Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 191: The beast bet on the beast!

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After half an hour.

[Kill ancient warlords (level 42 ancient BOSS), obtain 840,000 heaven and earth auras, obtain 7-star talent fragment 2, obtain 7-star quality points 2, and obtain pure aura 2. 】

[Ding, get the ancient heart*1]

"It's so boring." Lu Chen was lying on the ground, and he didn't feel anymore when he saw these two lines.

You don't have to do anything, just wait for the reward, it's boring.

Lu Chen knocked on a few miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pills to ensure that he was full of pure aura, and said to Xiao Min, "Xiao Min, you can just hide it directly for me, I'll go to the official website and turn around."

"Good boss."

In other words, it is estimated that no one knows that he has a purple ghost pet. But with Xiao Min, Lu Chen is indeed much more convenient.

After explaining to Xiao Min, Lu Chen hung up and went to the official website to read the news.

"Damn, there have been a lot of powerhouses of more than 40 levels?" Lu Chen was also a little surprised, flipping through Tianxing's announcement and looking at it, and got a general idea.

"Oh, let me say it, it turns out I saw a closed beta player." Lu Chen didn't take it seriously.

There are a lot of news on the official website. Nine-days online has exceeded 2.6 billion. Governments of various countries have received Tianxing staff, various speeches, or interesting things about players, etc., nothing to watch.

The liveliest ones are the live broadcasts and forums. In the live broadcast room, various scenes after the Blood Demon invasion are being broadcasted in the live broadcast room. Everyone cheers for the eventual Gorefiend invasion, and looks forward to the upcoming double. good-looking.

When Lu Chen opened the forum, a sticky post finally caught his attention.

[An unknown rat, dare to fight! 】

"What?" Lu Chen nodded in.

"Yes, the nameless rat generation I mean is the nameless brother! I am the royal prince, and this was the one who robbed my two mythical beasts! My royal prince officially wants to start a wild duel today without a name. The bet is 10 million or one A divine beast cub! Nameless, aren’t you crazy? Are you not the strongest player? I’ll ask if you dare to fight!"

"I spend money on the post for 7 days. You can't fail to see it. If you don't dare to fight, it means that you are a scumbag. You will kneel and knock three times when you see Laozi!"

The following group of people reply.

"Damn, challenge the nameless, the prince is crazy, right?"

"The bet is for cubs of beasts? Does the prince have cubs of beasts?"

"Will Wuming challenge?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly. He still remembered the royal prince, who was the kid who had great acting skills.

"Challenge me?" Lu Chen remembered that although the royal prince was quite insidious, he wasn't so mindless.

"Could it be that I found a master..." Lu Chen thought for a while. This guy didn't mention it in the post, but with his sinister personality, he definitely did not rule out this possibility.

Challenged in his own name, but in the end let the master come to fight, and the master would fight for the disciple, which seemed reasonable.

Many people don’t look at the process of a duel, only the result.

But the 20 million bet seems a bit interesting.

Lu Chen is not short of money now, but who would think it is too much.

The most important thing is to read the arrogant post of the prince, if you do not agree, I am afraid that he will be troubled all day long.

Lu Chen couldn't directly reply, he decided to let Li Muhua help reply one.

"The nameless boss actually took the initiative to call me, why?"

"Help me return a post!"

"The post that challenged your royal prince?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly. Li Muhua's mind is still okay, "Yes, just say I will fight, and I don't need money for betting! I have a beast, and the other party must also have a beast! I will decide the time. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, they choose the place. ."

"Lu Chen, is it a bit sloppy what you promised? Have you read the news on the official website? Now there are a lot of advanced players."

"Look at it."

"I saw you still challenged. The royal prince must have something to rely on. I guess a master will accept him as a disciple. Then he will just arouse you a few words, and then let the master come on the court. What do you do?"

"Wow, it turns out to be so insidious... Go back to a post for me, just as I said."

Li Muhua collapsed and said, this guy didn't take his words seriously at all, "Brother, don't you understand me? You can only accept disciples at level 42. Are you able to pass level 42 at more than 30 levels?"

"Then you let me be a turtle?"

"No, oh... this is really tricky, that kid is really troublesome!"

"That's right, you don't want me to be a tortoise, and don't let me fight, or you fight for me."

"Don't don't, how can I... Lu Chen, are you sure?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly and wanted to tease Li Muhua deliberately, "No, yes, don't you have a sacred animal, if I lose, I will pay him yours."

"Damn! This...hey, okay, my Xiaomao, I'm leaving my father, my Xiaomao, Maomao!"

Li Muhua was actually willing to return the sacred beast to Lu Chen, this guy is really amazing.

"Hahaha, amusing you, it looks like you are reluctant to bear it, it seems like you are killing you, don't worry, it's yours if you give it to you, I will be a beast by myself." Lu Chen smiled, "I guess I beat me There are a lot of people paying attention to the beasts, and I just want to tell those so-called closed beta players, it’s best not to mess with me!"

"Your kid is so confident... well, I get it!"

Under the royal prince’s post, Jie Xue Wei Guo replied with scarlet letters.

"Hello everyone, I am the Jagged Guardian and an unknown friend. He was assigned to the four sacred beasts in the national service, and one of them was given to me. This should prove our relationship."

"Anonymous didn't want to reveal his ID, so I specifically asked me to speak on his behalf."

"He agreed to accept the challenge of the royal prince, but made two conditions. First, he produced a mythical beast, but the royal prince must also produce a mythical beast. Don't say you don't have one. Wuming knows that you want your master. Come and fight, he should have it! If it really doesn't, then don't blame Wuming for not accepting the duel. Second, the time is not fixed. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, you choose the location!"

"The above is an anonymous reply. I can act as the guarantor as the president of the Jagged Guild."

Regardless of the strength of the Jagged Guild, but this guild has a military background, many people know that with the guarantee of the Jagged Guild, this can't be wrong.

As soon as the post came out, there was a stormy sea!

"It turns out that the prince is looking for his master as a gun."

"Wait, since Wuming knows, why does he accept the challenge? He wants to fight the closed beta players?"

"Didn't the closed beta players have been playing for several months? If they can accept apprentices, they must be at least level 42! The nameless is crazy!"

"Level is a trivial matter. The key is equipment. Can level 42 equipment be comparable to level 30 equipment?"

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, shit, I must get up to watch the live broadcast!"

The royal prince also got news here. He had read Jie Xue Weiguo's reply and immediately showed it to Linglong Zixin.

"Master, Wuming said that he must bet on a beast!"

Linglong Zixin narrowed her eyes slightly, "Oh, knowing that I am going to fight and dare to fight, it seems that I still want to fight my beast? Boy, there is a kind!"


"Nine days tomorrow morning, I will make him the laughing stock of the whole service!"

The royal prince was excited, his eyes flashed, and the opportunity he was waiting for finally came!

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