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Lu Chen has already entered the dungeon of the gods, this time Lu Chen dare not care.

As part of the mission of the God Blood and Demon Seed, Lu Chen has reason to believe that the difficulty of this dungeon is not to lose a divine beast cub!

"It seems to be a certain ruin..." Lu Chen looked at the surrounding situation. The environment here is similar to the architectural style of ancient Rome.

"Why don't you even have a mob!" Lu Chen cautiously advanced slowly in the copy.

"There seems to be a sound in front." Lu Chen walked away looking for the sound.

After passing several corridors, Lu Chen came to a gate.

On the other side of the door, it sounded a lot of human voices, but because the sound was so small, it felt a little unreal.

[You are about to enter the Arena of the Gods, please turn on the 100% pain system. 】

"I wipe it, don't I, and I want to feel 100% pain again?" Lu Chen found that his premonition was quite accurate. From the beginning of the system requirements, it can be seen that this arena of the gods is not an easy place.

"Let's go, let's go, it's not that you haven't done it before." Lu Chen immediately activated the 100% pain system.

[The pain system has been activated, please enter the arena of the gods, you will randomly encounter the avatars of the gods, and you will be rewarded after defeating them. If you fail halfway, the instance will be reset. 】

"What the hell..." Lu Chen didn't know what the system meant, but it was useless to think too much. Now all he had to do was to open the door!

"OK, come on!" Lu Chen took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, putting his hands on the door and pushing hard.

The moment the door opened, the overwhelming cheers finally came out.

Lu Chen looked at the scene before him in confusion.

The scene in front is exactly the same as the arena of ancient Rome, surrounded by tall stands filled with spectators.

These audiences are dressed in different clothes, it is not a simple copy and paste at all. Everyone has an expression of excitement on their faces, and everyone is shouting.

"Here, a new challenger is here!"

"Boy, don't let us down, give a wonderful fight."

"It looks weak, I don't know if I can survive the first level."

At this time, in Lu Chen's heart, 10,000 alpacas whizzed past, "Damn, get so many NPCs? One is called Huan, Tianxing planning is really energetic."

Well, maybe this is what Tianxing calls "100% realistic game experience".

In the arena, a total of 12 huge stone statues were erected. Judging from the figures carved by the stone statues, Lu Chen recognized a few.

That was... the two-headed **** dog, Poseidon, Medusa, Zeus! Wait, why are there Xing Tian, ​​Chi You, Erlang Shen, Huang Di? I rely on the combination of East and West.

Lu Chen walked to the center of the arena, and the audience became more excited.

[Please note that once the challenge begins, you will not be able to leave the battle midway. Every time you successfully challenge a **** clone, the cooling time of all your skills will be automatically eliminated. 】

"Damn, didn't you have an intermission? I didn't say it just now... but it's not bad to eliminate skill cooling."

[The first scene, **** two-headed dog! The gladiatorial fight will begin in one minute. 】

As soon as the system was prompted, the two-headed hellhound among the twelve statues broke free from the surface stone and jumped directly in front of Lu Chen.

This guy is seventeen or eight meters tall. His body is full of flames, and his two huge heads are shaking violently. The saliva he throws out is high temperature lava. After touching the ground, he makes a sizzling noise. Wherever it passes, there is a String flame path!

"Axi! It's not good to have fun like that... It hurts 100%!" Lu Chen took a deep breath.

No way, since he has already arrived, Lu Chen would not leave easily.

Pulling out the long stick of the burning fire, Lu Chen checked all his conditions and they were all intact.

Lu Chen twisted his neck, fixed his eyes on the double-headed hellhound, lowered his chin slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "It looks scary, but you still can't scare me... Instead, it makes Lao Tzu feel excited. !"

One person and one beast play in the field, just waiting for the start of the final game.

3, 2, 1...Start!

Before Lu Chen activated any skills, he discovered that a red circle with a diameter of about 15 meters had appeared.

This is an early warning for the dark gods' eyes!

"I'm going! Upcoming is a range attack! Move quickly!" Lu Chen quickly highlighted the dangerous area, and at almost the same time, his back instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames!

Originally, Lu Chen's usual style was to sway the "earth-breaking chasm" in the rapid migration movement, which is very difficult to predict the direction of his skills, but this time the rapid migration has been used to avoid the sea of ​​hellhounds, now Lu Chen only pinches With a rapid move, in order to save, he directly used the rifting gap.

"Split the ground gap!"

"Roar!" The Hellhound didn't retreat but moved forward, rushing towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was surprised at the speed of the Hellhound. Such a huge body could burst out with such an astonishing speed.

It took a few seconds for the ground-breaking chasm to move from lifting the stick to falling. Looking at the moving speed of the Hellhound, it seemed that he didn't intend to give Lu Chen a chance to use this trick.

"Damn, too fast! Then a wave of frontal hard steel!"

The Hellhound attacked Lu Chen first.

-12344, -2000 (fire damage).

debuff: Burn, lose 2000 health points per second for 10 seconds.

Status: Knock 20 meters away!

Lu Chen only felt as if he had been hit by a truck. First, he spouted a mouthful of blood and flew out all over!

At the critical moment, Lu Chen gritted his teeth and smashed the chasm.

-15499, stunning for 1.5 seconds.

This guy was stunned for only 1.5 seconds!

Lu Chen was unable to follow up the subsequent damage due to being knocked into the air.

Getting up from the ground, Lu Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Damn it, what a nasty style of play! Don't play the cards according to the routine. My chest hurts..."

100% pain, not a joke.

"One attack can hit me for more than 30,000 blood. This guy is a bit difficult."

The only good news is that the two-headed Hellhound's blood volume is not too much, only 1 million blood.

Of course, compared with the BOSS, 1 million blood is actually quite a lot.

Lu Chen took a sigh of relief, and the Hellhound recovered from the dizziness.

For a moment, a red warning appeared again at Lu Chen's feet, and the area of ​​the sea of ​​fire was very large. If he did not leave as soon as possible, Lu Chen would grit his teeth and use a second rapid move.

"Clone! Min, invisibility!" Lu Chen repeated his old tricks, using invisibility and clone to leave only one clone in the court.

"Turn on the Tianyan Pillar!"

Lu Chen controlled the avatar to move quickly, while he used the stealth effect to circle around the two-headed dog in hell, relying on the sky flame column to deal damage.

At this moment, Lu Chen found a black vortex at the feet of his body, and he hurriedly avoided.

A second later, from the underground of the warning position, stretched out a giant hand and grasped upward.

"I'll go, although it can't see me, but it can counterattack the source of the attack?"

Now, Lu Chen had to be more careful.

The Hellhound’s sea of ​​fire cooled very quickly, desperately setting fire at the feet of Lu Chen's avatar, but the avatar did not attack, and was moving fast.

At this time, Lu Chen not only had to control the avatar to keep moving in an irregular position, actively avoiding the area of ​​the sea of ​​fire, but also take care of his position, always beware of the giant hands under the ground, and avoid the flame path left by the hellhound.

Sometimes, in order to avoid damage, he had to give up the attack of the Tianyan Pillar for a while.

In three minutes, the clone disappeared!

At this time, the double-headed Hellhound, after losing his target, charged at the invisible Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was also angry, "It's not over, right? Come on, I'm just with you!"

"The tiger is down! Moving quickly!"

Seeing this scene, the audience was stunned.

"Damn, that kid, actually hit the two-headed Hellhound frontally? The Hellhound still has 300,000 blood. Was that kid stunned just now?"

"I can't even beat the first level."

"I don't know, his techniques are very strange, let's take a look first."

The two clashed fiercely in the field and made a loud noise!

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