Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 240: Mysterious player

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The hapless child is still in Lu Chen's stomach.

"Master, what does it feel like?" Ningshuang looked at Master with concern, "He, will he move in your stomach?"

Leng Nuo also cared about the president especially, "President, how did you get him out? Yes, did you vomit it out or..."

"Is it born?"

Xiao Ming hurried over, "Boss, can you let me broadcast the process? Now the people in the live broadcast room are crazy, they want to see your life... Uh, no, they want to see how you get him out."

Lu Chen looked unlovable, what are these people thinking!

Want to broadcast?

Are the fans all right?

"No, if you are so interested in this, there is actually a better way." Wuming looked at the group with a smile.

"Huh? What way?"

Wuming put a smile away and glanced at the duo, "It's very simple, let me swallow it. Come and come, whoever is most interested in it, free 24-hour experience."

A group of people heard it, and hurriedly dared not look at Lu Chen one by one.

"Ningshuang, you..."

"Oh, Master, me, I suddenly remembered that I, I still have to level up." Ningshuang ran away quickly.


Lu Yi suddenly paled, "Uh, boss, I, my stomach hurts, I, I will go to the toilet first."

"Leng Nuo?"

"Oh, by the way, there is still a lot of equipment to be allocated, oh, I suddenly remembered that there are still many things, that, the boss, I will be out of company first.

Lu Chen glanced at Xiao Ming. When Xiao Ming saw that something was wrong, he quickly pretended to interact with the fans, "Let’s take a look at the battlefield again. Look, all the players at full level have been killed to level 35. It's amazing..."

Suddenly, all the people around Wuming slipped away.

Lu Chen shook his head, these guys can't scare them without scaring them.


The dispute with the top players finally came to an end.

These less than 600 people are not all full-level players in nine days, but Lu Chen believes that other full-level players and closed beta players should not be so clueless and come to provoke him.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen took a deep breath, "Finally, it's quiet, and I can also practice the level well and increase the level."

Without the city blockade, Lu Chen used stealth and flew directly away from Lingxiao City.

Several people stood above the gate of Lingxiao City, all of them concealing their IDs.

When Wuming killed 600 full-level players, everyone around was shocked by Wuming's strength, but these people were just watching the battle quietly.

Until the end of the duel, these few people quietly left.

From the moment Ling Tian Yu God died in battle, Lingxiao City's lockdown order had expired, and several of them quietly left Lingxiao City.

"Jiusi, what do you think?" a middle-aged man asked.

It turned out that these four people were exactly the four mysterious people who helped the full-level players defeat the No. 1 and No. 2 BOSS of Tongtian Tower.

Jiusi, Warring States, Shuangxi, Dongli.

"If he is willing to join our team, he may have a chance to pass a Tianyu-level BOSS." Jiusi narrowed his eyes slightly. "Where did he get his equipment...how does he feel stronger than the Shenwu set?"

"It's true that I have completely abused the divine martial arts. Those special effects of equipment are too strong. The transformation is more terrifying than the attribute bonus of God of War. There are also clones. I looked at them. Those clones are very strong, at least 80% of them inherited. The body damage is about 150%, and there is no window period, this clone is really strong."

As the so-called parties are fans, the spectators are clear, these four masters watching the battle, naturally can calculate the strength of the clone.

"By the way, do you think that nameless may be the same as us? It came from "outside"?" Jiusi asked, "Otherwise, how could he be so strong?"

"It should be impossible. We came here but it took a lot of effort. No matter how strong he alone is, it is impossible to break the world barrier!"

"Yes, the world barrier must be broken by four people. He can't do it alone."

Nine thoughts about it, that's right, no matter how strong the name is, it must be... earthling!

"Jiusi, what do you mean, you want to invite him into the group?"

"Invite? Do you think he has such a big face, let me invite him personally! Besides, he can't really become one of us, it can only be regarded as giving him a chance, let him come to work." Jiusi slightly narrowed He raised his eyes, "This kind of person is arrogant, if you want him to yield, you must make him understand his position!"

"Now I only need one piece of equipment, so I can gather that set of equipment, and then Wuming will give in in front of me!"


Wuming fulfilled his promise, and now, these so-called top players in closed beta have been abandoned.

The level was brushed to level 35, the equipment was exposed, and even the backpack was emptied. They were even worse than half of the level 35 players!

This kind of deterrence has spread to this closed beta circle.

Linglong Zixin watched the live broadcast all the way, and now she is desperate.

Even the big brothers have been brushed to level 35...

Take revenge on the nameless? That's already impossible.

Think of the nameless means, it makes people sweat.

"Master, do we never have a chance to avenge again?" The royal prince looked at Linglong pitifully.

Linglong shook her head, "Take revenge? Do you think I don't want to? But your eyes are not blind. Now for the entire nine days, can someone shake that guy?"

"Killing 600 full-level players is like playing, he hasn't done his best yet! How can we get revenge!"

The royal prince sighed. He was indeed not blind. There seemed to be only one way before them, silently accepting reality.

That person, and that person's friends, are not for them to move!


Lu Chen just went offline and found that Li Muhua had been playing on the computer. This guy hasn't left yet.

"Hey, did you hide the small film so concealed?" Li Muhua didn't take it seriously when he saw Lu Chen offline, and continued to watch the video. It's quite comprehensive."

Lu Chen had a black line, "Who let you play with my computer."

"Big brother, am I waiting for you." Li Muhua reluctantly turned off the computer, "Look back and send me a copy of these resources."

Lu Chen is a black line again.

"By the way, Lu Chen, the situation there has been checked, and it must be Tianxing and the others." After returning to the subject, Li Muhua still looked like a good person.

"They cut off the network of this gaming cockpit!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. At the time, if he didn't have a gaming helmet, he would not be able to go online.

At that time Wuming is afraid that everyone will laugh at it!

"Lu Chen, we plan to buy two gaming cockpits in the name of the military, and perform network and IP encryption. You and Lu Yi are one for each."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Is that sure there is no problem?"

Li Muhua snorted, "Our leaders have warned them that if such problems occur again, there is no need for Tianxing Game Company to exist, and Jiutian will be officially taken over!"

"Don't worry about this, our technical staff will follow up, and..." Li Muhua quietly leaned to Lu Chen's ear and whispered, "In fact, we have arranged for people to enter the Skywalk game!"

"Our people seem to have discovered something unusual... or what I said to you at the beginning, nine days, not a simple game!"

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