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Almost everyone was so nervous that they forgot to breathe. There were only a dozen people with a relaxed expression, which was in sharp contrast with the surrounding players.

These people are the legendary closed beta players, coming from various districts, waiting leisurely for the game to start.

"Purple Heart is really boring, what's the point of playing at level 42 at level 35." They are very high-level, even if Lu Chen is not injured, he can still see his level.

"Originally, leveling is very boring, and that nameless seems to be jumping, and education is good."

"Yes, some people just want them to recognize their own jins and liang, and dare to challenge our internal beta players. This time we will wipe out his first-level experience."

"By the way, how many sacred beasts are there on this guy? I wanted to **** him a long time ago, but I was taken the lead by Zi Xin. If I make money, I can earn my sacred beast. It's so cool!

The duel began in the chat of these great players!

Linglong Zixin smiled slightly, and suddenly a bell floated beside her, exuding purple air.

"Strengthen the spiritual attack! Jinling protects the body!"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly. The bell should be a purple magic weapon. The level is higher, and as expected, there are more equipment tricks.

The bell rang, and the purple long sword in Zixin's hand turned up with a golden light, which seemed to be blessed by some special effects.

"Starting to play the monkey." Linglong Zixin smiled slightly and was about to take the next step.

At this time, Lu Chen also moved. He put on the Mask of the Dead King first.

Spider silk entwined!

Move quickly!

A group of white spider silk accurately captured Linglong Purple Heart.

At the same time, Lu Chen's figure was agitated, so fast that it was hard to catch with the naked eye.

No one noticed that during the rapid migration, Lu Chen activated two skills at the same time...Clone and Invisibility!

After a quick movement, the nameless body has disappeared, leaving only one clone!

"Grandstanding!" Linglong Zixin snorted coldly. She was not in a hurry. She had seen the skill of spider silk entanglement. If she did not attack, it would last for a long time, but once the opponent attacked, the spider silk would be destroyed.

Therefore, no matter what tricks your opponent uses, don't be afraid, as long as the fight is really started, the spider silk entanglement will be released.

Not long after, "Anonymous" rushed to Linglong Purple Heart and smashed it down.

-420, -462 (poisoned), -462 (poisoned), -1512 (double crit), -462 (poisoned), -462 (poisoned), -1548 (double crit), -462 (poisoned) , -462 (poisoning).

9 levels of damage, 6252 points of damage.

This time the attack caused those closed beta players with arms around their chests to look sideways.

"Damn, that guy can do damage. Life-saving Jinling is definitely one of the first-line magic weapons among the purple magic weapons. It adds spiritual attack, increases the upper limit of blood volume, and reduces the damage by 80% in a short time. How can he hit such high damage?"

"Weapon extracts poison? Or is it a poison master?"

"There are actually three combos. I stepped on some **** and luck. There can be this kind of exercise!"

The master is worthy of being a master. The average players still don't understand the attack principle of Wuming and Mad God, but they can see Lu Chen's attack at a glance, three combos plus two heavy poisons, and give possible reasons.

Of course, they guessed completely wrong!

However, the real shock is the players.

"Damn, that exquisite purple heart is 120,000 blood? Is there a mistake!"

"The defense is so high, the nameless attack should be more than two thousand, and the result can only be more than 400 without a crit?"

"It's too strong!"

Linglong Zixin was very angry that Lu Chen could beat her so much blood, "Venom purification!" One move first solved the poisoning effect on her body, "Boy, look for death!"

"Sanqing Sword Formation!" The purple long sword in her hand was divided into three and shot towards Lu Chen.

Linglong Zixin is a sword spirit, and her skills are much stronger than ordinary players. This three-clear sword formation can split a sword into three, and the start is fast, almost instant, and the sword formation flying speed Very fast, it is difficult for normal players to dodge unless they predict.

Lu Chen was originally close to Linglong Purple Heart. Facing the Sanqing Sword Formation, Lu Chen had no chance to dodge and was hit directly.

Shattering, the sword formation passed directly through Lu Chen's body!

-5633 (Spirit Attack), -5633 (Spirit Attack), -5633 (Spirit Attack)!

At the same time, Lu Chen has two more DEBUFFs on his body, one is a three-layer "spiritual attack vulnerable"-when he suffers a spiritual attack, he takes an additional 15% damage.

One is "paralysis"-the whole body has a paralysis effect, and the paralysis time is 0.5 seconds!

Lu Chen had more than 70,000 blood, which was one-fifth of it! Two debuffs!

The royal prince looked at Master's shot in shock. Is this the power of high-level exercises? That's too strong!

However, Linglong Zixin's attack is not over yet!

"Sanqing sword formation, second stage!" Linglong Zixin squeezed his sword fingers, and the far away sword formation suddenly turned around and launched a second wave of attacks from behind!

-6196 (Spirit Attack), -6196 (Spirit Attack), -6196 (Spirit Attack)

The spirit attack vulnerability is superimposed by 2 layers to reach the upper limit of 5 layers, and it will take an additional 25% of the spirit attack damage.

"Sanqing sword formation, three paragraphs!"

These, the live broadcast room completely exploded.

"Nima, there are three more stages, are there any laws of nature? The Sanqing sword formation is too strong!"

"In the beginning, we just talked about the level and equipment gap. It turns out that the most important thing is the difference in cultivation technique!"

"This skill is handsome, and the damage is high. The sword spirits are already crying, hey, envy!"

However, Lu Chen's blood volume also surprised people.

"Brother Wuming has more than 70,000 blood? The level is high, can he increase that much?"

"More than 70,000 won't be enough to fight. Two stages of Sanqing sword formations are almost half blood. Let's see how much you can fight in the third stage."

The three purple swords merged into one, turning into a physical state again, and one sword stabbed Lu Chen.


-28750 (spiritual crit)!

"I'm going! Spirit attack can also make a crit?!"

"It should be the third stage, which must be a critical strike, and don't forget, Wuming also has a 25% spiritual damage increase on Wuming's body. This Sanqing sword formation is too strong!"

"It's over, Brother Wuming has just beaten someone with a trace of blood, and he has been cut and only has more than 10,000 blood left."

"Is this the strength of the closed beta players? It's terrifying..."

Zijian returned to Linglong Zixin's hands again, and she was not busy attacking this time.

"Boy, do you know the gap between us now? I only use a few tricks now, and you are about to die...Hahaha, it's really like a monkey."

Zi Xin looked at Wuming, but found that the other party's expression had not changed from beginning to end, she was probably discouraged by the blow.

"Well, it seems that you also know that you are rubbish, then I don't need to waste time with you."

Zi Xin Jian pointed to it, and the purple sword hung beside her.

"Just use a low-level move to kill you. Wan Jian Jue!"

The purple sword opened like a fan, creating a ghost, and then nine purple swords shot at Lu Chen at the same time.

Ten thousand swords, ten thousand arrows penetrate the heart!

Pupupupu...... -3444, -3444...... Nine-stage attack, all hit.

Within the paralysis effect, Lu Chen couldn't dodge at all.

Lu Yi clung to Leng Nuo, but still couldn't help shaking her body, and took a half step back.

Lost without name? Brother, he doesn't even have the power to fight back! No, it's impossible!

"Trash!" The royal prince roared excitedly, "Now all of you see how trash the nameless is? He directed to bully people with lower levels than him, and encountered powerful ones who were played with like a monkey. Between the palms, hahahaha! Nameless, you are just rubbish!"

The royal prince was excited for a long time, but when he looked back at the master, he found that his expression was a bit wrong.


"Shut up!" Linglong Zixin's expression had never been so serious.

The expressions on the faces of the players around the closed beta are exactly the same as those of Linglong Zixin. They are staring at the field, like...somewhere in the battlefield, there is an invisible monster, and it will come out all the time!

The royal prince didn't understand at all, until he looked down at the nameless body.

Staring for a few seconds, the nameless corpse suddenly turned into smoke and dissipated with a bang!

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