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The five legions, Stardust and others all turned around and looked at that person.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were wet.

He is back, the man they have always believed in, is back! He did not leave them!

"Boss..." Xuan Xuan was already a little bit crying. At this moment, they were like children being bullied and saw their eldest brother.

On the city wall, Ningshuang was already speechless with excitement at this time, her master was back, the God of War that she had always admired, is back!

The entire live broadcast platform and the top live broadcast rooms were also completely exploded at this moment.

"It's nameless, it's nameless! He's back!"

"I said that he didn't escape on the battlefield, he was an accident, I don't believe in the nonsense of those closed beta players at all."

"Anonymous, if you don't kill those people, I will look down on you from now on!"

Ling Tianyushen narrowed his eyes slightly, and Wuming actually appeared.

"Hmph, let everyone back, he wants to single out all of us? Hahahaha, it's fantastic! It just happened! I'm afraid you won't be online!"

Lu Chen looked at his friends and repeated it again, "Everyone, come back!"

The nameless appearance caused a sudden change in the battle. Ling Tian and the others had no interest in killing these young men, but they did not stop them from leaving.

Level 30 players returned to Wuming one after another, followed by Stardust.

Stardust walked to Wuming. There should have been two people with a thousand words, but only the shortest conversation was left.

Stardust: "Be careful."

Lu Chen nodded and patted Xingdust on the shoulder, "Thanks." Then his eyes shot to the opposite side.

Lu Chen was alone, walking towards the enemy line step by step. He said word by word, "No matter how many you are today, no matter what your reasons are, no matter who you are behind, I will put my words here. Starting today... yours The number is dead!"

Lu Chen was so domineering when he spoke, and he said that the account had been abandoned. It is estimated that he was alone for the entire nine days.

"What? The number is abandoned? Hahahaha, nameless, you know, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard this year." Ling Tianyushen laughed, "Okay, there are trash orange outfits I don't know where to type out. , I thought it was invincible? Hahaha, your orange is a joke in front of me! If there is a kind, let me take a look at it."

The players in the closed beta burst into laughter, but Lu Chen was unmoved.

He rolled his eyes, and then looked at everyone, "It seems that you guys also want to mess with me, so why don't we just play bigger?"

When Wuming said that, Ling Tianyushen and the others were extremely angry. Every time Wuming gambled with people, they liked to raise their bets. Using this method, they also won a divine beast in their hands.

However, he is not Linglong! This time, we must double the ones we lost in the past.

"It's up to you, we can play as much as you want! To be honest, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Lu Chen sneered, "Okay, I have set the rules."

After formulating the challenge clause, Lu Chen directly placed the challenge information between the two, and a semi-transparent message box appeared in front of everyone.

On both sides of the duel, Lu Chen gave Ling Tian Yu Shen the quota of 1,000 people, and there was only one person on his side, and of course he was himself.

Dueling conditions, both parties must force resurrection 50 times.

Extra bet, one billion RMB!

There is also a special condition marked red.

"Both parties must turn on the 100% pain system!"

Seeing this condition, even Ling Tianyu God was not calm, and the entire Lingxiao City became completely crazy.

"I rely on, this, this bet, this condition, is nameless sure that it is not crazy?"

"One person beats 1,000 people. Did he forget that he was playing a player with a full-level **** pretend? Isn't this an obvious death?"

"Forced to resurrect 50 times, these Nima underwear will burst out."

"It turns on the 100% pain system, isn't it a big bet? The ruins of the city of evil also asked for 10% pain. Isn't it the same as reality when it is 100%?!"

Lu Yi, Ningshuang, Leng Nuo, etc., even the friends who were on Lu Chen's side were so scared that they couldn't say a word for a long time.

Feng Lingzi was shocked and covered her mouth, for fear that she would scream. In her live broadcast room, she had been crushed by several layers of barrage, and she couldn't see the information at all.

"This Nima, the strongest gamble in history!"

"Is Wuming too high? This is too big a bet."

"My God, does Wuming really think that he can win? I heard that the rain **** is super strong, and the Shenwu set is all five strong, and it is already like a monster. Wuming is digging a hole for himself to jump."

Anonymous looked at Ling Tianyu God who was shocked, and smiled contemptuously, "Why, dare you not answer?"

Ling Tianyu God only then slowed down. To be honest, he had played games for so long and he had never seen such a horrible bet.

Then the funny thing is that the opponent seems to have a brain disease and has brought this good thing to himself.

"Hahahaha, I'm afraid? You are talking about dreams, I just can't believe it, there will be pie in the sky."

"Sign, sign, put money first!"

Rain God's economic strength was also very terrifying, and he quickly transferred one hundred million, and Lu Chen could transfer the money directly.

People on the side of Rain God quickly joined the duel list. Once added to the duel list, their pain system will be forcibly locked to 100%.

Not long after, 586 people have all entered the duel list.

Both sides clicked to confirm at the same time, and the duel entered the countdown.

3,2,1...Every time the countdown clock beats, Lu Yi, Ningshuang, Leng Nuo feel that they are going to die once...Finally, this time, known as the strongest duel in nine-day history, begins!

After the duel began, Lu Chen glanced back at the tower. Lu Yi and Ningshuang were both there. The two women who had fought each other, are now nervous, holding hands, looking at themselves nervously.

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head. These two guys are not strangers.

"Hey, you two, don't patronize in a daze, learn a little!" Until now, Lu Chen has not forgotten his identity as a master.

As a result, Lu Chen's actions caused the full-level players to be angry, "Anonymous, do you really think you are a cow? You are just **** in our eyes, everyone, hurry up and enjoy the thrill of real abuse!"

Seeing the crowd rushing towards him, Lu Chen drew out the Ruyi long stick and the demon blade.

"Garbage? Sorry, you are not even garbage in my eyes."

"You are not qualified to abuse me! Remember my words, in my eyes..."

"You can't wait for ants!"

"Devil transforms!"

With a bang, Lu Chen's figure was suddenly surrounded by a cloud of black energy. Then, his figure suddenly expanded several times, reaching a height of four or five meters.

At this time, Wuming is no longer nameless. Its pure black skin is covered with a billowing black mist, a pair of gorefiends are shining red, and the fleshy wings of the gorefiend behind him perfectly match the shape of the devil.

Where is this still a player, clearly a demon from hell!

The corners of the devil's mouth grinned, showing a grimace.

Very good, the prey has been hooked, then... let's start the slaughter!

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