Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 172: Five-star destruction

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"What the hell?" Lu Chen's mind turned sharply.

He activated this hidden task a bit inexplicably.

"It seems that there should be any pre-tasks elsewhere, what clues and props should be obtained, and come to evolve these congregants. When I surrendered by force, the system determined that I was "purifying" him, so this task was activated?"

"Unable to surrender by force?!" Lu Chen's 20-layer blood poison concept was completely shattered.

The sound just came from the center of the blood pool. At this moment, the shallow ripples in the center of the blood pool became turbulent.

In the middle of the huge blood pool, an island in the lake suddenly appeared, on which a chaotic portal stood.

"The speaker is behind that door? Is that a copy or a secret?"

Generally, even if it is difficult to find a copy, the entrance is fixed, just like the ruins of Shacheng. Even if you test it, you cannot enter the copy, but the entrance to the copy is there.

But this entrance just appeared. There was no island in the lake before, and this feeling was a bit similar to the previous Youyue Secret Realm.

After the full server mission, the entrance of the Youyue Secret Realm disappeared.

The income of the Secret Realm is much higher than that of the dungeon!

"By the way, when I went to Youyue Secret Realm, there was a Secret Realm Stone Platform. As long as I put some items on it, I can get more similar items!" Lu Chen suddenly remembered.

"Damn! I shouldn't have used up all the ancient materials!" Lu Chen said regretfully!

But Lu Chen turned to think about it, who can guarantee that he will discover the secret realm again so soon, he is in urgent need of ancient materials now, and he cannot put it in his backpack to wait for the next secret realm.

Besides, he can't be sure that the island in the lake is the secret realm...

[Full server announcement, the player is the only one who is crazy and discovers the secret realm of the blood pool! Congratulations to the player, I'm the only one who won the title "Bloodpool Pioneer"! 】

Puff... Lu Chen almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood, and he slapped his face too quickly.

Not only did he post a system announcement, he also got another title... He glanced at the attributes of "Bloodpool Pioneer", which was better than Youyue Pioneer, and his basic strength increased by 15%.

"Well, now I know that you are a secret realm, and I will announce it again."

In other words, the most popular recently has always been the nameless identity. Since Mad God made a personal copy, the whole person has disappeared. Now, it is estimated that there will be all kinds of speculations outside.

The major live broadcast rooms have already exploded at this time.

"Have you seen the game announcement? Mad God has discovered the secret realm again!"

"This mad **** is too, too mysterious, he just made a personal copy, and now he has discovered the secret realm."

"In fact, the mad **** is more mysterious than the nameless, and I think the strength of the mad **** may be stronger than that of the nameless. People are just developing silently."

When Feng Lingzi saw the news, her eyes widened with excitement, "Crazy God! It's Crazy God!"

At the beginning, Fenglingzi and Crazy God had several intersections. Although with the nameless rise of the God of War, the Crazy God gradually turned from the top attention and withdrew from people's attention, but Fenglingzi has always been thinking about the Crazy God.

Before the storm of personal copy, Fenglingzi saw a glimmer of hope. Perhaps Mad God would return to the public’s sight again, but unfortunately, Mad God continued to disappear afterwards, leaving only the individual copy. Every day someone lined up to learn experience. .

Fans are also discussing this matter enthusiastically.

"Let me just say, Mad God must still be playing. By the way, where is the blood pool secret realm? How many level is that copy?"

"The God of War's nameless equipment is the equipment of the Great Sage, and it doesn't feel very good. So, only the crazy **** is near the blood pool."

"By the way, the last time the secret realm appeared, there was a full server mission. Is there any more this time?"

This person just finished speaking, and Fenglingzi, who was still in the game, received news again.

[Activate the full-server task: Gorefiend invasion, the full-server will be merged at 3 pm, this time the combined server will merge all 10th-level main cities, then players will be forced to offline, and the full server will restart after 10 minutes. 】

Countless players have unconditionally accepted a mission.

[Task: Invasion of Blood Demon]

[Task description: The blood demon will lead the moon worshipers to attack the 10th main city at 8 o'clock tomorrow, please prepare players to resist the blood demon invasion]

[Quest content: under the attack of the blood demon army, lasted 12 hours]

[This task has been added to the forecaster's deduction pattern, and the difficulty of the task can be deduced. 】

【Task Reward: For successfully resisting the invasion of Gorefiend, players on all servers will receive a 48-hour double reward and a 48-hour double drop rate reward. 】

【If the main city is destroyed, the main city of Xianshan will disappear forever. 】

"What!" Feng Lingzi looked at the task description with shock.

Yes, this time there was a full server mission, but this time the mission was obviously more terrifying.

In the previous mission, all the monsters in the secret realm were hiding in the secret realm, but this time, is the blood demon going to launch a siege?

This will be a head-to-head battle!

The task reward is so rich, 48 hours of double experience and drop rate, it seems that it does not make people feel excited, because often the more rewarding, the more difficult the task.

What is the reward for the mission in the Secret Realm of Youyue? Twelve hours of double experience, no double drop...

"After the mission fails, the main city of Xianshan will disappear forever?!" Feng Lingzi repeated this prompt, "Without the main city of Xianshan, what about the guild territory we built? There is no place to learn skills, no place to buy medicine, no place Break the tower..."

The importance of the main city of Fairy Mountain is self-evident. Once it disappears permanently, it will be devastating for players who have not yet been able to enter the level 30 map.

"My God! This mission is too abnormal, right? The main city disappears forever? Tian Xing is not kidding?!"

"That's not right, tomorrow is the 50th celebration, this is woolen yarn."

"What the **** am I doing? The national server has managed to narrow the gap, but this is the result? If the main city is gone, when the Asian server merges, the national server players will wait to be abused."

"You can't say the same thing. If you are a mad god, you should go and see if you see the secret realm. It's just that the mad **** **** hatred too much. What he **** is not strange hatred, but nine days of hatred. He did all the service tasks."

Feng Lingzi suddenly thought of a problem, and she hurriedly gave up the upgrade and returned to the city.

A message was sent to a friend, and the two agreed to meet at the Prophet Career Center.

Feng Lingzi's friend is a prophet. This profession is currently in an embarrassing position. There is no group attack, and a single attack can bully the pharmacist.

But other pharmacists can increase blood, and in the future they can be transferred to poison masters, and bullying is only temporary.

The predictors can't fight, and their abilities are very funny. They can calculate the probability and deduct good and bad luck!

At present, there are still very few tasks that can be received in nine days, and there is no need to calculate the probability, which makes the predictor even more embarrassed. This makes many players who came to this mysterious profession in the first place regretted it.

However, this time the system announcement reminded people of the prophet!

"Shanshan, can you deduce the difficulty of this mission?"

Shanshan frowned, "I have predicted it."

"What's the result?"

"Blood evil soaring to the sky, three stars in a row, extremely fierce... this mission, the difficulty is "five-star destruction" level."

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