Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 175: Gorefiend Invasion

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The 50th celebration is very attractive, you can play a lot of copy BOSS.

In addition, the most important point is that the concept of "BOSS points" was mentioned in the subsequent system announcement.

[Players can get BOSS points corresponding to their level by killing any BOSS in the 50th celebration. After the event is over, the name of the event will be scheduled according to the BOSS points plateau. 】

[The first place in the major national clothing will win the "Chameleon" supercar independently developed by our company! 】

The enthusiasm of the 50th celebration has become more and more enthusiastic as Tianxing continues to send system announcements!

"The chameleon is super running, that's a man's dream!"

"Look at the pictures on the official website, the chameleon is simply a car from the future, so handsome."

"But there is only one national server. It should be difficult to get the first place in the whole server."

However, when players around the world have begun to go crazy, the atmosphere on the China Alliance side is somewhat different.

Several managers of the China Association Alliance are discussing this event.

"I'm really convinced, I actually did such an activity at this time... Isn't this distracting our troops!"

"Should some players have already gone to play equipment."

"Well, in fact, for ordinary players, they didn't pay much attention to this Gorefiend invasion. What's more, the rewards of this event are indeed very attractive. For some players, the guild has no time to fight the boss, it is them instead. Opportunity."

"Hey, we can't order all players to defend, but this event also has an advantage, that is, players from other servers will not come to us to make trouble, and powerful organizations will definitely fight for the chameleon."

"We can only do our own thing and protect the main city of Xianshan, otherwise Huaxia clothes will be completely defeated in the future combined clothes!"


Lu Chen glanced at the 50th celebration.

Kill BOSS and drop equipment, earn BOSS points...

"This activity is not bad," Lu Chen said joyfully.

He has already rushed over to Duotou Mountain, where there are a lot of monsters, all at level 38, but without the blood poisoning DEBUFF, he can easily cross the Dutou Mountain.

Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the open map in front of him.

This is not a dense forest, there are broken bricks everywhere, the old stone pillars are lying crookedly there, and the ground is covered with weeds.

This is the ancient battlefield!

Lu Chen had been around here for a while before and found seven or eight similar ruins of stone pillars.

There seems to be a certain connection between these ruins. There is a dilapidated altar in the middle of each ruin, but Lu Chen has not found a clue after searching for a long time to solve the mystery of the stone pillar.

However, things seem to have turned around now. The 50th event opens, so Lu Chen doesn't need to find a copy anymore. As long as there is a copy here, the BOSS inside may be refreshed in the wild.

"I hope to drop the ancient materials, as long as I get one, I can go back to fight the secret realm!" Lu Chen rode around the ancient battlefield on the golden retriever.

Speaking of it, the map of the ancient battlefield is very large, but Lu Chen has not found a single monster.

"It's weird, why haven't you brushed it out yet? Hasn't the activity started yet?" Lu Chen turned around on the map.

As time passed, Lu Chen had already stayed here for an hour, not to mention the boss, not a single monster was seen.

"Forget it, the registration here is estimated to be relatively high, even if it needs to be refreshed, it will take some time." Lu Chen thought for a while, put away the golden retriever, and jumped onto the tree.

The line of sight from the tree is relatively large, and three or four stone pillar ruins can be seen at the same time.

"Xiao Min, help me watch, I will sleep for a while, and I will call me when I find the boss."

"Good boss."

Lu Chen leaned on the tree trunk. He didn't expect that he would not only sleep in the game, but also sleep in the tree. This experience is really rare.

When Lu Chen was preparing to sleep, he opened the email when he was bored.

There are too many emails from strangers, but there are a few emails from friends that have been marked.

Windbell: Crazy God, are you still playing lately? I haven't heard from you for a long time.

Red high heels: President, the guild alliance side, I hope you can participate in this defensive battle to guard the city of Xianshan King.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, Feng Lingzi's girl still remembered the mad god...

Lu Chen is naturally not interested in participating in this full-service mission. To be precise, even if he wants to participate, he is not the defender!

Lu Chen shook his head and replied an email to Fenglingzi, telling her that he was still playing, and then another email to Leng Nuo.

There are only three words in the email: Do not participate.

Turning off the mail system, Lu Chen glanced at the stone pillar formations, thoughtfully, "I won't have a copy that I've been to, I won't spawn a boss..."

"Rhubarb should have a look... Forget it, I'm sleepy, I'll talk about it after I sleep."


When a player team was the first to kill a Shadow Gale Tiger, China Server appeared on the "Boss Point Ranking".

Whether it is for equipment experience or for the final event reward, many players are frantically hunting BOSS.

The ranking on the leaderboard changes almost every minute, and the competition among players is fierce.

Until 7:50 in the morning, the top ranking "Tai Ah Huang Tian" had a total of 1433 BOSS points, which was only 2 points higher than the second "Wisdom Network Segment Reputation"!

At this time, it was only 10 minutes before the blood demons invaded.

The number of online users in the national service began to climb, and a large number of players poured into the server to prepare for this "five-star destruction" invasion.

At 7:58, most of the players have gathered outside the main city of Xianshan, within the 6000-meter defense line.

Of course, some players are still trying to compete for the BOSS.

At 8 o'clock, the red letter announcement of the full service of China Server!

[The blood demon army is marching towards the main city of Xianshan! 】

Even the players who were still reluctant to fight the BOSS have returned. After all, in the Gorefiend invasion, the players have only one life. Once they die, they have to wait 12 hours.

At this time, no one dare to stay outside except for some players who are not good at their brains!

On the other hand, due to the large span of the Xianshan line of defense, many back-row players chose to watch the front line of defense through live broadcast.

A live broadcast room that was originally not well-known, Luoluo live broadcast room, because she is on the fifth line of defense, you can see the situation ahead, and her popularity suddenly rose to the first place on the official website.

In less than 10 minutes, the sky in the distance suddenly changed color.

There was a blood red...

"what is that?"

"Is it an army of monsters?"

"It doesn't seem to be, it's fog! I rely on it, won't it be fog like a foggy forest again?"

Gradually, the sky above everyone's head turned red, and the whole world was enveloped by red blood!

Suddenly, a player in the front row exclaimed, "Damn, what DEBUFF is this? 0.5% of the upper limit of HP per second?!"

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