Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1526: Fight against the eight supreme gods

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "After talking so much, don't you still want to grab the gods and demons!"

"So what has been giving me special care for many years is your arrangement!"

Hongmeng showed a fierce look, "So what?! The weak eats the strong, and the strong respects the strong is the law of survival in this world!"

"The reason why you can go to this day is not due to the gods and demons' rebellious fate? If we get the gods and demons rebellious fate, we can definitely enter the Nine Heavens!"

The Supreme Grim Reaper said in a deep voice, "We didn't expect that you, a mortal, could grow to where you are today, but if you think we are really afraid of you, then you are wrong!"

"Don't talk about the madness and the **** of war, the eight series can work together to suppress everything!"

Lu Chen personally admitted that he had collected eight sets of gods and demons' rebellious fate, and the Eight Supreme Gods already knew that this was the last chance to **** the gods and demons' rebellious fate!

At this time, they finally revealed their nature.

"Shen Lin!" Suddenly, Lu Chen turned his head and jumped several times to a deserted planet in the distance.

"Want to run? Can you run away!" The eight figures disappeared at the same time, quickly catching up to Lu Chen.

When he came to this planet, Lu Chen did not continue to escape. He said coldly, "I didn't plan to run, but I don't want you to destroy the Pole Star."

"It seems that you have all torn off your original face... Very good, to be honest, I have long seen you not pleasing to your eyes!" Lu Chen said coldly.

"Before I just wanted some blood of the God of War, and didn't plan to kill the eight of you, but now!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "I changed my mind!"

"Okay, let you come to complete our entry into the Nine Heavens!" Hongmeng shouted angrily, "Ten Thousand World Shadow Stone!"

"I want everyone to see if I am the only one who deserves to be Emperor Lu Tiandi!"

"A mere mortal dare to guard against the sky. We want everyone to understand that mortals are humble ants after all!"

On the earth, the video on the official website of Jiutian, which has been suspended for a long time, suddenly appeared in a new picture.

In the picture, the eight supreme gods are surrounding a human man, who is the earth **** of war, Lu Chen!

Judging from the ultra-high traffic on the official website, even without any notice, many people saw this picture for the first time.

"This is... No, this is not the Eight Supreme Gods of the previous Eight Heavens! Who are they besieging? Wait, yes, it's a mad god! What is going on?"

"It is the eight supreme gods, they are going to besiege the mad god!"

Numerous calls rang frantically, and people were telling each other about this terrifying event.

The major TV stations switched the screen to the official website video for the first time.

"We still don’t know why the Eight Supreme Gods besieged the Mad God, but it’s not difficult to guess from the words of the two sides that the Eight Supreme Gods came to the Mad God’s rebellious suit... Mad God and the Eight Supreme Gods Gras and grievances have already been settled in the Eighth Layer. This time when the two sides meet, a battle is inevitable. This will be the first time that the Eight Supreme Gods will attack at the same time!"

"This station has just received news that the Eight Supreme Gods want to rob the gods and demons to besiege the Mad God. From the words of the Eight Supreme Gods, it is not difficult to see that their grievances against the Mad God are deep...Neither side has entered the Nine Heavens yet, so Speaking of which, Iori teamed up, and the mad **** is in crisis!"

"The Eight Supreme Gods join forces to besie the mad God, the mad God is hard to scream with their palms, run!" a host said anxiously, "This is not the time to be a hero, even if you fight alone, the mad God can defeat Konggu, but the eight is the highest Together with the gods, the situation is completely different. Crazy god, you are the patron saint of the earth. You must not make any accidents!"

Almost all the heavens and tens of thousands of people who have just experienced peaceful development for a few years were attracted by this sudden battle.

Both the mad **** and the eight supreme gods were silent for seven years, and a big battle broke out suddenly, which exceeded everyone's expectations, and the intensity of this battle, before the war, made people frightened.

Lu Chen snorted in his heart, and the Eight Supreme Gods used Shadow Stones to broadcast the battle, nothing more than to restore his reputation and suppress his prestige in Nine Heavens.

Unfortunately, he never cared about these.

"If you want the gods and demons to rebel, just come and get them!" Lu Chen showed a sneer, and when he raised his hand, the gods and demons Promise Sword had emerged from the void.

At the same time, the eight supreme gods simultaneously activate their respective states.

Gods, demons, demons, spirits, Dao, Buddha, life, and death are the supreme gods, only in the open state, has caused this planet to be different, the earth and rocks are flying, and the earth is cracking!

Behind them appeared huge imaginary images of ancient gods of their respective gods, and some directly showed their real bodies.

Nine tails turned into a huge white nine-tailed behemoth, and Hongmeng turned into a huge towering giant tree. The root system instantly covered the whole world and extended to the starry sky. Behind the **** of death, the sickle of death appeared, and the body and the **** of death merged into one...

The eight supreme gods are incarnations of gods, and the eight-color aura divides the sky into eight. They are suspended in the air, with huge figures, looking down on the vast land!

Lu Chen looked extremely small in front of the eight people. He raised his head and looked at the sky from all sides, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Nine Changes of Gods and Demons, Symbiosis of Gods and Demons!"

This time, Lu Chen used the real Nine Changes of Gods and Demons!

In an instant, Lu Chen released a terrifying aura. In the fierce aura storm, Lu Chen's white hair was flying and his robe fluttered, taking the center in front of him as the dividing line, one side was white, and the other side was black!

"Dragon God Form! Taixu Form!"

Lu Chen's left and right arms were demonized, wearing golden dragon scales!

Extinguishing spear, Promise sword, and magic scepter are hanging on the side.

Lu Chen looked up at the Bafang Gods, and said coldly, "The Eight Supreme Gods, right? Then, the new hatred and the old hatred, let's be clear today!"

"In front of us, you dare to be so arrogant!" Hongmeng said angrily, "You really don't care about the enemy who cuts my roots? Here is the place where you and I alone fell madly!"

"Supreme Divine Skill, Hongmeng World!"

With a bang, the entire earth was instantly crushed by countless vines rushing out of the ground!

It can be seen from the shadow stone that not only thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, but the complete surface of this planet, instantly fragmented!

"My God, with a skill of the Supreme God, a planet is so useless?"

"This is too scary!"

"Crazy God, be careful!"

In the Hongmeng world, Lu Chen hardly had any evasion possibilities.

But Lu Chen didn't plan to dodge either.

Lu Chen yelled, "Hongmeng, the first one I want to kill is you!"

"Magic skills·The tiger descends the mountain! Magic skills·Holy lotus sword heart! Magic skills·Fire suppression!"

These three skills were commonly used by Lu Chen before. Although the skill level was not high, the effect was very good. With Lu Chen's offensive power, they could have been used until now.

However, now these three skills are all used by God and Demon Promise Sword.

In other words, these three skills have all evolved to the magical skill level!

Suddenly, countless sword auras and psychic bombs exploded frantically to the ground. In an instant, the entire planet was instantly turned to ashes!

After the planet was broken, Hongmeng's intricate root system was finally exposed.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Hongmeng, I see how you hide it!"


Li Muhua stared at the TV blankly, turned his head to look at Bei Xue Gu Fei, "Fei, do you think you will surpass my morning one day?"

Bei Xue Gufei swallowed dryly, and said with a little embarrassment, "You, who do you listen to nonsense, I have never said such irresponsible things!"

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