Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 219: "Alternative" closed beta players

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As soon as Lu Chen appeared here, a closed beta player immediately discovered him!

"I saw the nameless, right there in the shrine!"

"Really? Stare at him!"

"He seems to be offline."

"Is it offline at eight o'clock in the evening? No matter, just send someone to stare at him!"

Lu Chen didn't want to go offline so early, but due to the hard-working rest setting of the gods at dusk, he had better go offline and sleep first.

Having nothing to do, Lu Chen went to Lu Yi's room to watch them go to the dungeon of the Abyss.

This time it is two handsome brothers, teaming up with Xiaomei, Hua Luo and Lu Yi.

The operations of several people are very good, and the cooperation is becoming more and more skillful. Hualuo is a pharmacist who is responsible for increasing blood, handsome is a martial artist who is responsible for the top monster, and Xiaomei and Lu Yi are responsible for output.

"Brother, we played okay."

"Not bad, much more proficient than before."

Lu Yi was very happy to get the affirmation of her brother, "Brother, it will take a few minutes to play the hidden boss. No one has got your corpse king mask yet."

Lu Chen thought for a while, "It seems to be six minutes, I can't remember."

"Six minutes..."

"It's okay, when I pass the current dungeon, I will bring you back. The core players of other guilds are over 30. If you don't bring them, the upgrade will be slow."

"Brother, now someone has brought sister Leng Nuo."

"Ah? Someone is willing to lead our guild?"

"Well, the level is quite high, it is 46. He said that other people accept apprentices in eight figures. He doesn't take any money. He just hopes to join the crazy wave with a few friends in the future."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, the closed beta players want to join the crazy wave?

In other words, the closed beta players he meets now are not pleasing to his eyes. He was also surprised before. Isn't there a closed beta player who just wants to play the game?

"That guy has no purpose, right?"

"Li Muhua said that he helped us investigate, that guy has no problem. When he was in the closed beta, he couldn't understand the style of other people and kept working alone with a few friends."

"Li Muhua can detect this? It's a bit strong! Saying that they can go up to level 46 by themselves, their strength is very good."

Lu Chen wrote down the news, maybe he has time to see these guys with his own eyes.

Seeing Lu Yi and the others go through an underground mine, Lu Chen also thought that there is a second floor in the underground mine, and there is a mythical beast below it!

The mythical beast hiding in the ground is probably the ultimate beast.

When the dusk of the gods has passed, come back and have a look.


Lu Chen woke up at 6:30 the next morning, thinking about the dungeon. He couldn't sleep well, so it's better to clear the customs as soon as possible.

Once online, Lu Chen was still near the shrine and could directly enter the instance.

However, this scene happened to be discovered by the eyeliner responsible for monitoring him.

Coincidentally, the person responsible for stalking is the Crown Prince! After several great setbacks, the once-in-a-lifetime rich second generation has now become a role in charge of miscellaneous...

When he saw that the nameless disappeared out of thin air, the royal prince was shocked, "Damn, why are people gone?"

The royal prince hurriedly ran to the shrine and searched left and right, but did not find the nameless shadow.

He quickly reported to his superiors.

"Master, I saw Wuming. He was in the shrine in District 122, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"Disappeared? Back to the city or offline?"

"Absolutely not. I can still see the return to the city and the offline. That's it... Suddenly it disappeared, it feels like entering a copy."

"Dungeon? Impossible. Everyone in the dungeon of the Eye of the Gods can only challenge once! Wait! Prince, isn't that guy also invisible? He won't be invisible anymore, you, you leave there!"

When the royal prince heard it, he thought of the nameless means, and suddenly felt cold. He looked around, and the more he thought about it, the more scared he became, and he hurriedly fled.

Unexpectedly this time, Linglong Zixin guessed it right! Lu Chen is indeed invisible!

With Lu Chen's eyesight, he couldn't escape his sight for thousands of kilometers, as long as he could see it.

The royal prince can see him, and he can naturally see the royal prince.

Lu Chen looked at the royal prince who fled in a panic, and did not pursue him.

"This guy hasn't given up yet. I really admire his perseverance."

"They have been watching me, but they have not besieged me, what the **** are they doing?"

Lu Chen thought for a while, but didn't understand it for the time being.

There was still more than an hour before the rest time of the Dusk Quest of the Gods, Lu Chen thought about it, and felt it necessary to clarify this matter.

He sent a message to Leng Nuo.

"Nuo Nuo, I want to see your master, is he there?"

"Team leader, my master is here, so we are just discussing the upgrade, we haven't set off yet."

"That's great, you wait for me, I'll come over immediately."

Lu Chen returned to the city directly, his return point was set in his own territory, not too far from the fairy mountain.

Considering that the Golden Retriever's movement was too loud, Lu Chen went into stealth and used his flying ability.

Ten minutes later, Lu Chen returned to the territory of the Kuang Lang Guild.

At this time, in the guild hall, Leng Nuo, ten steps, and four or five strangers chatting in it.

"Master, are you really willing to bring a few more people?" Leng Nuo looked at a beautiful woman in surprise, but didn't expect that Leng Nuo's Master was actually a beautiful woman.

Her ID is "Stardust".

Stardust said, "Ranging Wave's group level is still too low, and our level is almost full. We can't beat some difficult dungeons, just to bring you up and upgrade."

Ten steps knelt and one person frowned, he was really puzzled, why these people should be so good to Kuanglang.

"Stardust God, with all due respect, I have never understood why you gave up the opportunity to make money and gave us upgrades in vain? Finding a core apprentice in a professional team, eight million is always necessary."

Stardust smiled slightly, "Making money? I'm afraid it's just part-time work. Do you think the money they make will be put into your pocket? I just can't get used to these conventions, so I don't like to be with them!"

"In short, you don’t have to worry. We don’t have to do anything about you, and you have nothing to worry about. As for Wuming, we admit that we found you based on his fame. The guild is more temperamental towards us, and only then intends to experience more adventures with you in the next nine days."

A man next to Stardust, named "Tekken Jincheng Wu", also said at this time, "Not everyone is as proud as Linglong. It is also fate for us to meet together. The longer we play for nine days, In fact, the more I will feel that the world is huge and the players are small."

"We have been fighting here alone for a few months. We want to find a like-minded guild. It's that simple."

Having said this, Stardust smiled bitterly, "Of course, if you think we have ulterior motives, it doesn't matter if we don't accept us. Anyway, we are not targeted by others once or twice."

At this moment, someone suddenly appeared in the yard out of thin air.


Lu Chen smiled at Leng Nuo and Shibu, then looked at the other closed beta players, "We will not refuse players who really want to join the guild, even if they are closed beta players."

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