Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 169: Experience bar disappearance

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In front of the ball of light, a dark shadow was running towards this side.

"That's..." Xuan Xuan's eyes widened, "Head?"

To be precise, it was the black figure left by the golden retriever in the ball of light.

In Xiaoming's live broadcast room, commotion gradually began.

"Nameless is back?"

"The light from Hauling is very weak, how can it look so bright?"

What's interesting is that as the light ball gets closer, people's mouths slowly open up like the light ball...

The light emitted by Hauling is indeed very weak, but when countless Haulings gather together, the weak light can also emit a dazzling light!

Behind the golden giant monkey, a terrifying army of spirits finally appeared in people's vision.

Massive spirits, innumerable, are completely integrated into the collective light, vast and mighty.

"This, this..." Xiao Ming, who was good at speaking, was speechless for a long time.

Xuan Xuan said in horror, "How many are these..."

"It's terrible... My hairs are standing up!" Fengzhizi gasped.

Even if they know that Wuming is very strong, they can still feel the incomparable sense of oppression in the face of this army of spirits.

In the live broadcast room, the navy fell silent for an instant.

I used to say that nameless was a waste of time, but now it seems that it is completely nonsense, and 200 minutes can't pull them so much!

Without the dirty water splashed by the navy, the Xiaoming live broadcast room suddenly became quiet, because the players who really watched the live broadcast were already frightened by this formation.

In a moment, the army of the spirits was close at hand.

At this distance, the players have been able to enjoy experience sharing.

Lu Chen patted the golden retriever on the shoulder of the golden giant monkey, "Maverick, golden retriever, go back and rest."

The golden retriever instantly returned to Lu Chen's animal pen, and at the same time, Lu Chen, who was still high in the sky, jumped up.

At this moment, people seemed to see the figure of the Great Sage.

In the air, Lu Chen pulled out a long stick. Although this long stick is not a real golden cudgel, it was specifically mentioned in the prop description. It is said that the monkey had used it when he was practicing!

"The long stick used by the Great Sage... well, let's have a cool one!"

In the air, Lu Chen let out a low growl, "Split the ground gap!"

With a wave of the long stick, it instantly transformed a 150-meter-long phantom, like a heavenly soldier, blasting to the ground!

boom! With a loud bang, the ground in front of him was instantly torn apart by this stick.

The ground showed a gap of 150 meters long and 20 meters wide.

In front of this stick, Lu Chen is as small as an ant. It is hard to imagine that from such a golden red spot, he can swing such a terrifying stick!

President Xia was smoking a cigar while watching the live broadcast of Mad Waves. When he saw this scene, his whole person was petrified.

The cigar in his mouth burned on its own, and Mr. Xia's eyes couldn't be wider.

"This, what kind of skill is this..."

Xiao Ming's live broadcast room has been exploded.

"My God, is it, the golden hoop of the Great Sage?"

"This... is too strong."

"It's against the sky! Nima, is there any points for Wuming? Is he going to destroy the map!"

Since the Earth Splitting Divide is a physical damage, Yuling is immune to physical attacks, so it did not cause damage.

But what Lu Chen wanted was not to cause harm. First, Lu Chen was to consolidate his hatred and prevent the monsters from running away. Second, he could stun a large number of spirits, which would help him find a suitable angle and release the giant **** to sweep away.

At this time, Lu Chen just landed.

"The Great Que swept away!"

Shattering, as long as he was hanged twice by the sword qi, Yun Ling instantly rushed to the street.

In just a few seconds, 4000 Haulings had been killed in seconds!

The whole live broadcast room is quiet...

Lu Chen shook his head, sighed and said, "After pulling for 20 minutes, it's gone so soon, hey, it's not good at all."

No one else dares to take the following words...

After a while, the live broadcast room exploded after a delay.

"This Nima, is this the feeling of a master? This is not cool? Who can tell me, in the eyes of Wuming brother, what is cool!"

"It's so awesome, it's the first time I have seen such an upgrade."

"How about so many people who scold Wuming and Kuanglang before? Why is nobody talking now? Shuijun."

At this time, someone suddenly said, "Don't just guess everything on the navy. Look at Xiao Ming, the experience has only risen by less than 10%."

Everyone saw it, really!

"Damn, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the experience has increased by five?"

"No, why is this experience? Impossible."

"These monsters are probably special monsters, they don't have any attack power, and their experience is extremely low! No wonder Wuming pulls so many."

Xiao Ming was also very surprised when he saw the comments, "Huh? How can so many weirdos only add so little experience?"

"I am at level 18 and I have 550,000 upgrade experience. How can I add more than 50,000 experience?"

If this is the case, their efficiency is much worse than Dragon Slash.

"Sister Nuo, how much experience did you gain?"

"I went up by almost one and a half squares, about seven to eighty thousand," said the son of the wind.

"I am almost like Zihao."

"Huh?" Leng Nuo suddenly became surprised, "How can my experience become less?"

A bunch of people are even more surprised, Leng Nuo has a relatively high level, level 20, and 1.5 million upgrade experience is required. Previously the experience bar was around 75%, but now the experience bar is less than 70%.

It is impossible for these people to compete with level 22 elites, and experience cannot be discounted, but the experience they get is different, and even less experience, which is absolutely impossible.

Lu Chen turned his head and saw a group of people with doubts.

"What's wrong?" Lu Chen walked over.

"Head, we have a problem with experience. Our experience is different, and sister Nuo has less experience."

Lu Chen frowned, "Is it impossible?"

Leng Nuo walked to Lu Chen very seriously, "Head, it's true. I used to have more than 110,000 experience and seven and a half experience bars, but now there are only seven bars."

When Lu Chen heard it, he was a little inexplicable, "Isn't this normal?"

"Huh? Normal?" A group of people looked at the head in more surprise.

Lu Chen shook his head. Are these guys stupid, "Did you not see the golden light just now?"

Jinguang? Lu Chen does it every time he upgrades and evolves, and most players certainly do.

It's just that there are all spirits here, the light is a little hard to distinguish, and everyone's attention must be on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen also found it funny, so weird, how could he have tens of thousands of experience.

But they can't be blamed for this, who has never seen this kind of strangeness. Moreover, he killed Di Ling too quickly, and the experience of this group of people has improved rapidly. If you didn't pay attention to it, you wouldn't know that the current experience bar is no longer the original one.

"Look at your level." Lu Chen smiled and looked at several people.

"Level?" Xiao Ming opened the personal panel.

Then, the whole person petrified there.

"I, what am I... Level 20..."

"I'm level 20 too!" The son of the wind opened his eyes wide. "My god, my god, me, I'm up two levels?"

The difficulty of raising one level in nine days is so terrifying, but now he has risen to two levels at once?

20 minutes, two levels!

At this time, the Huarui rookie is still excited because of the nearly tens of thousands of experience gains, but Zihao and Xuanxuan have already reached level 20!

Leng Nuo looked at his personal panel, it clearly said "Level 21"!

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, and said, "I don't know how to upgrade, are you stupid?"

Xiao Ming said in shock, "Is this...experience bar disappearance technique!?"

In a mansion, the cigar in Mr. Xia's mouth fell feebly.

He seemed to have lost his soul, "Two levels in 20 minutes?! No, it's impossible...it's impossible!"

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