Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 197: Was beaten and cried

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In a wild duel, even if one party is defeated, it must be resurrected at least three times. If the time is not resurrected, the system will force the resurrection.

A newly resurrected person only retains 10% of his health.

It can't be beaten at full blood, and 10% blood volume can't be beaten. The final result has no suspense.

As soon as Linglong Zixin was resurrected, Lu Chen hit him with a stick.

Without her life-saving exquisite state, her blood volume was only 67,000, and a clone of Lu Chen could kill in seconds, let alone a body attack.

Direct seckill, constant seckill, also burst a 40-level purple leg armor.

For the second time, Linglong Zixin was forced to resurrect by the system. As soon as she was resurrected, Lu Chen saw tears in her eyes.

However, Lu Chen still smashed it.

Linglong Purple Heart dropped another level 40 purple breastplate.

For the third time, Linglong Purple Heart was forced to resurrect by the system again. At this time, people suddenly discovered that Linglong Purple Heart's level was only 41!

"Damn, got killed and dropped?!"

"The higher the level, the higher the death penalty, but after three deaths, it drops by one level, which is a bit too scary."

"Nine days, it was originally the most perverted game in history, and Linglong Zixin may have just reached level 42. What I want to say is that Brother Wuming is so cold that he beats people to tears and doesn't stop."

"What do you know? Wild duels are like this. If you don't want to kill her, don't you have to give up? Who asked her to initiate a wild duel!"

As the "strongest player" selected by Tianxing Company, Linglong Zixin was not bad even among the players in the internal test. However, she was killed by an ordinary player repeatedly, and she almost collapsed.

Humiliated, unwilling...Anger, humiliated, even her only beast will lose to that guy! If it hadn't been for her to endure it, tears would have welled her eyes.

Three corpse guards were completed, and before Linglong Zixin was resurrected, the closed beta players on the side rushed into the field, and everyone glared at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen took off the corpse king mask and smiled slightly, "What? Afraid that I will continue to guard the corpse?"

The forced resurrection of the wild duel three times only meant that the wild duel was over. It did not mean that one party could not continue to guard the corpse. If Lu Chen was happy, he could keep on guarding.

"Boy, there's a kind!" Among the closed beta players, a valiant man stood in the front, the ID "Fen Tian Jian Xian" looked at Lu Chen coldly, "Today Linglong suffered from your stealth loss. You may not be fighting head-on. I can win!"

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, "After playing for so long, why are you still so naive? If this is reality, she has already died in my hands. You tell me to fight head-on? Does it make sense?"

Sword Immortal Fen Tian snorted coldly, "It's really arrogant, nameless, rest assured, if you think no one is boring to play with you, we will wait for you on the forty level map!"

"Hahahaha, why are you waiting for me on a level 40 map? Seeing that I am not pleasing to your eyes, challenge now, or you know how many catties you are, so you want to gang up on me on a level 40 map?"

Sword Immortal Fentian squinted his eyes, staring at Lu Chen, and said coldly, "Hey, half a bucket of water often sways the most fiercely. Boy, you have gotten you invincible? It's just good luck. A stealth magic weapon, after breaking your invisibility, will you still be able to jump? I am not afraid to tell you that the real strong will disdain you for such low-level garbage."

Linglong Zixin had been resurrected at this time, her eyes were red, and she stared at Lu Chen.

"Anonymous, today's shame, I will return it a hundred times in the future!"

Linglong Zixin hated Lu Chen so much. It was a trivial matter to drop two 40 purple outfits. The point is to lose face in front of all players today.

Lu Chen frowned, blinked his eyes, "It's weird, it sounds like you are a disadvantaged group...this is not a wild duel you initiated, if I lose, you guess when you guard the corpse, You have to play more tricks before you are willing to kill me."

"Forget it, take revenge on me, you are welcome at any time, but you all remember it to me. Before you want to make an idea for me, please weigh your own abilities!"

The game is over, Lu Chen gets another fire unicorn.

Lu Chen looked back and saw the stiff girl in the crowd. She smiled and shook her head. The silly girl must have been too worried about herself just now, and she hasn't recovered yet.

"Hey, beauty, come here."

Lu Yi frowned, her steps were a little stiff, and she walked to Lu Chen.

"Beauty, I think you are beautiful, this sacred beast is given to you."

Lu Chen didn't disclose Lu Yi's identity in order to protect her younger sister. Of course, seeing the stupid girl staring blankly, Lu Chen also thought it was funny, so he deliberately made fun of her.

As a result, Lu Chen's perfunctory reason suddenly detonated the live broadcast room.

"Damn, just give away the beast if you are beautiful? Do you want to be like this?"

"Isn't it, that's okay? It's so casual? My chin fell off!"

"All mythical beasts are directly given away? A mythical beast cub is at least 10 million, right? It's so easy to give away?"

"Don't be stupid, that's a crazy waver, and last time she played with an unknown person, she should be an unknown girlfriend."

"I'll go, the reply upstairs was too timely, otherwise I would really be jealous."

"Impossible, how can my husband have a girlfriend! If my husband is a girlfriend, my husband will definitely be upgraded, just a normal friend!" said a female fan excitedly.

Lu Yi also amused her old brother, and said with a smile, "Insane!"

Lu Yi is really happy. Although she never asks her brother, who doesn't want to get a baby animal.

The cubs of mythical beasts are very cute in their juveniles, and I can't see that they will be powerful mythical beasts in the future. At this time, Lu Yi held the little guy in both hands and rubbed the little guy affectionately with his face.

The group of people looked itchy.

"I really want a beast! Whoever gives me one, I will marry him immediately!"

"This is too cute, ah, I want it too, whoever gives me a hug, I will marry him immediately!"

"Jealousy envy hate ah!"

At this time, there are still two people dripping blood.

Needless to say, Linglong Zixin naturally, she never dreamed that she would lose the Huo Qilin. Seeing others holding her pet, Linglong couldn't hold back anymore and turned her head away.

The other person is the royal prince.

He wanted the sacred beast with all his heart, and at this moment watched Wuming give away a sacred beast so easily and almost collapsed.

He tried his best without getting the beast, but Wuming directly used it as a gift...The difference was too big.

Lu Chen suddenly raised his voice and said, "The mythical beast I sent out, if anyone dares to make an idea, don't blame me for being nameless and ruthless!"

There are still people with ideas around, and they have suppressed the new ideas. Even the closed beta players can't win the nameless, and they are not opponents.

Suddenly, Lu Chen turned his head and looked at the royal prince with a smile, "Except you!"

The prince didn't understand. Wuming meant that he could beat the beast? why?

"Next time, there is such a good thing, remember to find me again!"

Hearing the last words of the nameless, the royal prince almost spewed blood...

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