Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1532: Shenmoxianyuan

Xiaolu, Xiaomin, and Yaotong already have their own bodies.

Lu Chen looked at the three with satisfaction, "Xiaolu, Xiaomin, Yaotong, now that you are reborn, you can start practicing as normal people."

"Follow me to the Sixth Heaven, learn the mentality of the Gods and Demons Sanctuary, and practice on Earth for the time being, and wait for me to pick you up from Nine Heavens."

"Boss, when did you go to Jiuzhongtian?" Xiaolu looked at Lu Chen worriedly, "I, I still don't worry about you."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I will definitely be back."

"Well, let's go to Sixth Heaven first."


"The Immortal Courtyard?" Lu Chen frowned and looked at the plaque in front of the mountain gate.

Flying is not allowed in front of the mountain gate, and there are disciples coming in and out from time to time, and the attitude is extraordinary.

Lu Chen only took a look, and he could see that the disciples here were not weak.

"Let's go, send a message to Yunhai Yitian and the others, and don't see them reply. Forget it, go in and have a look." Lu Chen led a group of people to the mountain gate.

"How many, please stay." A disciple stopped Lu Chen and his entourage. "Among the few, who received the test notification from our hospital? Sorry, only those who received the notification can enter the hospital. Others need to wait outside?"

"Also, please show me the notice."

Lu Chen froze for a moment, "Test notification?"

"Why? You don't have a test notice from our hospital? Then... everyone, please stop, this hospital stipulates that non-disciples of this hospital cannot enter this hospital."

When Lu Chen thought about it, he realized that these new disciples no longer knew him, his dean also passed it to Ye Fan, and now he didn't have anything to prove his identity.

However, the attitude of the gatekeeper is not bad and polite. It seems that the later deans of the Academy of Gods and Demons managed fairly well.

"This little brother, now the Academy of Gods and Demons... Oh, who is the dean of the Immortal Academy?" Lu Chen asked.

"Our dean is Dean Xuanyuan." The disciple said.

"Xuanyuan?" Lu Chen hadn't heard the name at all. He then asked, "Are Yunhai and Yitian still there?"

The person frowned slightly, his attitude changed a little, "What do you mean by your excellency? The two mentors are the senior mentors of my academy. They are now the pinnacle of the human king realm, and they are all preparing to enter the seventh heaven, of course they are still there!"

Lu Chen was shocked, those two guys are about to break through?

"Hahaha. Little brother, I don't mean anything else. I just know the two of them. Please tell me..." Lu Chen thought for a while. The two of them definitely didn't know that they were coming back. It's better to give them a surprise. "Just say, a friend wants to come and see them."

"Sorry, no!" The guard disciple sternly refused, "I think you are here to make trouble. Although our Shenmoxianyuan stipulates that everyone is treated equally, it does not mean that you can come here to make trouble!"

Lu Chen frowned, "Little brother, why am I here to make trouble?"

"No trouble? Humph." The man snorted coldly. "You said you are friends with our veteran tutor? In that case, why don't you have a sound transmission from them? You just took a bite of a "little brother", and I didn't at first. I care about you, depending on your age, how old do you think you are?"

Lu Chen frowned, "This...this little friend, by the way, haven't you seen the statue in front of the Ten Halls?"

Lu Chen still remembered that there was a statue of his own in front of the Ten Halls, and there was a "curse" written on it that he had not married in his life...

"That statue is the statue of the founder of our Shenmoxianyuan, and it has long been sealed!"

Lu Chen was a little depressed. He came to the Academy of Gods and Demons by himself and was actually stopped by the door.

Lu Chen was stopped here, and the disciple of the gatekeeper misunderstood Lu Chen, which caused him to get a little agitated and attracted many other disciples.

"Come to our Shenmoxianyuan to make trouble? Humph, it's the first time I've heard of it after so many years."

"My friend, you just said that you are the old acquaintance of Master Yunhai and Master Yitian, then wouldn't you know that the two have been retreating in the Starry Fantasy Realm?"

"Shen Demon Immortal Academy does not oppress other people, but it does not mean that we are afraid of things!"

Little Beast looked at these people impatiently, "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Who to talk to? It's crazy, then tell it and listen, who on earth would dare to go wild in the Gods and Demon Immortal Courtyard!"

The little beast said coldly, "All of you, you must call my father, Grand Master!"

"Even if Yunhai Yitian comes, I have to salute my dad!"

"It's twittering, each one is barely qualified, but how can the knowledge be so bad? The Academy of Gods and Demons has been upgraded to the Immortal Academy, but why has the admission requirement lowered?"

"If we want to break through this door, even if all of you in the Sixth Heaven come to stop it, we won't be able to stop it!"

Lu Chen grabbed the little beast, "Forget it, they don't know, don't look at them from our perspective."

"After all, this is the Immortal Courtyard of Gods and Demons. If we rush into it, wouldn't it be that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple."

The little beast was still angry, and muttered, "Dad, don't talk to them anymore, a group of ignorant kids!"

Lu Chen gave the others a fist, "It turns out that Lao Hai and Yitian are in retreat. No wonder... OK, excuse me."

After all, Lu Chen will leave now.

At this moment, a sword aura whizzed from a distance, directly hitting Lu Chen's feet for three meters.

A deep and loud voice sounded, "Who dares to make trouble in the Immortal Courtyard!"

Everyone looked into the air.

"It's Senior Mobei from Zhongxian Pavilion!"

"Senior Mobei is already an eight-star in the King of Human Realm, and this person doesn't even have a chance to react to that sword aura just now!"

"Shen Demon Xianyuan does not let it be easy to do, but Senior Mobei can ignore so many, hahaha, good come, let this group of frogs in the bottom of the well teach you a lesson!"

Mobei? Lu Chen couldn't help laughing.

Very good, finally an acquaintance has arrived.

Mobei flashed behind Lu Chen and his party, "The gates of the Immortal Courtyard are strict, but I am not from the Immortal Courtyard. I advise you to do it now..."

Before the word "roll" was finished, Mobei saw Lu Yiyi turn around and swallowed the half of the word abruptly.

"Senior Mobei." Lu Yiyi smiled and looked at Mobei.

"Green, green, green..."

The little beast also turned around and looked at Mobei with a smirk, "Senior Mobei, what did you just say?"

"Small, small, small..."

Mo Bei realized something in an instant, his eyes fixed on the back of the crowd.

is it him? Is it that person?

Why is it shorter?

Wait, the little white mouse standing on his shoulder...

For a moment, Mobei's voice was a little choked, "No, it won't be you... It must be joking with me, right!"

Lu Chen slowly turned around, with a smile on his face, "Old friend, can you help me? It seems...I can't enter the Academy of Gods and Demons."

After more than forty years, when I saw that guy again, Mobei was already in tears.

Can't enter the Academy of Gods and Demons? What a joke!

He rushed to the front of Lu Chen and slapped Lu Chen **** the shoulder, "Smelly boy, you are finally willing to come back and take a look!"

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