Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1498: Men's Ideas

Lu Chen opened the star map, and the latest star map showed that the morale of the nine-day gods was very high due to the ancient road of enlightenment, and the star map showed that the nine-day defense line was rapidly expanding outward.

"It's not far from our side, no wonder you can feel the rich death aura in cultivation here." Nether said.

Dry Claw nodded and said, "Yes, our strength has been improving very fast recently. Within three months, my one-star mid-level **** has almost been upgraded within five minutes."

Lu Chen thought for a while, and said, "The eight supreme gods, only Kong Gu is showing up right now, and the other seven have never appeared."

"It means they haven't got what they want."

"But what is the origin of the heavenly path, and where should I look for it?"

Bone Charm supported his chin and said, "If only I could ask the Supreme Spiritual God."

Lu Chen frowned and checked the map carefully. Suddenly, his inspiration flashed, "Perhaps, we can figure it out without asking."

"Huh? How to infer?"

Lu Chen said, "The eight main gods lead the eight gods separately. Just look at the distribution of the spirit gods, and you should be able to guess the scope of Wugu's activities!"

"When I ask about the Taoist elders, we will look at it again."

Using Sound Transmission, Lu Chen contacted the Taoist Three Elders and Nightmare respectively, and both gave the same answers. The spirits of the gods were responsible for guarding the battle zone in the north.

Comparing the star map, Lu Chen drew the guarded range of the alien race of the spirit system.

"Kong Gu is near here and he has comprehended the Dao of Heaven. In this range, this area is within their control range, and the surrounding defenders almost surrounded this place."

"So you think this star field is the key?" Netherworld looked at the star map, and after thinking for a moment, nodded and said, "Du Kuang inferred that it makes sense. Konggu wants to keep here, but doesn't want people to come near here. !"

"But, the defense force over there is so strong, how do we get in?"

Now that the strength of the Nine Heavens Gods has greatly increased, and there is time for Gu to sit down in person, the alien beasts outside the sky cannot conquer, so Lu Chen cannot enter.

"You see, the layout of the other seven elements is probably similar to the spirit element, and they all have a core guard area." Nether drew another seven defense areas.

After comparison, it is somewhat similar to the spirit system layout.

"It's possible that the other seven supreme gods are looking for ways to become stronger there, but the defense is so tight, we can't even get close to them." Dry Claw said.

Lu Chen nodded, "It's true that we can't forcefully break through at this time. Those who participate in the Battle of the Outer Space are all high-ranking gods. We can't get in at the main **** level."

"But at least we know a little bit, that kind of stronger power should be somewhere..."

At this moment, Bone Charm, who had not spoken, suddenly tilted his head and said, "Brother Mad, you turn the star map."

"Huh?" Lu Chen didn't understand what Bone Charm wanted to do, but still rotated the star map shadow stone, "Is that right?"

"Well, turn around a little bit...Stop!" Bone Mei finally didn't have to tilt her neck to look, she kept staring at the star map.

There are a few suspicious spots marked by Lu Chen Youming, and how do these spots seem familiar...

Suddenly, Bone Charm widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Hurry up and look at these eight points, what are they like?"

Lu Chen, Withered Claw, Nether stood beside Bone Mei, staring at the star map.

"Well...it's kind of like a bow and arrow..."

"I feel a bit like a dragon's bones."

Lu Chen looked at it for a while and said, "I feel more like a woman's curve..."

Nether and Dry Claw looked at Lu Chen together with weird eyes.

But when they looked at those points again, they nodded one after another, "Brother Du Kuang said so, it really looks more and more similar, the curve is pretty good."

"Bone Charm, I think you can adjust it in this direction a little bit bigger!"

Bone charm has a black line, "I said, are you men like this?"

"I'm talking business to you!"

"We are taking it seriously!"

Gu Mei took a deep breath and was speechless, "Forget it, I hope you can see what is impossible."

"Don't you think that this is very similar to the nine-star map in the nine-star heavenly formation?"

"Huh?" The three of them looked dumbfounded.

"Brother Kuang can't tell it. He has only participated in the battle of the gods once, but Netherworld, Withered Claw, you two have seen so many games, can't you see it?"

"The Nine-Star Tongtian Array will cause rapid changes in the astrology, which seems to be irregular, but the constellation distribution will not change significantly. The only change is the Tongtian Array itself."

"When the nine-star constellation corresponds to different constellations, the constellation is not aligned straight to the sky. Taking into account the rotation of the planet and the tilt angle of the constellation, it is not difficult to calculate the true distribution of the nine constellations."

Lu Chen and the others felt like they were listening to the heavenly scriptures, and couldn't speak for a long time.

Bone Charm walked to the star map and pointed to the defensive core of the empty ancient spirit system gods, "If you regard this as the spirit system guarding the stars, then you see, this is the **** system, this is the Tao system, this is the demon system, roughly The location is correct."

"The eight points on the star map correspond to eight of the nine major star clusters!" Gu Mei said excitedly, and looked back at the three of them.

However, as expected, the cheering did not happen.

Lu Chen, You Ming, the expression on withered claws was serious, but his eyes were full of confusion.

"Hey, do you only pay attention to the curves of women! I have said so much, can't you give me some reaction?"

Netherworld was forced to respond, "Ahem... uh, bone charm, what you mean is that there is an ancient buttocks... no, what a buttocks, I mean, this is the defense of the ancients. Point is where the stars of the spirit system are located, as are the other seven elements."

"That's how it is!" Withered Claw suddenly realized, "That is to say, we should look for the pole star now!"

Bone Charm nodded, no matter whether this group of guys understood it or not, at least the conclusion reached was correct.

"Yes, the location of Pole Star is here!" Bone Charm drew the location of Pole Star neatly.

The three of them watched carefully for a while, and suddenly high-five each other excitedly.

"What are you doing?" Gu Mei looked blank.

"Let me just say it, Bone Charm, you have said so much, and the conclusion we came to is the same!" Nether came to the star map, "If this is a woman's curve, is there a little less here? This is the most critical point in the curve!"

Nether pointed at the curve, very emotional!

"In other words, our thinking is also right!"

Bone charm almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Lu Chen was full of confidence, and said to everyone, "Okay, this place is unguarded, we can go there!"

"Then our next stop is Polestar!"

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