Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 167: I only take one hour

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Xuan Xuan raised her head and looked at the golden-haired giant monkey in front of her, her heart pounding.

Up there, the man standing is really...like the arrival of the Great Sage, really...so handsome.

"This is too cool." The son of the wind said excitedly.

All the arrogance and impatience before, all disappeared at the moment when they saw the God of War with their own eyes. Even the first time I saw the God of War at this moment, the two newcomers' minds trembled!

The next moment, an even more shocking scene happened, Wuming jumped directly and fell from the eight-meter-high giant monkey.

This also depends on the "climbing tree" special effect of Ruyi's long stick. With this special effect, Lu Chen has the ability to jump high, otherwise he would have to wait for Golden Retriever to "take him" down.

A gold-red figure came to the ground in a chic.

Lu Chen walked towards everyone.



Lu Chen nodded, "Which two do I want to take?"

Leng Nuo hurriedly pulled Zihao and Xuan Xuan, "Head, this is Somfy’s contracted artist, oh, and Sister Liu." Leng Nuo turned around and pulled Liu Wen, "Head, this is what I told you Sister Liu, Sister Liu, this is our head."

When Liu Wen saw the nameless moment, she didn't know why. She was in her thirties and her heartbeat was so fast.

But Lu Chen spoke first, "Sister Liu, hello, thank you for choosing Kuanglang."

God of War calls himself "Sister Liu"? Liu Wen just calmed down a bit, and suddenly became excited again.

"That, I dare not be, the unnamed leader, admiring the name for a long time."

Wuming smiled and nodded, then looked at Fengzhizi and Xuanxuan, which made people stare at Lu Chen obsessively now.

The legendary God of War stood in front of them. He was still wearing a Tiger King suit before, but in a blink of an eye, he changed his holy suit?

They hadn't even seen this equipment before, so it was too handsome.

Judging from the faint mist emanating from the equipment, Wuming always felt that Wuming was already wearing a purple outfit.

In fact, Wuming only had three purple suits, the Monkey King's coat, the Monkey King’s boots, the Ruyi long stick, and he didn't even wear the Dead King mask. After all, he said that he had to take people personally.

But the purple qi emitted by these three pieces of equipment is more conspicuous than the other blue outfits around the body, and it is spread all over the body, looking like a purple outfit.

"Son of Wind, Xuan Xuan, hello." Lu Chen said with a smile.

"The God of War is nameless..." The son of Wind opened his eyes wide, and did the God of War greet himself so kindly? Legend has it that the God of War is decisive and ruthless in killing!

"Brother Wuming, is that BOSS your mount?" Xuan Xuan asked carefully, unable to control her curiosity.

"BOSS? Oh, you said Golden Retriever, it's my mount. Now I have three pieces on my body." Lu Chen said calmly.

In Xiaoming's live broadcast room, fans suddenly exploded.

"I'll go, mount! The first mount in the whole service!"

"Nima, this is the nine-day mount, can you directly use the BOSS as a mount? This is too awesome."

"It's crazy, it's a mount, so gluttonous! This is too cool, help, I really want one!"

"Jealousy has made me ugly, and there is no reason for it. The nameless brother didn't have a mount last time! Why did you suddenly make such a big one! I would rather be a BOSS siege!"

"I really want to sit on it, it must be super cool."

"I want to sit too! How does that feel? I want to experience it too much."

The golden macaque is not a boss, but an unnamed mount!

Xuan Xuan took a deep breath, Wuming is too strong!

Feng Zi found that the leader is not as fierce as in the legend, and tried to ask, "Leader, how many purple outfits do you have now?"

Lu Chen didn't conceal it, and said, "I don't want to wear three pieces on his body and a mask."

A group of people vomited blood.

"I can't love you...I don't want to wear a mask anymore? Does it mean human words? There are purple outfits?"

"My God, Wuming has four purple outfits?"

"The clothes should be purple, and there are shoes, what else?"

"Silly, sure weapon, that weapon is also purple."

"Nima, I have three blues on Lao Tzu's body. Brother Wuming already has a **** costume?"

"Where did this suit come from? It's so handsome, I really want it. Xiaoming, run away, let's take a closer look!"

Xiao Ming was also very helpless. He went to see the boss just now, and was thrown away by nameless in an instant. Now he is about to run back.

It was too early, and Lu Chen wanted to go to bed earlier, so he said to Fengzhizi and Xuanxuan, "Are you ready? Let's hurry up, I'm a little tired and can only take you for an hour."

The two nodded excitedly.

At this time, Xiao Ming arrived panting, "Head..."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Thanks, I didn't see you just now, otherwise I will bring you over."

"Well, Nuonuo, Xiao Ming, I will take you together."

Lu Chen sent out a team invitation.

Leng Nuo hesitated, "Head, let's not divide experience, otherwise I'm afraid some people will say..."

Lu Chen shook his head, "I didn't say that I only bring two people. It's okay. You don't need much experience to level up. If others are willing to say anything, let them say it. You two accept it."

The head of the group spoke, and Xiao Ming and Leng Nuo couldn't say anything.

The team is full of five people.

In Xia City, the manager of a large brushing team immediately received a call.

"Hello, President Xia."

"Xiao Zhang, Wuming could only take one hour, but now I have added two more people to share experience with Somfy's newcomers, seize this, scold them hard, and bring the rhythm."

"Okay President Xia, I will make arrangements right away."

Not long after, Xiao Ming's live broadcast room was swiped by some comments.

"Kuang Lang is really a **** guild, Wuming finally came out to bring people once, and two more people need to share experience."

"That's it, how much experience can Somfy's two newcomers share?"

"Somfy's 3 million yuan is considered a waste."

"In the future, the fool will find Kuang Lang to cooperate."


Xiao Ming glanced at the live broadcast room and reacted to Leng Nuo. Leng Nuo whispered to Lu Chen.

"Head of the team, someone is already scolding in the live broadcast room, or we should leave the group, and Xiao Ming will follow the film."

Lu Chen disagreed, "Don't worry."

Lu Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the arms of Feng Zi and Xuan Xuan, "Are you ready?"

The two looked at Wuming strangely, "Head, this is..."

Lu Chen smiled slightly and guessed the ground with one foot, leading the two of them to jump up, and jumped directly onto the shoulders of Golden Retriever.

Coincidentally, the Golden Retriever suddenly roared.

Sister Liu had previously told me to pay attention to the image, but now who cares about those things, the two of them hurriedly grasped the golden hair with fright.

"Golden Retriever, be quiet."

Golden Retriever pouted unhappily, aggrieved.

People are just boring...

Lu Chen patted the golden retriever, "They will be scared by you, don't make trouble."

Jumping off Jin Mao, Lu Chen grabbed Leng Nuo and Xiao Ming's arms.

"Would you like to go up, I, I'm afraid..." Leng Nuo didn't care about the status of the deputy head, too scared Xiaoniaoyi, and hugged Lu Chen's arm tightly.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, jumped up, and brought the two together to the shoulder of the golden retriever.

Leng Nuo clutched Jin Mao's hair tightly and shrank aside, "I am a little afraid of heights."

"Me too! Standing on it is terrible."

Lu Chen shook his head. He was scared. What should I do if the golden retriever runs up? Forget it, let's not say it, so that they don't dare to sit.

"Xiao Ming, start timing, I only take one hour."

"Okay, commander, it's 10:13 now."

Lu Chen nodded and patted the golden macaque, "Go! Go to Shimen World."

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