Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1528: Supreme Combination Skill

Seeing Lu Chen's current state, everyone thought that Lu Chen must have been severely injured in the hit just now.

Otherwise, why did Lu Chen's famous Taixu form and Dragon God form disappear?

However, within six days, Li Wei frowned and said to her sister Yaohe, "Where are Lu Chen's ears?"

"Ah? Sister, do you mean Lu Chen's fox ears? Huh... Yeah, it's not that the ears are all knocked out, right?"

Even if Lu Chen was severely injured and lost the ability to activate Taixu Form and Dragon God Form, why did the fox ears disappear?

That thing seems to have nothing to do with strength, but the symbiosis between gods and demons is a feature that will appear.

Li Wei said suddenly, "No!"

"Sister, what's the matter?"

"Lu Chen didn't just say that he has collected eight gods and demons rebellious, so the nine changes of gods and demons are also complete. Maybe it's not that Lu Chen lost the form of the gods and demons too virtual arms and dragon gods, but... This is Lu Chen's new form!"

At this moment, Lu Chen opened his eyes slightly.

He looked at death with a smile.

"Is that your combined blow just now? It seems to be quite powerful."

The **** of death laughed and said, "Lu Chen, don't be aggressive, you can't even maintain the Taixu form and the Dragon God form. It can be seen that you are now a waste!"

Lu Chen curled his lips and sneered, "Oh? Really? Since you think I'm a trash, then you should solve me. Are you not a **** of death? You should be happy to kill people."

The Buddha and God squinted his eyes slightly and uttered a low voice, "Washing the world with heavenly eyes!"

"No, his combat power is stronger than before!" The Buddha suddenly widened his eyes, "This, this is...what's going on!"

Lu Chen shook his head regretfully. As expected of the Eight Supreme Gods, it seemed that his deception plan had failed.

Lu Chen said in a weird manner, "Everyone is extraordinary, and can actually force me to be the second strongest form. Tsk tsk tsk, you deserve to be the eight supreme gods... oh no, the eight masters."

"However, depending on your strength, if you want the gods and demons to rebel, I am afraid it will take tens of thousands of years to work hard."

Lu Chen's mocking words instantly exploded on the earth network.

"Let me go, this is the new form of the mad god? After blocking the combined attack of the eight supreme gods, it is actually only the second strongest?"

"Have anyone seen the strongest form of the mad god?"

"The mad **** is indeed a mad god, it is extremely arrogant and extremely arrogant! But I really like it..."

The Eight Great Gods were ridiculed by Lu Chen, and his face was blue and purple.

Eight of them have been around for thousands of years, so how has anyone ever laughed so much.

"It's the ninth change of the Nine Changes of Gods and Demons!" Hongmeng suddenly thought of this. "It is said that the ninth change of the Nine Changes of Gods and Demons actually has three forms, symbiosis of gods and demons, form of gods and demons."

"From the current situation of Lu Chen, it is possible that he is in the form of a god!"

Grievously gritted his teeth, he almost followed Lu Chen's way just now. When it comes to fighting alone, he is a little self-aware that he is not Lu Chen's opponent.

In front of the heavens and the races, being treated as an idiot, this is what he can bear.

"Everyone, to enter the Nine Heavens, the gods and devil's rebellion is our last chance, so this time we must kill Lu Chen!" said the **** of death, "I see, don't waste any more time, use that trick."

Kyuubi squinted his eyes and said, "It can block my strongest blow under the blessing of the Buddha and the gods. Normal skills really can't beat this guy. We can't keep our hole cards."

Hongmeng said in a deep voice, "Damn, how could his attack and defense be so high? After we broke through in the eighth day, the improvement is very limited, and this guy is much stronger than when he fought against the Demon God of War!"

Tianguang said, "He is different from us and does not receive the influence of the gods. In addition, he has also gathered the gods and demons to rebel. It is not surprising that his strength has increased."

"In that case, kill this person as soon as possible!"

The eight people understood and attacked at the same time.

Lu Chen quickly resisted the eight-person attack with the sword heart of the holy lotus.

Just when he was just preparing to fight back, he found that the eight people were connected by spiritual energy, and at the same time, a cloud of black mist gathered above the heads of the eight people, which was covering the top of Lu Chen's head.

"Hahaha, Lu Chen, when you think we have no abilities, do you just talk empty words?" Hongmeng laughed, "The next thing is the true strength of my eight people together!"

Immediately afterwards, eight people spoke at the same time.

"All directions are boundless, ten thousand sources are unified, the world is in chaos, all spirits listen to orders!"

"Supreme Combination Skill·Tian Yuan Unite!"

The black mist above his head, like an aurora, shot directly at Lu Chen!

Lu Chen tried to use Shenlin to evade, but found that Shenlin could not be activated.

In other words, this trick can only be hard-wired!

There are only eight elements in the eight-fold heavens, and the nine major star clusters only guard the eight divine elements except for the polar stars. This shows that the eight elements are related to the origin of the gods.

Now that the eight systems are working together, the power of this blow is truly devastating!

Facing the supreme god-level joint skills, Lu Chen's eyes were cracked, and he shouted, "God and Devil Promise Sword·Return to the Market!"

Black and white mist erupted from the sword body of the God and Demon Promise Sword.

Lu Chen turned into a white light, soaring to the top of the sky!

With the Supreme God-level combined technique, Tianyuan Guiyi and Guixu suddenly collided, and the sky shook, and the nearby stars and satellites instantly turned into ashes and disappeared into the galaxy!

Countless pairs of eyes staring at the shadow stone screen, instantly blanking!

Of course, this time it was no longer a temporary blank screen, but... the shadow stone of the Ten Thousand Worlds, known for its solidity, had been completely destroyed.

"No! Didn't it mean that the Ten Thousand Realms Shadow Stone could not be destroyed? This, this is not killing? What happened to it!"

"This blow is terrifying! Just now I saw the surrounding stars decompose and disappear in the aftermath of spiritual power!"

"I just want to know if the mad **** is still alive?"

However, at this time, unless they are on the battlefield, no one knows what the outcome of the battle between Mad God and Iori is.

"Quick, go to Heaven!" Nether yelled, withered claw and bone charm hurriedly teleported to the passage of heaven.

In front of the outer passageway, a large number of nine gods swarmed out.

And when they came to the sky, they found that a large number of alien beasts guarding the passage were also flocking to the direction of the polar star.

The battle just now has already shook the Ten Thousand Beasts!

Fortunately, this time, the two sides did not break out into a war. The Nine Heavens Gods and the Alien Beasts went their separate ways, jumping frantically in the direction of Pole Star.

The first batch of Nine Heavens Gods, that is, the Eight Element Gods that resided on the Eight Star Groups, had arrived near the battlefield within a few hours.

Now there are no stars around here, only an empty starry sky.

Then someone discovered the broken root system of the sacred tree of Hongmeng, suspended section by section in space.

Then people saw nine figures floating in the starry sky not far away.

"Go and see if Lu Chen is dead, you must not let him live!"

Just as they were about to rush over, suddenly thousands of figures blocked these gods.

It was an alien beast that stood in the way of them.

A Celestial Supreme said coldly, "If you dare to move Lu Chen, I will kill you!"

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