Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1548: Find the truth

Lu Chen buzzed in his head, but the voice rang again.

"Lu Chen, you have been used by others all your life, and that person is your so-called father!"

"The earth you guarded, relatives, has nothing to do with you in the end. Isn't that ironic?"

"Aren't you going to change your fate against the sky? How do you change such a fate!"

Lu Chen only felt a splitting headache, and he wailed in pain, "Stop it! Shut me up!"

The more Lu Chen didn't want to hear it, the more the voice lingered.

"Lu Chen, you are working hard for the earth, but in the end, you are just one of their pawns!"

"If the people on Earth knew your identity, would they still call you the God of Earth? They would definitely laugh at you and treat you as a joke!"

"You are nothing at all!"

Lu Chen's eyes were already billowing smoke that could not be suppressed. He desperately controlled the anger in his heart, helpless, but as long as he calmed down a little bit, he would be destroyed by the ruthless reality madness.

"You lie to me! None of this is true!"

"Lied to you? Lu Yuan is in the Heavenly Prison. After you think about it, you can ask him in person."

Lu Chen raised his head with difficulty and looked in the direction of Tongtian.

He has always wanted to rescue his father, but now, he does not have the courage to enter the last level of Tongtian Pagoda!

That man deceived himself for a hundred years!

"Lu Chen, release the hatred in your heart and forget those useless ties! Those things are just proof of your stupidity!"

Suddenly, Lu Chen turned around and instantly disappeared in front of the Tongtian Tower.

At this moment, Lu Chen actually chose to escape!


Lu Chen didn't leave the planet. He didn't use space to jump. Now he can't even use spiritual power, just running tirelessly in the forest.

Not knowing how long he ran, Lu Chen fell to the ground exhausted.

He let himself lie on the ground, looking up at the sky.

The picture in the light curtain hit him too much, even enough to make his entire world collapse.

Coming from the first layer of heaven, Lu Chen's growth rate has surpassed everyone, but his journey is by no means easy.

He experienced the edge of life and death time and time again, but the belief that supported him broke down instantly, which made him accept it calmly.

"It's all a scam? Everything is a scam... I am a jackal, my race is extinct, I... I am nothing..."

Lu Chen let tears fall in front of his eyes, and when he was exhausted, he gradually closed his eyes.

Forgetting all the missions and letting go of all the responsibilities, Lu Chen fell asleep deeply.

I don't know how long it took. When Lu Chen opened his eyes, he suddenly found that nine portals had appeared not far in front of him.

There are stone monuments in front of each portal, from the first heaven to the eighth heaven, and then to the earth, nine portals lead to nine worlds.

This is the teleportation array of Jiuzhongtian?

Lu Chen couldn't manage so much, he walked into the first portal.


The Novice Village of the Earth, there is no such thing as the original crowded scene here, but there are often some young new players born here.

At the entrance of the village, some ten-year-old children, under the leadership of an adult, are hunting and upgrading the jackals.

"Hey, that person is so strange, is it an NPC?" A child saw Lu Chen who was unkempt and covered in mud, and walked up curiously, "Uncle, are you an NPC? Do you have a mission?"

Lu Chen ignored the child, flashed away, and disappeared in place, leaving only some newcomers with shocked faces.

A few hundred meters away, Lu Chen walked among a group of jackals.

These are his people?

Weak, strong, agile, especially strong... After their death, they were made into the lowest level wild monsters.

At the beginning, I was one of them...

Lu Chen walked to a jackal and gently stretched out his hand to touch the wild monster.

Strangely speaking, the jackal did not resist any resistance. He just looked at Lu Chen with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

It seems to be able to read Lu Chen's mind.

Lu Chen's tears could not stop streaming down, and he cried bitterly, "I'm sorry, I, I couldn't stop them!"

Lu Chen knelt down crying and couldn't help himself, "What if I broke into Jiuzhongtian, but I failed to protect my people, I...I...I'm sorry..."

I don't know how long it took before Lu Chen calmed down.

After returning to the Jiuzhong Heaven, Lu Chen entered the Eighth Heaven.

Lu Chen went directly to the outer space area and returned to Pole Star.

Now, Lu Chen is eager to find someone who can tell him what happened.

Although Lu Chen broke through the pole star, he was the only human emperor looking at the eighth heaven, and the other gods did not improve much on the pole star, so no one on this planet specially came to practice.

This is the world where the stars have fallen? In other words, the woman I met was his mother...No, she was not his mother!

However, Lu Chen stayed here for a month, but never saw that woman again.

It stands to reason that Lu Chen should have left long ago without encountering Xing Cai, but Lu Chen stayed here for another three months!

During this time, Lu Chen sat in front of the waterfall every day, watching the water fall.

He does not practice or eat, just sits blankly.

Although the little beasts were very worried about Lu Chen, they also knew how bad Lu Chen was.

"Dad won't be really mad, he's hard to get rid of, it's really possible to be mad!"

"Probably not, I think he still maintains a sense of reason in his heart, otherwise he will not run away from the Tongtian Tower. He wants to calm himself down."

"Hey, the master is so pitiful." Xiao Jinli looked at the figure in the water curtain distressedly.

"When he walked out of there, he didn't know that that person was still not the master we knew before."


Three months later, Xiao Beast found out that Lu Chen was no longer in the curtain of water.

They hurriedly searched around, and finally found a figure fishing in the deep pool.

After such a thing, the boss is actually in the mood to go fishing?

Are you sure you are not crazy?

At night, Lu Chen lay on the platform inside the waterfall, looking at the starry sky through the curtain of water.

"There are also people in the mountains! Where are the people in the mountains!"

That guy, Shenlong, saw the beginning and the end, only he was looking for himself, and he would never let Lu Chen find it.

Rhubarb and the others came to Lu Chen's side, looking at Lu Chen with weird eyes.

"Dad...you, are you okay..." Little Beast was worried again, and looked at Lu Chen with some caution.

"You are here just right!" Lu Chen sat up, "Rhubarb, Mu Xuan and Shan Zhongren are all Lu Yuan's friends. They may also know each other. Do you know how to find Shan Zhongren?"

"Looking for someone from the mountain?" The five beasts looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

For a long time, Lu Chen sighed, "The guy in the nine days is driving me into a demon, forcing me to give up everything I insist on, I know this is his goal!"

"After this period of time, I calmed down. Actually... I can accept it without blood relationship, but Mu Xuan, why didn't the people in the mountain tell me the truth earlier?"

"The last part of the light curtain is not finished, I need to find the truth!"

"Otherwise, I won't be able to pass the level of my own demon!"

If Lu Chen's faith collapses, he will no longer be the soloist who can create miracles!

The little beast breathed a sigh of relief, and said in surprise, "Dad, you finally cheer up!"

Lu Chen shook his head, "I just want to know the complete truth! I will not be a **** used by others, whether it is the guy in Nine Days or Lu Yuan!"

The little beast nodded, "Dad, no matter what you choose to become, we will follow you! Rhubarb, see if you can find a man from the mountain! This matter is very important to Dad!"

Rhubarb shook his head, "The sky is so large, I can't find anyone in the mountain..."

When everyone was at a loss, a woman suddenly walked out of the forest.

When he saw this woman, Lu Chen was stunned.

This person was the strange beast woman who had rescued herself from the hands of the eight primary gods.

"I knew you would come back here! Are you looking for someone from the mountain? I can take you there!" The woman looked at Lu Chen with a smile.

Lu Chen stood up, frowned and looked at the woman, "Who the **** are you? How do you know I will come back here?"

The woman smiled slightly, "Why, Emperor Lu Tian has become so cautious now? Don't worry, I won't harm you, or I would have killed you last time!"

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