Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1530: Nine Resurrection Rebirth Pill

Lu Chen deliberately returned to Nine Heavens, from the Lower Realm to the Second Heaven, and took Yaotong over.

I haven't seen Yaotong for a long time. This guy heard that he had a chance to be reborn, but he didn't seem to react. He didn't say a word along the way, and looked dumbfounded.

Lu Chen couldn't help but smiled, "Boy, you weren't like this before."

Little Green said, "Boss, don't make jokes about the child. He must be very nervous now. In fact, I am also very nervous now..."

With that, Xiao Lu's eyes were a little moist.

"None of us expected that one day we could be resurrected as normal people..."

Only then did Lu Chen realize that this matter was extremely important to Lu Yiyi, Yaotong, and Xiao Min, so much so that he didn't even have the thought of talking about Yaotong.

Lu Chen put away his smile and took Lu Yiyi's shoulders, "Silly girl, this is a good thing, why are you crying."

"Go, the strange animal woman said that this time refining medicine needs to be absolutely quiet, he found me a world full of spiritual energy, no one will be disturbed, let's go now."



There is a vibrant green planet, where plants are everywhere, but there are no powerful animals, and they are all weak creatures at present.

"Xunxi, this place is not bad." Lu Chen took a deep breath. The fresh air, mixed with the smell of soil and plants, made people feel refreshed.

"Of course, this is a new world, full of vitality, which will help you refine the Nine Ranks of Resurrection and Rebirth Pill."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, clasped his fist and thanked him, "Thank you!"

Lu Yiyi had prepared the Hun Yuan Ding, when Lu Chen raised his hand, eight drops of blood appeared in his hand.

"Little Green, now I don't know who is the God of War..." Lu Chen said embarrassedly.

"It's okay boss, I put the blood of the God of War on the wings of the Divine Phoenix. If there is a ghost flame on the wings of the Divine Phoenix, then it is effective."

Lu Chen didn't know how to make medicine either. Anyway, Xiaolu had a way, so it would be easy to handle it.

Eight drops of the Supreme God's blood successively dripped on the Divine Phoenix's wings, but the Divine Phoenix's wings did not respond for a long time.

Lu Chen was a little anxious, "What's the matter? I have collected the blood of all eight people, so I can't make a mistake."

On the side, the strange beast woman who was watching Lu Yiyi's refining process suddenly said, "Uh, that, can I insert a sentence?"

Lu Chen looked at the woman, but did not stop.

Seeing that Lu Chen had no objection, the strange beast woman continued.

"I am also a pharmacist." The woman said, "The Nine Stages of Resurrection and Rebirth Pill that you refined is very old and has a lot of spreads, but it can be said that it is basically impossible to get together the medicinal materials you need. Done!"

Lu Chen shook his head, "This is what you don't want to say."

"No, no, what I want to say is that the blood of the God of War mentioned in the formula symbolizes fearlessness and bravery. Only the blood of the God of War recognized by the wings of the Divine Phoenix can activate the Nether Fire and your friends have the opportunity to bathe. Fire is born again."

"In my opinion, the eight supreme gods cannot be called a brave, even if they have the title of God of War, their blood cannot activate the Nether Fire."

Lu Chen frowned and thought for a moment, and said, "Little Green, if activating Nether Fire requires more than a simple title of God of War, then...try my blood!"

After that, Lu Chen swiped his finger, and after his palm was cut, blood oozes out.

Lu Chen's blood had just dripped on the Divine Phoenix's wings, and the Divine Phoenix's wings instantly ignited a blue flame.

The fire is raging, the flame is high, and the surrounding temperature rises suddenly!

Had it not been for the wings of the Divine Phoenix, the wings would have been burnt to ashes in such flames.

"This...really possible!" Everyone was a little surprised.

"Little Green, hurry up, start refining!" Lu Chen said anxiously.

Little Green nodded and put all the medicinal materials that had been prepared into the pill furnace.

The flower of the underworld, the reincarnation of Zhumanshahua, the sky-filling stone powder, the blood of the **** of war, the wings of the divine phoenix, the heart of the outer demon.

Watching Lu Yiyi put these materials into the medicine cauldron one by one, Kunxi turned to look at Lu Chen, "The difficulty of obtaining each of these materials is unimaginable, and these materials are of no use to you!"

"I really have never seen a beast control master, who can do this for ghost pets!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly and looked at Lu Yiyi who was refining the pill. He could see the magical medicine boy on the side, and his eyes were gentle.

"In my opinion, they are no longer ghost pets. They are the people closest to me."

"Along the way, they have done too much for me..."

Among Lu Chen's three ghost pets, Xiao Min followed Lu Chen the earliest time. During the consciousness transfer stage of the first four heavens, I don't know how many lethal attacks helped Lu Chen block! Later, he sacrificed his life to save Lu Chen!

Yaotong had been working diligently in the wild monster army to help Lu Chen grow medicinal materials. If it weren't for him, Lu Chen would not be able to support it at the rate that Lu Chen consumed the pill.

As for Lu Yiyi, not to mention, he is already Lu Chen's right-hand man, indispensable.

Lu Chen was looking at Xiao Lu and Yao Tong, while Kun Xi was looking at Lu Chen.

Everyone says that I am the only one who is arrogant and cruel, and will never show mercy. However, who would have thought that he is actually such a man of love and righteousness.

"No wonder you can't support God..." Hun Xi said nonchalantly, "You care about too many things..."

The refining process took several days, and Lu Chen couldn't help Lu Yiyi, so he could only wait patiently beside him.

The Four Beasts are also very nervous at the moment, and their relationship with ghost pets is like siblings, siblings.

With the power of Xiao Mao Tuan, apart from Lu Chen, Xiao Mao Tuan heard what Lu Yiyi said the most, and only Lu Yiyi could stop these guys from fighting.

"Can Xiao Min be resurrected? I miss her so much..." Rhubarb rarely shouted cheering on the side.

"Sister Green said that after Xiao Min's resurrection, he may only remember part of his memory, shouldn't he forget us?" Xiao Beast said nervously.

"I don't think I will forget me. I saw Xiao Min the first time. As for you... you forget to forget. As long as you can resurrect, you can do anything. The big deal is to re-cultivation of feelings." The big yellow whited the little beast. At a glance.

Nine days later, dark clouds in the sky suddenly rolled, lightning and thunder!

Kunxi looked at the sky, "Heaven and earth vision, it's the last moment!"

Xiaolu put a ball of white light in the furnace, this is the shattered spirit of Xiaomin she retained.

Xiao Min's situation is special, so alchemy and refining are required at the same time.

The clouds in the sky rolled, and the thunder grew louder.

"Lu Chen, this kind of pill that is against the sky and the way will definitely bring down the pill, please pay attention to help the green girl to block it!" said Hun Xi.

Lu Chen nodded and flew into the air.

Rumble! Dozens of sky thunders directly blasted on Lu Chen!

Then more thunder rolled in.

Lu Chen didn't move like a mountain, "Little Green, you concentrate on refining, and Dan Jie called me."

Hundreds of sky thunders fell. Suddenly, Lu Yiyi raised his hand and the lid of the tripod opened automatically.

From the Hunyuan Ding, a girl rose slowly.

The girl looked only six or seven years old, with big eyes open, looking blankly at the crowd in front of her.

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