Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 151: Unknown legend

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Shadow flame jacket, dark frost cloak, dark night trousers, the mask turned a faint blue light around him.

It’s not surprising that there are three Tiger Kings. There are many people now.

The tiger cried, the purple weapon haunted between the hands of Brother Mask.

It's not uncommon for a tiger to cry, the man facing the mad dragon has a hand.

Until the "whiteboard mask" that attracted a lot of envious eyes turned up the purple mist, the scene suddenly fell into chaos.

In the purple mist, the masked man became extremely mysterious, like a beast spying on its prey in the mist!

The first thing that broke out was the interpretation of handsome, "I wiped it, that is a purple mask?! Didn't that guy say that he bought it at a roadside stall!"

"Can the grocery store paint a purple mask? Impossible."

"It's definitely impossible. The grocery store will only produce equipment and only white garbage. How can it be possible to produce a purple mask."

"I'll go, Brother Mask, what attributes of your mask? Where did you drop it?"

Lu Chen didn't have time to pay attention to the curiosity of the audience, and adjusted the force ratio to 100%.

HP, attack, defense, 3D, talent, all restored!

When the mask of the corpse king appeared, even the people of the mad dragon were somewhat pale, and everyone's attention shifted to the mask brother.

The people of the crazy dragon are naturally dissatisfied with this. Where they go is not the focus, but today they are robbed of the limelight?

"Boy, I stepped on **** luck, I don't know where to get a purple mask, I thought it would be against the sky?"

"Sorry, you met our crazy dragon! I will explode your mask after a while!"

"Even if you are lucky and don't explode this time, we will want you in the guild and expose you and that woman with equipment, and see what you can do!"

Brother Mask sneered, "First, there are more people who want to explode me, and you still can't rank up. Second, fortunately, you are not in our district, otherwise you might get mixed up badly."

"Arrogant! I see how long you can be stiff!"

Time passed by every minute, and finally, PK entered the countdown stage.

10,9,8……3,2,1, every second, Lu Yi, Xiaomei, and the handsome heart will be moved once.

All eyes were focused on the martial arts stage.


When the game started, 40 professional players with top equipment, Grim Reaper and Crazy Dragon, rushed towards the mask brother.

But everything that happened in the next second stunned everyone.

The mask man... disappeared!

The Fenglingzi live room exploded again.

"What about the masked man?"

"Damn, it was there just now!"

"I'm going, this is, is it a practice?"

This is not a technique, but Xiao Min's active stealth skill!

"Move quickly!" A loud shout came from behind the mad dragons!

"Tigers, the giant que swept away!"

Fenglingzi live room... it exploded again.

"Wait, what the **** is the rapid migration? Why does the mask man sweep by the giant fault?"

"No, why did the mask man move so fast, suddenly he ran behind the crazy dragon!? It won't be... displacement skills!"

"He, shouldn't he be... that person? It seems that only that person has used Juque Sweep."

"Brother Wuming?! Impossible! Brother Wuming has no invisibility and displacement either."

Handsome and shocked to look at Lu Yi, "Yiyi, your brother, is he nameless!"

Lu Yi's mind is a little short-circuited now.

She didn't think about whether Brother Mask was nameless, but... Is that man on the court his brother?

"I do not know either……"

Looking at Lu Yi's shocked look, handsome definitely didn't pretend, and he didn't continue to ask, maybe Lu Yi really didn't know.

"Well, to know if he is nameless, just look at the damage he has swept through by the giant fault."

When Wuming Brother was in friendship, the damage caused by Juque was about 1200.

Lu Chen has now reached level 30, and his attributes have also improved a lot.

His physical attack reached more than 1,200, his spiritual power was 120, and Amin possessed 81 spiritual power for a total of 201 spiritual power.

Juque Sweep itself has 180% of the spiritual attack damage, which is 360 points of spiritual damage. At the same time, Huxiao converted more than 1,200 points of physical attack to spiritual attack, which was added to the Juque Sweep.

So, now Lu Chen's damage from a giant fault sweep has reached 1,600 points!

Lu Chen's location was just right. The most important thing was that he was still invisible, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

The first giant fault swept the past, 40 top players, blood volume instantly collapsed!

Four to five thousand blood, one third was cut off!

"This Nima, 1600 blood! I'll go!" The man of the crazy dragon was almost crazy.

"Fuck, what harm is this!"

"It won't be that guy!"

At the same time, Brother Mask has also appeared.

The follow-up giant fault swept every second, let everyone in Kuanglang see what despair is.

Chucking, all around, everyone's blood volume collapsed one by one!

What crazy dragon, what professional player, who can stop the four sweeps of 1600+ giants!

Ninety percent of the mad dragons who had just flaunted their might have fallen!

With one enemy forty, without any muddle-headedness, kill 35 people at the start!

There were five people left, four of them in black blood, only Death, for unknown reasons, almost full of blood.

Brother Mask kicked away the corpse by his feet and walked towards the remaining five people step by step. His voice was the same as before, without much disturbance.

"Don't you want my mask?" Brother Mask slowly raised his hand and pressed it on the mask, "I'll give you a chance to get it."

Lu Chen took off his mask and was still on the ground!

However, people are no longer paying attention to the best equipment on the ground, the purple mask.

Everyone can see what that person looks like.

"Yes, yes...nameless!"

"My God, he...he is nameless!"

"Nima, what I should have thought of long ago, who else could it be if it wasn't a nameless!"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage has gone crazy.

"The masked man is the nameless brother...I'll go, it turns out to be the God of War Wuming!"

"I said how could there be such a stupid lack of people, look now, the stupid lack is a crazy dragon!"

"Brother Wuming! Brother Wuming! Fuck the crazy dragon, they bully people in our district all day!"

"Have you seen that Brother Wuming teaches life? Hahahaha, it's cool, it's so cool, it's Kuang Lang's trash that gave away 8 million!"

"Want to explode Wuming Brother's equipment? Hahaha, the crazy dragon people are really crazy!"

"Customer service: Crazy Dragon, your account is gone!"

The second purple outfit of the whole server is in front of the five mad dragons. Take two steps and bend down to pick it up!

Even if he was killed anonymously, he might not be exposed.

However, no one dared to pick it up...

I have to mention a few legends here.

Once Dahanbok provoked Huaxiafu, but an anonymous person beat Dahanbok into the national clothes for mercy...

Once a guild was beaten by the nameless because it robbed the nameless two towers ranking...

There used to be a purple mask placed in front of them, but...that belonged to Brother Wuming...

"Brother Wuming, yes, we have eyes but no beads, we have eyes but don't know Mount Tai... Grim Reaper, you are so special! You dare to provoke Wuming Brother! You drag our crazy dragon into the water!"

"Brother Wuming, quickly pack up your equipment... We are wrong, we are wrong, we will return to our own district."

"Why are you still looking foolishly, and don't surrender!"

The four mad dragons are scrambling to surrender and withdraw from PK...Of course, there is no saying in PK that surrender loses half. Now the score between the two sides is 0:39!

Most of these friends who use money to win over are like this.

Lu Chen walked slowly to the **** of death and smiled slightly, "So, have you figured it out now? Who on earth is giving away 8 million for the sake of face?"

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