Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1541: Hunyuan Tiandao

Lu Chen directly activated the **** form, and his whole body was full of spiritual energy, with three **** soldiers hanging beside him.

Hunyuan Tiandao squinted his eyes slightly, "It is unique that a mortal can cultivate to the level of yours!"

"Unfortunately, you are still a mortal after all!"

"Heaven Skill·Ten Thousand Ways!" Hun Yuan Tiandao came across with a palm print.

It is said that it is a palm print, but this palm is overwhelming, and it stretches for thousands of miles!

In front of this palm, Lu Chen was as small as an ant!

"My God, if this palm hits the earth, the earth would have been destroyed long ago!"

"Heaven Skill? Is this a skill that surpasses the Supreme Divine Skill? It's terrible!"

"What level of enemy is the mad **** facing!"

When Lu Chen saw this palm, his heart was also tight.

As soon as Hunyuan Tiandao made a move, he had already demonstrated his incomparable strength!

"God is coming!" Lu Chen jumped thousands of miles.

However, as soon as Lu Chen appeared here, the huge palm print directly blasted towards Lu Chen!

Lu Chen could not have imagined that Wan Dao Honghuang could jump into space in an instant and catch up with him!

The attack came too fast, and Lu Chen had no time to dodge, and hurriedly used the gods and demons Taixu Arm and Xuanyuan Spear Array to double defensively.

The moment Wan Dao Honghuang hit him, Lu Chen felt the pressure of terror.

Endless spiritual power poured in, and instantly broke through Lu Chen's two defenses!

With a loud bang, a white light exploded in the galaxy, and immediately after that, Lu Chen was knocked into the air and plunged directly into the ground of a planet!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

I am the only one who can fight against the eight supreme gods with one manpower. Faced with the combined skills of the eight elements, it can still cause one death and seven injuries to the opponent!

However, in front of Hunyuan Tiandao, he didn't even catch the palm of the opponent!

"This... this is too strong! This is not something that humans can defeat at all!"

"It's terrible, even the mad god's divine presence can't be avoided!"

"How is the mad god?"

While people were still feeling the terrifying power of Hunyuan Heavenly Dao, Hunyuan Heavenly Dao had made another move.

It was another prehistoric fate, directly blasting towards the planet where Lu Chen was located!

When the palm prints came, the surface temperature of this planet rose sharply, the earth broke apart, the rocks were lifted into the sky, and everything was wiped out!

"Lu Chen, this nameless planet is your burial place!"

The planet is like evaporating under the precipice of ten thousand ways, directly disappearing in ashes!

Countless people have forgotten their existence after seeing this scene.

For Hunyuan Tiandao, destroying a planet is too easy! Is this the strength of a super strong?

The battle between the two sides has just begun and will it end?

After the destruction of the nameless planet, Hunyuan Tiandao frowned, "Not dead?"

"It turned out to be here!" Hun Yuan Tiandao's eyes narrowed slightly, "Tian Xun Dao trace!"

In an instant, Hunyuan Tiandao's figure had appeared thousands of miles away.

When the screen switched, Hunyuan Tiandao had once again stood in front of Lu Chen.

At this time, Lu Chen was covered in blood, panting heavily, and his left arm was hanging weakly on his side.

Although he used Shen Lin to escape Hunyuan Tiandao's second attack at the very moment of his death, Lu Chen was seriously injured in the first ten thousand famine!

Hun Yuan Tiandao looked at Lu Chen lightly, "I ran out for you!"

Lu Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his right hand, his eyes fixed on Hun Yuan Tiandao.

This guy is ridiculously strong!

The first move was to injure himself hard, he had never encountered such an opponent!

"Lu Chen, if I were you, I would give up struggling. The gap between you and me is not something you can surpass. I think you should be obediently slaughtered."

Lu Chen said fiercely, "Nineth Heaven, I must go, I care that you are the Dao of Heaven, God and Buddha, no one can stop it!"

"Hahaha, now, can't you see the situation clearly?"

Just as Hunyuan Tiandao was speaking, Lu Chen suddenly went into trouble, his figure resembling electricity, "God and Demon Promise Sword· Annihilation!"

Faced with Lu Chen's attack, Hun Yuan Tiandao did not evade, and did not even make any moves.

Just when Lu Chen turned into a skill star and blasted his sword energy to a distance of 300 meters away from Hunyuan Heavenly Dao, he suddenly found that the surrounding spiritual power was converging at a very fast speed, instantly forming a spiritual power shield in front of Hunyuan Heavenly Dao.

Lu Chen's strongest sword directly hit the spiritual shield!

"Break for Lao Tzu!"

With a loud bang, a longitudinal gas ring exploded in the galaxy!

In the huge shock, Lu Chen not only failed to break the spiritual shield, but was counter-shocked!

"Heavenly Scourge Talisman Wan Lei Ming!" Hun Yuan Tiandao did not give Lu Chen any chance to breathe. A thunder talisman burned in front of him, and then, Lu Chen's landing spot was covered by endless thunder.

Lu Chen's spiritual power in his body was chaotic, and there was no time to lift his energy to dodge, and he was directly struck by several heavenly thunders!

Injuries increased, but Lu Chen didn't have a chance to stop.

He hurriedly lifted up his breath forcibly, and shouted, "The tiger is coming down the mountain! Sacred Lotus Jianxin!"

Thousands of sword qi swung out and hit the sky thunder, which slightly eased Lu Chen's pressure.

"One sword breaks the sky!" Lu Chen seized this moment of breathing opportunity, quickly adjusted his internal breath, and smashed Leize's border trapped formation with a single sword, and escaped from Leize.

But at this time, Hunyuan Tiandao was already squeezing the spell and quickly took the next move.

"Scourge Talisman Heaven Soldier Array!"

Suddenly, thousands of figures suddenly appeared around him.

As soon as these people took action, Lu Chen realized that their lowest strength was only slightly weaker than Kong Gu and others, and should be equal to Kong Gu's strength before they broke through.

In other words, these thousands of people are all at the highest **** level!

At this moment, the seven supreme gods are also watching Lu Chen rush to the tower.

They have also been to the eight-story Tongtian Pagoda, but they didn't find Hunyuan Heavenly Dao, and they didn't even have a chance to break through the tower.

They were still unwilling to see Lu Chen find Hunyuan Tiandao before.

However, when seeing Lu Chen's fighting situation at this moment, the seven people's expressions have changed drastically.

"What are you kidding? Thousands of Supreme Gods?! If I were to break into the tower, I wouldn't be able to break through this Heavenly Soldier Talisman!"

"Although our strength surpasses the average supreme god, it is only a first glimpse, and it is stronger than the supreme god. It is absolutely impossible to defeat thousands of supreme gods! It seems that Lu Chen must fall here!"

"Our strength should have reached the limit. Doesn't that mean that we will never be able to enter the Nine Heavens? No wonder no one can enter the Nine Heavens through the ages!"

"The only chance now is that I am the only one who is crazy, but... Judging from the current strength of Hunyuan Heavenly Dao, it is impossible for him to pass here."

The several encounters between Lu Chen and Hunyuan Tiandao were extremely dangerous and dangerous, as long as one was inattentive, he would die on the spot.

Even those close friends who knew Lu Chen no longer had the feeling of hope that they once had.

"Corn!" Li Muhua watched the picture on TV, his eyes flushed, "It's impossible to pass this level..."

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