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What happened next was the scariest scene in the nine-day game history...

I saw that the devil opened the big mouth of the blood basin, which was almost unforgettable for a lifetime, and then swallowed the powerful magic weapon... swallowed...

The world is quiet...The players on the wall are pale, their brains short-circuited, and the once-in-a-lifetime barrage in the live broadcast room has ceased.

Ningshuang covered her mouth, watching this scene in horror, her big eyes almost bulging out.

Lu Yi was so frightened that Huarong was pale, and the whole person was petrified.

All the other players who were still running madly stiffened.

Lu Chen shook his head, finally put the venomous mouth back, and wiped his mouth, "Ah, it tastes good!"

Puff, a blood mist sprayed out of the city wall. I don't know how many people heard this sentence and suffered serious internal injuries.

"Too, too, too scary..."

"He really ate people? Damn, and, this kind of skill?!"

"My eyes are already blind, this is too ridiculous..."

"Nima, I'm confused now. Is Wuming a human or a demon? Even BOSS doesn't have this skill."

"Isn't the Shenwu set officially declared that Yizhongtian is the strongest equipment? It was swallowed by someone like this? What kind of equipment is on Wuming Brother?"

Fenglingzi's expression is exactly the same as Ningshuang, in fact, most girls react the same.

Frightened, unbelievable, simply unbelievable.

"My God, Wuming is too strong, right."

"Brother, you are wrong. Anonymous is not strong, but... horrible! It's the biggest bug in nine days!"

Ling Tianyu God was already on the verge of collapse.

Thinking of Wuming using that trick on himself, that would be a fart.

The point is... what will happen after being swallowed? Account disappeared? Or does the character disappear?

Will it always be locked in that guy's stomach... the more I think about it, the more fearful it becomes.

"No, it's impossible, he can't swallow me!" With the last trace of reason, the rain **** forced himself to calm down.

Wuming has never used this guarding skill before, why? Because 99% of these people are full level! He probably can't swallow it.

The guy who Wuming devours is his own friend. Of course, only his friends can be assigned to the magic weapon. That guy opened the back door and entered, and the level is only 44, while the Wuming is level 45. Wuming chose the guy to devour. There must be a level limit for devouring.

Must be lower than yourself!

"Yes, it must be so, it must be like this..." Rain God repeatedly strengthened his point of view, but when he lowered his head, he found that his hand holding the Shenwu long spear was constantly shaking.

I have to say that Rain God is still a bit brainy, and his analysis is very close to the skill description of Devour.

Swallow, directly swallow non-BOSS units whose level and star are less than their own, and obtain the creature's appearance and skills. The duration is 24 hours and the cooling time is 600 seconds.

Wuming didn't swallow other people before, precisely because of level restrictions.

It's rare to meet such a low-level one, he naturally can't wait to try this skill.

However, in the current situation, there is still time to make such a calm analysis, and only Rain God, and other full-level players are really scared.

"It's terrible, me, I would rather be killed than be swallowed!"

"It's 100% painful, it's terrible, I have a nightmare at night!"

"It's over, we can't win, we can't even beat his clone...Why, why, he is only level 45, and his clone can chase us and kill six hundred people!"

"Shen Wu suit, Shen Wu suit in front of him, why is it useless at all, isn't it the strongest orange suit? Why is it so weak!"

Under the control of fear consciousness, they had already had no battle, just waiting for the demon clone to reap their hearts.

In a short while, these remnants of defeat have all been cleaned up, and the battlefield is full of players' bodies.

With 100% pain turned on, their corpses looked very painful.

The small miscellaneous soldiers have already been dealt with, so there will be the last one.

Transformation, the time of avatar has disappeared, Wuming returned to human form again.

At this moment, an angry shout came from behind Lu Chen.

"The strongest Shenwu charge! Nameless, your big move is gone, I am not afraid of you!"

Lu Chen turned around and saw Ling Tian Yushen rushing towards him, he immediately roared, "Swallow!"

Next, a weird scene happened. Ling Tian Yushen’s strongest Shenwu Charge staged a scene of extreme racing drift, turning a corner from Lu Chen...

Shenwu Charge is indeed a good skill, as fast as Rain God comes, he can go!

After Ling Tianyu God stopped, he looked at Wuming in surprise, "I, I avoided your devouring?!" He couldn't believe it himself.

Wuming started Devouring just now, Ling Tian was completely panicked. He said that Devouring can only swallow people with a lower level, but since Wuming started it just now, it means that he should be able to swallow him.

It is impossible for Wuming not to do any defense, and launch a completely ineffective exercise on himself.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and changed his skills in time to avoid being swallowed.

The crowd at the gate were also shocked.

"Wow, Rain God's reaction is really strong, he actually avoided Devouring, can that kind of skill also be avoided?"

"It seems that the first strongest player in the closed beta is not in vain."

"I think these two people should be on the same level."

Being able to avoid anonymous attacks is definitely a major milestone event, which shows that "Eat" can also be evaded!

Rain God’s self-confidence also burst at this moment, he snorted coldly, “Nameless, your skills are indeed abnormal, but in front of me, they are useless at all! You don’t even know the difference between the strong five **** martial arts and the general martial arts. Gap! Today, I will avenge my brothers!"

In fact, whether it is supporting the nameless or black fans, they all hope to get an answer.

Devouring can be evaded!

Everyone is looking at Wuming, wanting to hear his explanation of this operation error. If he admits that the Rain God really evaded Devouring, that is to say, they will not die if they encounter this skill in the future.

Lu Chen thought it was a little funny, "I'm just scaring you, you think you can."

Rain God almost spewed out old blood, and all the players were also black lines.

"Damn, Wuming is playing the rain god! He was singing the empty city plan just now!"

"Not only did he play the nameless, he felt like he was playing everyone. Can that **** skill be evaded?"

"I think it should be possible. The exercises in nine days depend on operation. Pre-judgment. No matter how strong the swallowing is, he can't swallow it beyond the distance." The players still struggle with this skill. This skill is really terrifying. , They hope to find a kind of psychological comfort.

"Stop discussing this. Judging from the expressions of the players in the closed beta, that skill should only be available to the nameless, unless none of you want to mess with the nameless, otherwise discussing this is meaningless."

After Wuming confided the truth, and then recalled Ling Tianyushen's wave of extreme operations just now, it suddenly changed.

"Suddenly I feel that the Rain God is very funny. He was still fighting high in the first second, and he ran faster than anyone in the next second."

"I give 99 points for this drift, one point short of which is afraid of his pride."

"In other words, this is the strongest player in the internal beta? The whole body has a strong five-orange suit, and it is played to such an extent by others. What about the judgment of the great god!"

There was laughter from the surroundings, and Ling Tianyushen's face was blue and white.

He is a magnificent rain god, and he has become the laughing stock of everyone!

"Damn it, nameless, I'm fighting with you!"

"Shenwu Battle Armor... possessed by the God of War!"

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