Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 209: You are a monster!

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& Tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, along with the royal prince, were beaten by Lu Chen.

At this time, everyone did not do nothing because the prince hung up, and the entire live broadcast room was flooded by barrage.

"Nima, no one believes it, I just felt the fear of death!"

"It's terrible, the prince is also level 36 at any rate, so he was stunned?"

"Brothers, you are off the subject, the focus is on the 50 closed beta players, who were taken away by a wave! My goodness! What kind of monster is that!"

"That doesn't seem to be a wild monster, it's a mad god!"

"What a mad god, that is mad sun and sky! 50 forty levels are directly killed by a single blow, mad **** is far more powerful than the nameless!"

"What is the relationship between Mad God and Wuming? Did Wuming ask Mad God to help?"

"Let me sort it out, Wuming first clones, and then leads to level 40 internal beta players, and then Mad God takes the opportunity to kill with a single blow... My God, Mad God deserves to be the only man in the whole server who has a personal copy. He is the strongest in nine days. Player!"

The royal prince's mood is very complicated now.

In order to defeat Wuming, he has worked very hard, not only working hard by himself, but also spending a lot of money. Originally, after meeting Linglong Zixin, he thought he had finally seen hope, but Master was abused and even the other closed beta players died.

There was a sudden urge to cry. Didn't it mean that God rewards hard work? Didn't it mean that hard work will be rewarded? It's all a lie!

It was finally captured from the resurrection point. At this time, the players in the closed beta were also resurrected, and everyone was checking their equipment.

"Nima, I lost my weapon!"

"I also dropped a shoulder guard."

"I can't believe it, what kind of monster was that just now."

The prince walked over, "That seems to be the only madman, I don't know how he became like that... Anyway, that guy is more terrifying than the nameless, and no one can figure out his routine, more mysterious than the nameless."

"An Wuming has a helper? Why didn't you say it earlier!"

The prince shook his head, "Before the crazy **** and Wuming basically did not intersect, I don't know why they joined forces this time."

Fen Tian Jianxian looked at everyone. Everyone's equipment was played for a few months, and they were finally retained. They were all fine products, and many of them were strengthened. This time the group destruction was a real heavy loss.

The most important thing is that the strength displayed by the mad **** is terrible.

"Hey, the strength of the mad **** is too abnormal...Let's do it, he is not nameless after all, we have to deal with the nameless, isn't the nameless hasn't passed yet, let's keep a wave."

"Well, it makes sense, we can't give up because of a failure!"

"Wuming must feel that he can't get through, so he found a helper. Now he definitely can't think that we have not been defeated by the crazy god. We are here to guard him. This is definitely an opportunity!"

The more people thought about it, the more so, and immediately, the depressed mood of being killed by the mad **** with a single blow, gradually improved as the new plan was brewing.

"Everyone lay out some tactics..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Move quickly, split the ground gap!"

Everyone looked up blankly, but only saw a vague figure.

Immediately afterwards, with a boom, the big stick slammed on everyone.

This time everyone's blood volume did not recover well, only one-tenth of the blood volume was directly killed by this big gap.

The royal prince was a little far away, so he was lucky enough to survive, but at this time he was completely confused.

Mad God did not go to the level 40 map? He, he is back!

Not only was the royal prince confused, but everyone in the live broadcast room was also confused.

"No, the crazy **** heard their plan?"

"Impossible, the mad gods have clearly left just now."

Regardless of the reason, the mad **** is back, and the closed beta players who are planning big things are in seconds.

The mad **** glanced at the only surviving prince, and shook his head, "I almost forgot to pick up the nameless...a lot of things have been dropped. Let that guy wait over there and pick up things first."

The harvest this time was very good. Lu Chen had all 40 purple equipments together.

After packing his things, Lu Chen walked towards the royal prince.

The royal prince looked at Lu Chen in horror, and walked back straight.

Lu Chen looked at the royal prince and shook his head, "Your equipment is too rubbish, so don't kill." After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

Seeing the back of the crazy **** leaving, the prince's highly tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and he collapsed on his knees to the ground.

Not long after, the mad **** appeared with no name, and the two walked towards the level 40 map together.

This time, the prince can finally breathe a sigh of relief, "My God, those two people are really friends...How can I get revenge? Who will tell me!"

After the closed beta players learned of safety from the Prince's mouth, they came back to life.

"Nima, my weapon is also dropped! +1's best!"

"Cry a hairy, I died twice and lost two +1s."

"It's really speechless. That guy was going to pick up Wuming. We were really unlucky. We just let him touch him, and we cleaned it up."

"Fen Tian, ​​that guy is too much, we must ask the big guys out!"

Fen Tian took a deep breath. He looked at Linglong. Linglong's eyes were red now, and she almost cried when she was wronged.

"Well, I see, we absolutely can't do that for this matter, I will definitely..."

"Move quickly, split the ground gap!" A familiar voice sounded again, and everyone hadn't reacted yet, and they were collectively beaten again.

The entire live broadcast room has gone crazy.

"What the hell, why did the mad **** come back again?"

"I really knelt to Kuang Ritian, he has already beaten this group of people three times!"

"The closed beta players are already crying in the toilet."

The royal prince looked at the monster in shock, and looked at Lu Chen tremblingly, "You, what are you doing back again!"

Lu Chenhu smiled slightly, "Hey, you guys are too naive. I was surprised that I left like that? Hahaha, I just killed a carbine."


It turns out that everything is a drama! The royal prince finally understood.

When I left for the first time, I vowed to expect a level 40 map, and everyone who said it believed it, but it didn't take long to come back.

Go pick up the nameless? Shit! Early to pick up, late to pick up, wait until the closed beta players are resurrected?

The royal prince thought carefully, this guy deliberately left himself alive just now, just to let himself testify that he has taken the nameless, so that the closed beta player dare to resurrect, so that he can kill again!

I... was actually used!

"You, you, you are so mean!"

Lu Chen almost laughed. "Aren't you threatening to get Wuming down to the end? Since Wuming asked me to help him, do you think that killing you once is enough?"

"Obviously not enough!"

"This is not a duel in the wild. They don't need to be forced to resurrect. If I keep guarding the corpse, you will definitely not dare to resurrect. Whoever has the time to squat on you all the time has to use a little trick."

The royal prince has collapsed, this guy is a monster!

The mad **** is more evil, shameless, and... terrible than Wuming!

"OK, I have killed three times, this time I promise to go to the new map, don't worry about resurrecting." After that, Lu Chen walked to the royal prince, "Goodbye..."

One hit kills directly.

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