Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 202: Full server double

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Lu Chen has been very busy these days, and all kinds of home appliances have been arriving one after another. Lu Yi has also bought the game cockpit.

After three or four days of busy work, the originally empty villa gradually enriched, and this new home gradually felt like home.

When nothing happened, Lu Chen went to fight the ancient battlefield. After the previous few battles, Lu Chen already knew that the players summoned in this altar were very strong and of high level. It felt much harder to fight than Linglong Zixin. Up.

Even so, Lu Chen didn't take much effort. Whether it was the tall man or the silly girl, they were all marveled at Lu Chen's attack. His attack and skills were also terrifying in their eyes.

All he needs to do is take the fight seriously.

The double time of Huaxia Service is from 8pm on Friday to 8pm on Sunday.

The Lu Chen brothers and sisters also rushed to set up their home at this time.

After dinner in the evening, Lu Yi couldn't wait to go online.

"Brother, I'm online now, Xiaomei and handsome and they are waiting for me to fetch the copy."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Go go, but don't play too late."

"Brother, it's doubled in these two days, let me play more in these two days." Lu Yi pouted and said coquettishly.

Lu Chen thought about it, that's right, it's rare to double, "Okay, but rest when you are tired, don't hold on."

"People say that you won't be tired after playing for nine days. Oh, okay, okay, I remember it." Lu Yi made a face and ran back to the room.

After washing the dishes, Lu Chen looked at the villa, "Well, I really didn't expect that, in just two months, we have already moved into our own villa... and there is no need to worry about future life."

It has always been Lu Chen's wish to bring a comfortable life to his sister. Through the game of Nine Days, it can be said that this wish has been achieved.

Lu Chen can really enjoy the game.

"Oh, doubling is about to start, well, go online!"

The game cockpit is a semi-enclosed seat, the seat can be tilted up to 180 degrees, the head is reserved for an integrated helmet, even if you lie there will not feel discomfort.

"Wow, this is the life of the rich, comfortable!"

"Enter the game."


"City of Hundred Ghosts", a group of 10 people at level 40, can not lose equipment, but with rich experience, there is a very small probability of losing magic weapons, and pure aura will be lost.

This is the most favorite copy for players above level 40.

At this time, 5 closed beta players are leading 5 players up and down level 30, quickly brushing the instance.

"I have taken you to fight once before. The distribution of wild monsters on your team is very clear," Fen Tianjian said, "When the double starts, you five will go to pull the mobs, pull all of them, and we will kill! "

"Remember, don't pull to the boss, there are three bosses in total, are you clear about the position?"

"Don't worry, Master, although our level is low, we can't make a mistake about this kind of thing." These people are the best of ordinary players, and they are very confident in their operations.

"Well, we will be very clear about the nine-day map. Except for the ancient battlefield without exploration results, this dungeon is currently the most experienced and cost-effective, so in two days, we will bring you to level 35 at least!"

Level 35, that's an unnamed level! They are only around level 25 now!

It can only be said that it is different with a large belt!

When everyone heard it, all eyes showed excitement.


At this time, Lu Chen was already level 37, and he had a lot of Seven-Star materials in his backpack.

"The doubling will begin immediately. This time not only the experience is doubled, but the drop rate is also doubled. Then I should be able to gather enough materials to advance once."

At eight o'clock in the evening, China Service, every district is full of people. For players, no one wants to miss this opportunity.

The major anchors are also frantically brushing copies with their friends.

Lu Chen's personal copy became people's first choice. In less than half an hour, the limit of 100,000 challenges was full.

"5700 gold coins, income of 190,000 yuan!" Lu Chen really "made money lying down" this time.

Lu Chen himself has already started to brush 40 million reputation copies.

In fact, Lu Chen was already trying to brush 40 million copies a few days ago. The opponent's strength has not improved, but he needs to bear 100% pain.

In other words, during the fight, the pain the player suffers is the same as reality!

Regardless of the opponent's strength, Lu Chen didn't dare to hold onto the 100% pain system.

"The tiger is down!"

With eighteen levels of damage, Lu Chen defeated the player in front of him.

"You, why do you hurt so much!"

After so many days of competition, Lu Chen discovered a problem. After the game, once he wanted to ask the opponent from which server he was called, the opponent would be sent away immediately.

Perhaps it was the system that prevented Lu Chen from asking further questions. Not only that, but the other party never asked too many questions about Lu Chen's identity.

The two parties seem to have reached a certain tacit understanding, at most they just casually chat, and will not ask key questions.

Lu Chen looked at the middle-aged uncle in front of him and smiled slightly, "Others said the same."

"Well, I'm unlucky, I hope I won't run into you again next time."

A white beam of light flashed by, and the tree had gone without a trace.

After winning, Lu Chen's 40 million prestige was won back and he was also eligible to enter the dungeon.

"OK, only one and a half hours, brush up."

Lu Chen walked to the entrance of the dungeon. He looked back at the altar, and the silly girl hadn't appeared for a long time.

Sometimes, fate is so funny. When I don’t want to meet, I see each other every day. I really want to meet again, but never meet again.

The wild monster here is level 45, with a blood volume of more than 38,000, and two sky flame pillars can be killed.

[Kill the ancient spirit of war (level 45 elite), capture 85,000 points of heaven and earth aura (double acquisition), obtain Tier 5 talent fragment 4, obtain 5-star quality point 4, and obtain pure aura 4. 】

[Kill the ancient spirit of war (level 45 elite), capture 850,000 points of heaven and earth aura (double acquisition), obtain Tier 5 talent fragment 4, obtain 5-star quality point 4, and obtain pure aura 4. 】


"I rely on it, an 80,000 5! The experience of the ancient battlefield is already high. After doubled, the experience is so cool!"

Lu Chen still has 13 million experience points to upgrade, that is, he can only use 150 copies, and he can upgrade once.

Cleaning the mobs all the way, Lu Chen had already gained 5 million experience before he even got to the boss room.

The mobs are only small heads, and BOSS's income is the highest!

Standing in the BOSS room is a huge translucent human, 15 meters tall, holding two heavy hammers, patrolling the room boredly.

The ancient governor, level 47, holding two halves of the giant, majestic, difficult to deal with at first glance.

It's a pity that Lu Chen has invisibility and Tianyan Pillar. This is a shame on gold!

The 47-level ancient governor's blood volume is as high as 6 million. If you use the sky flame column to explode, you need to play for 13 minutes without interruption!

Fortunately, Lu Chen had enough gold coins and bought a lot of Miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pill.

Fifteen minutes later, Lu Chen relied on the shameless combination to kill the boss.

【Kill ancient warlords (47-level ancient BOSS), obtain 2.76 million heaven and earth auras, obtain 7-level talent fragment 4, obtain 7-star quality points 4, and obtain pure aura 4. 】

[Ding, get ancient fragments*8]

Lu Chen now needs 30 million experience to advance to the first level, and the experience of a BOSS can increase by almost one-tenth!

"Haha, drop 4 points of seven-star materials and 8 ancient fragments at once, cool!"

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