Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 158: Two paragraphs of "rapid movement"

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No experience just now, but now Lu Chen already knows the boss's routine.

Super high physical attack, high attack speed, high moving speed.

Facing this kind of BOSS, one must be patient.

Lu Chen waited until Xiao Min became invisible and approached cooling, before launching a second wave of attacks.

"The tiger is down!"

This time there was a triple crit, with a total damage of 18000+.

In addition, the descending of the tiger and the blood of the tiger demon can cause Lu Chen to cause 6 damage in one attack, which greatly increases the probability of triggering "meridian obstruction", and the boss is silenced again and slowed down.

Without waiting for the BOSS to react, Lu Chen directly roared and sealed the BOSS, then quickly retreated.

The freezing time of Roaring Frozen is 2-7 seconds, and the specific duration needs to be determined by the strength of the recruiter to break free. With the strength of the BOSS, it can only be frozen for the shortest 2 seconds.

But in these 2 seconds, Lu Chen had already opened enough distance, and after another three or four seconds, Lu Chen rushed into his invisibility state.

The top of the BOSS's head is still losing poison, and this part of the damage should not be underestimated. With two attacks, the BOSS's blood volume has dropped by almost half.

During the whole process, Lu Yi was thrilled to see and did not dare to make a sound.

At this moment, she suddenly heard Lu Chen talking to her.

"Hey, is your friend Xiaomei okay?" Recently, things have been quite a lot. Li Muhua said that he would deal with Xiaomei and handsome, which reminded Lu Chen of some Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas and American dramas.

There is often a line... Only the dead can keep secrets useful!

But this is just a brain supplement plot, Li Muhua and the others shouldn't be able to make a set.

"What can she do, it's okay."

Lu Chen shook his head, thinking too much.

As he spoke, the invisibility cooling was almost healed again. After Lu Chen quietly approached, he danced with both swords and cut 15000+ HP.

That BOSS is quite depressed now, Sora has the ability to fight people at all.

After going back and forth, the fourth BOSS was already empty, but Lu Chen still waited for his stealth to cool down. After nothing went wrong, the fifth attack was completed.

[Kill the "Golden Retriever Spiritual Macaque" (Level 30 Strength Boss), capture 300,000 heaven and earth auras, obtain Tier 6 talent fragment 10, and obtain Tier 6 evolution point 10]

"I rely on, these six level materials are lost, 2 million prestige!" Lu Chen said excitedly.

[Ding, get the item "Monkey King Power Boots" (30 purple) *5, get the item "Jinge Power Ring" (30 blue) *5, get the "30 Monster Beast Core" (green) *5 ……】

A pile of materials seemed to be dropped behind, and Lu Chen didn't bother to look at it.

In other words, there are five pieces of purple outfits? Is this the world of local tyrants...

"Brother, what good things have dropped."

"Purple boots, blue ring, beast core, and a bunch of materials."

"My God, purple boots, this is the first one in the entire server?"

"Ang, it should be."

Lu Chen took out his boots and checked, "It would be nice to have some reinforcement."

[Monkey King Power Boots (30 purple)]

[Defense: Material Defense 89 Ling Defense 14]

"The defense is okay."

[Strength 300 Agility 50 Constitution 50]

"Let me go, this attribute, no wonder it is called the boots of strength, the partial science is too serious..." Lu Chen was the first time he had this type of equipment in nine days.

[Special effect 1: Move quickly, burst out the agility potential of the monkey essence, move a maximum distance of 15 (10+5) meters in 0.5 seconds, does not affect the release of other exercises, cooling time 60 (120-60) seconds]

【Special Effect 2: Increase the maximum distance of rapid travel by 50% and reduce the cooling time by 50%. 】

Lu Chen blinked.

First of all, Lu Chen understood why Special Effect 1 has the bonus of distance and cooling time. That is the strengthening effect brought by Special Effect 2.

Of course, this special effect is obviously weakened. When BOSS is used, it can move more than 25 meters.

But this is not the point. The point is that the special effects of the shoes actually overlap with the talent of the monkey essence bloodline?

The Tianxing planning metamorphosis is a metamorphosis, but I have to admit that the level is still very high, it seems that they will not have such a low-level repetition.

"Is there a possibility..." Lu Chen frowned, "Equipment special effects and talents are separate, and their cooling times are independent?"

"In other words, with this shoe, I have two rapid movements..."

"In addition, the enhancement of Special Effects 2, does it add to my talent?"

Thinking of this, Lu Chen put on power boots first, and then opened the character panel.

[Monkey Essence Bloodline (Fourth Tier): Move a maximum distance of 30 (20+10) meters in 0.5 seconds, cool down for 60 (120-60) seconds]

"Damn, there is a bonus! This is awesome!"

The bonus effect has been determined to be effective, so it depends on whether the two rapid moves are independently cooled.

Lu Chen first used the special effects of the boots, and then immediately looked at the talent, the skills were in a state of preparation!

Use it again, this time Lu Chen rushed out 30 meters directly!

Now Lu Chen is not calm, "Hahahahaha, cool! Skill cooling is independent! I have two rapid moves in 60 seconds!"

"No, I have to try again, use the two skills together!"

After the two rapid shifts were all cooled, Lu Chen ran out 45 meters for 1 second...In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed from the boss room to the other side for an hour!

"Hahahaha, great!"

Ordinary players hit the Monkey King’s boots, and a rapid movement of 15 meters in 60 seconds is actually very strong, but Lu Chen also has a better monkey essence talent, which is more than twice as strong.

The nine-day game experience was very realistic, and Lu Chen was immediately immersed in the joy of turning into a Flash.

All of a sudden, I only saw a figure flying over, flying over, flying over, flying over in the BOSS room...

"A windy man! Ahahaha! It's so fun!"

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded, "Brother, what are you doing... What kind of ghost skill is this!"

"Hey, handsome or not!"

"You're handsome, I can't see it clearly... Why is your skill better than the boss? You disappeared in the blink of an eye!"

"Hey, don't worry, brother will leave one for you. Oh, by the way, see if there are any enhanced boots."

Lu Chen finally settled down and began to check the other boots.

"This...no reinforcement, neither this, nor this..."

Lu Yi almost collapsed.

"Brother, didn't you just drop two pieces of equipment! Did you copy and paste these?"

"Yes, I dropped two pieces, oh, I didn't make it clear, this BOSS can drop five pieces of equipment at once."

"Puff~" Lu Yi vomited blood, "Five purple outfits dropped at once?"

"Well, this is a fifth-level reward dungeon. At the beginning, you have to test your strength...I will explain to you later when I have a meal. I will first see if there are any enhanced boots."

"Reinforced? What the hell..."

"Hey, it's +3! I rely on! I'm getting rich!" Lu Chen widened his eyes and looked at the boots in front of him.

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