Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 207: Scheming nameless

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Lu Chen was able to conquer the land very quickly, but it took a long time to come over, plus the time to get the beast, it took more than an hour.

This can drive a bunch of nervous snipers crazy.

"I'm going, it's been an hour...what the **** did that guy do, it's almost two hours."

In the woods, a group of people put on various comfortable shapes, leaning against the tree, lying on the grass, quite comfortable.

"Is he coming today? I brought my apprentice two days ago, and now I'm sleepy to death."

"Did he find us and then dare not come?"

Fen Tian Jianxian was also very depressed. Wuming showed his face and ran away without a trace. No one found him on the major maps of the two main cities.

"Everyone wait a minute, this matter is related to the face of our internal beta players. If we don't give him some color, how will we mix up in the future!"

"Well, Fen Tian said rightly, you must kill the chickens and curse the monkeys. Even if you wait for a day, you must wait until you are nameless!"

"Prince, you are in charge of the live broadcast. The nameless has appeared. The live broadcast will be started immediately. It has been arranged outside. The popularity can be instantly reached the top ten, and then players will come in.

The royal prince was a little depressed, and his own dignified boss was reduced to a position where he could only shoot live broadcasts, which was completely inconsistent with his identity.

But when he thought of live broadcast, so that countless people saw the nameless tragedy, he suddenly didn't care about doing coolies.

As long as you can kill the nameless, no matter how hard it is, it is worth it!

Not long after, Lu Chen had already reached the forest path. He wanted to go directly in, but at this moment, he received a system prompt.

[Detection of the presence of developing dust in the front area. Due to a problem that cannot be avoided during design, this item has a special ability in addition to its own ability, which will invalidate your skin effect (this prompt only appears once) . 】

Normal players would not receive this message, and Lu Chen would not have received this warning.

However, it is the system that realizes the imperfections of the developing dust and makes it possess abilities that it should not have, that the system will specially remind it.

"I wipe, the dust of visible? Listening to the name should be anti-stealth... Make the target's confusing effect invalid? No, since they dare to ambush me, they must have thought of a way to deal with my invisibility."

"So, the real effect of the developing dust should be to make invisible units invisible!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly. He didn't expect to wear a skin, and there would be unexpected gains.

"Okay, since you can't use skin, you can only kill you by the deity."

Lu Chen found a hidden place and was about to take off his human skin. He suddenly thought, "No, they can't see the nameless. I guess they won't do it together."

Thinking left and right, Lu Chen thought of a way.


Next to Wuming, another Wuming appeared!

The clone is just a skill, there is nothing skinless, and the dust of development should make the clone show its prototype.

"Since there are all clones, it's better to confuse them... Xiao Min, you temporarily possess my clone and hide him."

"Boss, don't you know that the Dust of Appearance can break invisibility? What is the use of invisibility?" Xiao Min asked puzzled.

"This is called tactics. They don't know that I already know. Since they have made a clone, they must make good use of it. The acting is enough."

"Oh, good." Xiao Min attached himself.

"Xiao Min, when I call you, you will come back to me."

"Good boss!"

"OK, this should work."

When he was ready, Lu Chen took off his human skin. The skin split from his back. A terrifying creature was struggling to get out of the human skin.

"I'm going, I really can't let other people see this process, I feel sick myself..."

Taking off the human skin, Lu Chen stretched out his huge body, feeling much more comfortable.

After taking a look at the road ahead, Lu Chen smiled slightly and said, "Let's go." He stepped into the forest path.

"I'll go to bed first, and the nameless came to call me." A tired closed beta player closed his eyes slightly and was about to squint for a while.

Suddenly, someone whispered a warning, "Look, the nameless is here!"

In the distance, a figure is stepping into the forest path! With a sound of golden equipment, this person is wearing a red cloak and holding a long stick, it's not the nameless person!

"Come on, the prince will start the live broadcast soon and notify the people outside to gain popularity! Others are ready, it is best to be able to kill in seconds!"

The official website live broadcast platform, an unknown live broadcast room, suddenly rose to the top ten popular official website at a very fast speed.

After the opportunity to show up on the homepage, the popularity of the live broadcast room soared.

Many players were shocked when they saw the topic of this live broadcast room.

"The closed beta gods are infinitely unnamed, until they retreat!"

For this problem, a large number of players rushed into the live broadcast room, and the popularity of the room broke through 15 million in an instant, and it grew at an extremely fast rate.

"Damn, the one in front is the nameless? It's really blocking the nameless."

"Nima, I almost missed the good show."

"Anonymous doesn't seem to know yet, he's still moving forward."

"It's over, Brother Wuming is really going to hang up this time."

At the same time, Wuming has entered the attack range of the ambush circle.

A group of purple light broke away from Wuming and quickly disappeared from people's sight.

The boss has told Xiao Min to leave quickly, and the war will begin immediately.

At this moment, Wuming had already reached the depths of the trail. Suddenly, forty or fifty people appeared behind the huge tree trunk beside him.

"Anonymous, your death date is here!"

"Dare to provoke our closed beta players, your account is gone!"

"Nameless, go to hell!"

A group of people rushed to Wuming fiercely.

The nameless expression has not changed in any way, even when facing more than forty masters at the same time, he has no expression on his face.

"Don't let him run! Position the archer!"

"Elementary Tracking Technique!"

"Raksha Decapitation Sword!"

"Accurate blast shooting."

"Flurry Spring and Autumn!"


Suddenly these people rushed towards Wuming, starting with various killer moves, taking Wuming directly!

"Damn, are these people crazy? Brother Wuming has no reaction time at all."

"These skills have never heard of them. They are all ultimate moves. They don't plan to give Wuming any time to react."

"Once the nameless hangs up, they will guard the corpse indefinitely. These nameless bodies are finished."

Wuming suffered massive attacks, and his blood bar disappeared in an instant like a roller coaster!

However, a familiar scene appeared.

The namelessness turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

The crowd surrounded them strangely and checked carefully, but they could only confirm that the clone they killed in a second just now was the clone, "The end is the clone!"

"Impossible, he was indeed invisible just now."

"Anonymous knew that we would ambush him, so he opened invisibility. This is understandable, but he actually gave the invisibility to the clone? He used this method to make us make sure that the clone is the deity!"

"Damn, this nameless, why is it so cunning!" Linglong Zi gritted her teeth with anger. This nameless has played everyone up again!

In any case, it is now certain that the nameless clone was killed just now, so the question is, where is the nameless real body?

On a certain big tree, a terrifying creature grinned open its gloomy mouth, showing tiger teeth...

Do you all stand together for a meeting? very good!

"Move quickly!"

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