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After the blood skull appeared, the player had to invest more manpower to support the white tiger.

This is definitely a long-running battle. Countless players have come forward and succeeded, fighting the frontal battlefield while supporting the white tiger.

According to official statistics, within 6 hours of the Gorefiend invasion, 79 million Chinese players died!

Assimilated wild monsters around are still continuously joining the battlefield, and on the player side, there are also a large number of players who have just launched into the battle.

With the help of 1,000 level 50 elites, on the frontal battlefield, Huaxia players can temporarily block it.

The key to victory lies in the battle between the Gorefiend and the Aurora White Tiger.

On the tree, Lu Chen had been watching the fight between two super bosses.

Gorefiend invaded for 9 hours!

The white tiger's blood volume has dropped to 200,000, almost black blood!

The blood skull has been killed, and the blood demon has 2.6 million blood! The blood volume is obviously dominant!

"Pharmacist, is there a pharmacist? Hurry! Get the blood!" The conductors everywhere roared hoarsely, their voices already hoarse.

Now even if there is a pharmacist, the pharmacist will not have pure aura to support this kind of battle.

White Tiger's blood volume is getting lower and lower, 180,000, 150,000, 100,000!

Lu Chen has stood up. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice, "The white tiger can't beat the blood demons at all. This is a bit troublesome...Forget it, the priority is to ensure that the white tiger cubs are obtained. It is not time yet. Wait a minute!"

The last blow must be grabbed!

A single attack of the Gorefiend can probably cause 10,000+ damage to the White Tiger, and the blood recovery of the pharmacists must be considered. Although it is not much now, it can also increase 6000+ blood volume at a time.

90,000, 80,000...The blood volume of the White Tiger is no longer visible at all.

Lu Chen quickly jumped off the tree and rushed towards the two super bosses.

The players who saw him quickly discovered Lu Chen's trail.

"No, it's the monkey!"

"Block the monkey!"

"Quick, add blood! Is there a pharmacist?"

Lu Chen easily avoided the player who tried to intercept him, and now he only saw the Aurora White Tiger!

84,000 blood!

Everyone is staring at Baihu's blood bar! Everyone's nerves collapsed to the extreme.

Lu Chen stared at the blood demon intently. He must now count every attack of the blood demon and control the blood volume of the white tiger in order to **** the head from the blood demon.

However, it is very unfortunate that at this critical moment, the Gorefiend actually swung its flame sword.

"Z" cut? Lu Chen was shocked, this skill can cause 10W+ damage!

"I'm going, I can't take it from me!" Lu Chen's eyes were cracked. After waiting for 9 hours, he would fall short in this way?

Absolutely not! Never let the blood demon use this trick!

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and couldn't wait any longer at this time.

"Split the ground gap!"

In this attack, Lu Chen changed his attack mode and chose "All Attack". In this mode, Lu Chen's attack will not distinguish between enemy and us!

With a loud bang, the huge long stick phantom slammed on the ground, and at the same time concentrated the blood demon, the white tiger, and the unknown number of players.

The blood demon and the white tiger lose blood at the same time, and the damage is around 3000.

"Huh? What's the matter, why did the monkey's skill even fight the blood demon?

"What's the situation? The wild monsters can also cause harm?"

Lu Chen didn't have time to worry about the players' thoughts, and quickly rushed to the white tiger.

While moving, the damage is still being calculated.

This time the ground-breaking chasm was an attack under 100% force. Normally, it could cause 10000+ damage, but the resistance of the two bosses was too high, causing the damage to drop to 3000 all at once.

"Nima, the physical defense is so high!" Lu Chen stared at Bai Hu, at this time this guy has 81,000 HP!

With so much blood, how would Lu Chen kill the white tiger before the blood demon? !

In addition to hurting and destroying the ground, it can also dizzy! The average player can't enjoy this effect, because a stick has been killed in seconds.

But the two BOSS were stunned there together.

However, the BOSS has stun resistance, and the stun time is significantly shorter than that of ordinary players. As soon as Lu Chen arrived in front of Baihu, the two BOSSs had already become active again.

The Gorefiend raised the flame sword again...

"Nima, wake up so soon! The vertigo resistance is so high!"

Lu Chen quickly rushed to Bai Hu, "Clone!"

The two monkeys launched several attacks in a row.

-788, -1580 (poisoned), -1580 (poisoned), -2253 (double crit), -1580 (poisoned), -1580 (poisoned)...

-384, -790 (poisoned), -790 (poisoned)...

Baihu's physical defense is about 2,000. Lu Chen's normal attack can only deal more than 700 points of damage, and the clone can only deal half of the damage. It's no wonder that the Earth Splitting Divide can offset so much damage.

Fortunately, the poisoning effect is still there!

This attack caused a total of 21,000 damage, and the white tiger had 60,000 blood remaining!

At the same time, Bai Hu grabbed a paw.

It was Lu Chen's true body that Bai Hu attacked. After all, his true body had high damage and high hatred.

-8540, -8621, -8413, -8220.

Aurora White Tiger hit four combos, directly cutting Lu Chen's blood.

But in the current situation, Lu Chen didn't have time to dodge, and could only take the damage abruptly.

"Monkey King Nixue!" Lu Chen stepped on the ground, and the ground centered on him suddenly vibrated!

This technique is a special effect of the Purple Monkey King's coat, which can cause dizziness for around 3 seconds, and he will recover 80% of his blood within 3 seconds. Because of this ultra-perverted attribute, Lu Chen has always hidden it as a hole card.

But now he must control the Gorefiend.

3 seconds dizzy! Interrupt the gorefiend cast.

At the same time, Lu Chen canceled his own blood increase special effect. The two bosses may wake up in just over a second, and only one attack can be launched in just over a second, and there is no time to increase his blood.

The White Tiger still has 60,000 HP. Even if Lu Chen launches the Tiger down the mountain, he can only deal 25,000+ damage, plus the clone, less than 4W.

Now Lu Chen had two options, launching a tiger roar and turning a physical attack into a spiritual attack.

Lu Chen had already calculated his own damage, plus the poisoning, six combos could cause nearly 34,000 damage, plus the clone, about 5W more damage.

Only 10,000 damage! It just doesn't happen in seconds.

Or, directly attack with objects, praying for more critical strikes...but 50% of the critical strikes will not kill the white tiger in seconds.

If the second doesn't fall, it doesn't make sense to hit how much damage!

Seeing that the preparations for the blood demon's flame sword were about to be completed, Lu Chen, in a rage, launched a fierce tiger down the mountain, and at the same time... hit the blood demon with his clone...

After a meal of damage, the blood demon lost more than 4W of blood, which had little effect on the blood demon who had more than two million blood.

But the flame sword held high by the blood demon suddenly came down.

On the top of the Gorefiend's head, four big characters appeared.

Meridian obstruction!

The Gorefiend was silenced!

The blood demon's red eyes, staring at the little monkey under his feet... Lu Chen successfully pulled the blood demon's hatred!

Lu Chen was depressed. Originally, he was here to pick up people's heads, but now it's better, the two bosses are looking at him...

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