Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 222: Dive into the printing service to gain growth value

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& Devil Blade means that Lu Chen can hold the Ruyi long stick in one hand and the Devil Blade in the other. In this way, he doesn't need to make any more choices!

"It's great, the artifact is an artifact, even if it's a fake artifact, it's already strong enough to have no friends!"

These Lu Chen are interested in taking a closer look at the attributes of the Demon Blade.

Attack thousands, the attributes are the same as the demon suit.

In addition to the first special effect, the Demon Blade has three special effects.

【Special Effect 2: Taunt, make the enemy units around the player forcibly attack themselves, and at the same time gain 200% defense power, 300% recovery speed, 300 seconds cooling time, 30 seconds duration. 】

This skill is average, but it makes up for Lu Chen's lack of taunting skills. When he leads the army in the future, it will definitely be useful.

[Special Effect 3: Devil's Will, forcibly refreshing exercises with a cooling time of less than 10 minutes. 】

Seeing this skill, Lu Chen could only shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't like it, but...aside from being abnormal, there was nothing to say.

【Special Effect 4: The Demon King comes, when the opponent’s weapon level is lower than the pseudo-demon blade, the special effect of the opponent’s weapon is reduced by 40%. When the opponent’s weapon special effect is higher than the pseudo-demon blade, the basic attribute of the pseudo-demon blade is increased by 20%. 】

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't stand it anymore!

"This Nima... Whether it's higher or lower than you, it's all right for you. You're too awkward!" Even the master feels shameless. If other players see it, it is estimated that they will vomit another liter of blood. Up.

Worthy of being a devil, that's so bad!

With the completion of the synthesis of the last piece of demon equipment, all the attributes of the final suit are displayed.

[2 sets of suit: 500 points increase in 3D, and equipment wear level requires -10. 】

[Set of 3 pieces: Three-dimensional increase by 1000 points, transformation effect increased by 50%. 】

[Set of 4 pieces: Three-dimensional increase by 2000 points, the number of clones increases by 1. 】

It can only be said that it continues the simple and rude and unreasonable demon suit.

3D added 3,500 points! Already stronger than dark gold equipment!

In addition, in Lu Chen's quest of the God Blood and Demon Seed, the Quest of the Twilight of the Gods was finally completed, one step closer to the final completion of the quest.

These pieces of equipment Lu Chen did not rush on board, after all, someone was monitoring him now.

"Very well, I heard that you are playing Shenwu suits. They are all orange suits. Then see if your Shenwu suit is strong or my Demon suit is strong!"

Now, Lu Chen wanted to quickly raise these equipment to the top.

The defense equipment can grow 1 point when it receives an attack greater than 1000, and the Demon Blade can grow 1 point by killing a unit.

"Where can I hunt for monsters?"

Lu Chen thought left and right, where could there be thousands or even more strangers constantly attacking him...

"Huh? Speaking of the largest number, isn't it... a player?" Lu Chen suddenly had an inspiration.

"Yes, by the way, you can also increase the star rating of the Legion's subordinates. With their star rating up, the blood sacrifice shield I can make will be stronger!"

"Yes, go to the main city!"


Lu Chen did not choose the national server. The players in the national server were already pitiful enough, because they were in the same server with Lu Chen, and they were invaded by the mist and by the blood demons. Now the mountain guardian beasts in the main city of Xianshan are gone... let them Have a birthday in a few days.

Lu Chen chose the Indian server... They also participated in the activity to prevent the double of the national server. Now it is not excessive to charge some interest.

The most important thing is that there are so many people over there!

After printing the Chinese suit, the Gorefiend invasion was activated within a few days. They believed that the Chinese suit could be carried down, and they could also carry it down.

As a result, there was no Lu Chen in the printing service, and finally the main city of Xianshan fell...

The current main city of Xianshan is just a temporary camp, and there are no merchants and professional mentors. You must wait until level 30 to go to Lingxiao City to find them.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, outside the Xianshan camp, a BOSS suddenly appeared, which made all players suddenly nervous.

"Is it a monster invasion?!"

"Xianshan is gone, even mobs are here to bully us? Brothers, kill!"

The number of Indian servers was not less than that of Huaxia servers, and hundreds of people immediately besieged the tiger monster.

Lu Chen used the tiger monster skin, otherwise his body would reveal his identity.

A group of people surrounded the landing and beaten up in the morning.

Lu Chen has lowered his defenses so that players of level 20 can also deal thousands of damage.

Lu Chen now has more HP than before, 300,000+, and can be beaten 3000 times!

The growth value of the three pieces of armor has increased rapidly. The interesting thing is that as long as he is attacked once, all three pieces of armor can increase the growth value by 1 point. It seems that the attacks are shared.

Seeing the tiger monster's blood volume has turned black, the players are extremely excited.

"Quickly, he is going to die!"

"Oh my god, what is this strange, more than 300,000 blood?"

"It's strange why he didn't attack."

"Follow him, kill it."

However, just when the players thought that the monster was about to be reported, suddenly, the monster's blood volume seemed to be locked, and it stopped moving.

"What's the situation? Why don't you lose the blood? You will obviously be killed."

"Is it a skill before death? Don't stop, keep fighting."

Lu Chen adjusted his defensive power. A group of talents of more than 20 ranks, of course, couldn't move in an instant. Not only could he not move, but Lu Chen was still recovering blood quickly.

After his physique rose, he regained faster, and he also had a lot of rebirth equipment, especially after using taunts, Lu Chen regained his blood quickly, and it was already full before long.

While being besieged, Lu Chen was still retreating back.

He is familiar with the map here, he is leading the player to a safe location, and then release the legion!

The position of the release of the legion is also very particular. This is a closed semicircular area. Lu Chen can block one half of the position by himself, and the other three of the ten tigers can block the other half.

In this way, the eight heads are responsible for the output. If anyone in front of him has insufficient blood, he can replace him from behind and continue to seal the intersection.

In order to promote the members of the legion, Lu Chen raised their ranks to 30, and also raised their stars. Anyway, Lu Chen now has a lot of low-level materials, so it is better to raise the stars for ten tigers, eight heads and three fools. .

After upgrading the level and star, the strength of these guys is already extraordinary!

A volley of eight heads has already fallen a large number of players.

Suddenly, the crowd was in chaos.

"It's an army of wild monsters! Tell the players to come back and defend!"

"Damn it, it hurts so hard!"

"They are now blocked by us and cannot get out. Don't let them out, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Don't be afraid, everyone, we must kill these wild monsters, otherwise our fairy mountain camp will be finished!"

"Last time due to negligence, we did not defend the main city of Xianshan, this time it will never happen again, kill!"

The players rushed fiercely, but Lu Chen was not at all anxious, but rather excited.

Sure enough, it is wise to come here! After a while, the growth value rose to 4000!

Lu Chen is at the forefront, it's just that he has turned off many talents, but even so, he still has one claw.

The wild monster army hid behind Lu Chen to safely output, continuously harvesting heads.

It's cool to kill players. You don't need to wait for refresh. Just stand here and wait for the equipment to grow. The number of players killed by the legion is growing rapidly!

According to this trend, in just one day, the demon set will be full.

At that time, it was time for Lu Chen to talk to the beta players!

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