"

Pinching the teleportation talisman, Lu Chen and others have arrived in front of an ancient temple.

It looked like an ancient temple on the outside, but when the gate was opened, it was discovered that there was only a miniature portal over two meters high in the main hall.

Not long after, Taixing also followed. He pointed to the portal and said, "You can pass through here to reach the outer space."

"I am not sure about the location of the teleportation. If you are lucky, you should be far away from the current main battlefield."

"It's just that if the alien beast is very alert today, you still have to be careful." Taixing said, and gave Lu Chen a shadow stone. "This is the map of the area where the fruit has been explored. Wars have occurred in these places. Alien beasts should still exist, you try to avoid these worlds."

Lu Chen took the Shadow Stone, nodded, and then looked at his friends, "Everyone, let's go!"

Nether and others and Lu Chen stepped directly into the portal.


After coming out of the portal, Lu Chen looked at this world where no grass grows, and was excited, "Is this the outside world?"

There are volcanoes, deserts, and winds everywhere, just like resisting.

However, the pressure of this world is completely incomparable with the fissure space, and Lu Chen can hardly feel any gravity.

"Wow, it's so deadly!" Nether took a deep breath, feeling the smell of corpses in the mud.

"What happened to this planet before?"

Lu Chen took out the shadow stone, corresponding to his location, and found that it was not on a few battlefield planets.

"Fortunately, we are far away from the battlefield." Lu Chen said, "This may be caused by the killing of other alien beasts."

Now that he was outside the sky, Lu Chen called out rhubarb.

As soon as the rhubarb came out, he took a deep breath, his face was intoxicated, "Wow, the smell of home! The aura here is called aura!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Rhubarb, do you know this place?"

Rhubarb looked around, then looked at the location of the Shadow Stone display, frowning, "It shouldn't be close to Jiutian...but I don't know where it is."

"The sky is boundless, so many planets and worlds, how can I know each one."

"However, judging from the approximate location of this planet and the current ecological situation, this place should not be the planet that breeds alien beasts, and it has been ransacked by alien beasts."

Lu Chen was surprised, "What the **** is the alien beast? Are you not the alien beast?"

Rhubarb said, "How to explain this, I can only say that there are many kinds of alien beasts, among which the strongest and the craziest, they all come from... in some terms of the technological world, that is... the dark universe! "

"Well, I am actually not much different from you, except that I am the great tengu clan of the outer world, and you belong to the inner world of Nine Heavens."

"If we meet a strange beast like me, although the other party may not give us good fruit, but it will not endure endlessly."

"But, if we meet a dark beast..."

"Oh, forgot to say, the kind of alien beasts I mentioned before, we call them dark beasts, bred by darkness, when every dark beast reaches adulthood, it will destroy the planet that gave birth to it, because there are them there. The energy needed for rapid growth!"

"If you encounter them, there are only two possibilities!"

"Either you die, or it dies!"

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