Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 271: Those who block me die!

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When his eyes gradually lit up, Lu Chen gradually saw the nine days after he was taken together.

Today's Lingxiao City is more than ten times larger than before, and it occupies an extremely large area. In addition to the doubling of the surrounding guild territory, the entire Lingxiao City can only be described as terror.

Lu Chen shook his head, "How many people does Lao Tzu want to kill in such a large area..."

Lingxiao City has expanded tenfold and can't accommodate so many players, and if you want to enter the high city and occupy the guild territory, then you can only see whose fist is hardened.

All around, there was a hoarse roar from the team commander. What's interesting is that no matter what language they use, the system can automatically translate it into Chinese when it reaches Lu Chen.

"Three regiments outflank them on the right side, hurry! Get rid of them first!"

"That's more convincing, kill!"

"Don't kill each other in the Chinese clothes. First take the foreign clothes! Hey, there are Indonesian clothes and then the Chinese clothes. Go and help."

"For those of Hanbok, come here first, don't be disrupted!"

"There are too many people in Huaxia clothes. Don't fight inwardly for other foreign clothes. Do Huaxia clothes first!"

There are all kinds of brilliant skills everywhere, each team is fighting each other, there are teams uniting allies, and there are team secrets behind them.

For this Asian server merger, these teams have been preparing for a long time, and all of them are devoting themselves to fighting for the limited guild territory.

As for the City Lord, it should not be qualified to talk about it until there are not many teams left at the end, and there is no team that dares to expect the highest seat.

The server has just opened, and the players are already crazy.

Lu Chen looked for a forty or fifty-meter high cliff, and sat there watching the players fighting in the mountains and plains. The number of these players is hard to estimate. The battlefield has even stretched to the vicinity of the forest path to the north, and the entire Lingxiao City can be described as dark.

Before Lingxiao City, it was like the end of the world.

After watching for a while, Lu Chen shook his head, it seemed that his friendship reminder was useless.

"Well, I've seen the excitement, so hurry up."

"The city has been slaughtered, so let's force the sacred beasts here by the way." After that, Lu Chen removed the human skin...


"No one can stop Lao Tzu today, brothers, Dongsheng Han is the strongest!"

"Arrogant, dare to say the strongest? Have you ever asked us about the Yamato Kagura Association?"

"Don't dream, none of you can stop us Nether Valley!"

Outside the gate of Lingxiao City, hundreds of teams are fighting in blood, and these teams can't tell which national server they are. They are only one step away from entering Lingxiao City.

Although they didn't make it to Lingxiao City, they needed not only strength to enter the city, but also luck, seizing opportunities and many other factors.

Able to survive the heavy siege and kill to the gate of Lingxiao City, their strength is already very strong, at least they are the first-line guilds that can be called by each national service.

From this battlefield, the number of full-level players and the number of Shenwu equipment can already be judged.

Hundreds of top teams from various countries and a large number of strongest players from various national servers are fighting here. It is hard to imagine how spectacular the scene is!

However, just as these strong men fought, the ground under their feet began to shake violently.

A line of words appeared on the public notice board in front of the gate of Lingxiao City.

[Warning: Invasion of monsters! Invasion of monsters! Invasion of monsters! The guardian beast of Lingxiao City wakes up! 】

[Start the fifth-order mountain protection formation "Yin Yang Xuanwu Divine Armor Formation"! 】

This rumbling earthquake turned out to be the guardian beast of Lingxiao City awakening!

One of the big reasons why Lu Chen chose to attack the city at this time was that Lingxiao City was in an unowned state at this time.

There is no castle owner, no guards, only mythical beasts! For Lu Chen, it is very easy to force out a beast!

"What, a monster invaded?"

"Does Lingxiao City also have mountain-protecting beasts? Is the earthquake caused by the beasts?"

"What monster invaded? This is too fuss. I don't look at how many players there are now, which monster can't figure out, dare to attack Lingxiao City now?"

Just as people were wondering, someone in the distance suddenly screamed.

"My God, what, what is that!"

People looked into the distance.

On a cliff of 40 to 50 meters high in the distance, a figure was sitting leisurely.

He was full of muscles, dark green, and his skin was covered with light green runes, slightly fluorescent.

This guy has a human head, but there is a pair of exaggerated demon horns on top of his head, stretching back.

A pile of huge gray-brown fleshy wings grew behind him, still in a folded state.

"It's that monster? It doesn't feel very big, it's only two or three meters away from such a distance."

Although for some people, the monster is far away, because there are players fighting under the cliff, you can roughly guess the size of that guy by comparison.

"Isn't it? Why did Lingxiao City activate the mountain protection formation so far away? Even the beasts have awakened! Does this little BOSS need to make such a big move?"

The size of that demon is indeed smaller than the average BOSS, and it is even more incomparable with the super BOSS in the raid.

"Boss of this level dare to come to Lingxiao City? It's not a bad brain, right? With so many players, one person can drown it with one spit!"

The players' comments came in the ears.

Lu Chen sat there, smiling slightly.

He just found it interesting.

Recall that when he was only a second three-star player, the players were scared to death when they saw him, and regarded him as a super BOSS.

However, today, when he has truly become a super BOSS, players are no longer afraid of him.

"You all have become stronger." The corner of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, "Well, after all, our true identity is a wild monster, and it's time to return to a wave of wild monsters."

After all, Lu Chen stood up slowly! He looked at the cliff and at Lingxiao City.

Beneath the cliff, there is a piece of blackness that cannot be broken down.

At a glance, everything you can see... is an enemy!

And this time, Lu Chen revealed his ID! An ID that really appeared after he was fused and refined by the medicine cauldron!

Only four characters shocked all Huaxia people.

I am the only one!

"Do you think it has an ID? Damn, he, he is..."

"I am the only one who is crazy? He is... the Chinese crazy god? My goodness! He is the crazy god?"

"This Nima, my brain is not enough, why is the mad **** in this form, he also got a transformation skill? It feels different from the nameless demon transformation."

"That's not right, after Wuming's transformation, Lingxiao City will not warn, but this time Lingxiao City directly called the police, and even the guardian formation, the beasts have come out... Could it be said that... is the body of the crazy god?!"

"The body of the mad **** is a demon?!"

Lu Chen was also very depressed. How could he call the police so far away from Lingxiao City.

How big is your own devilish energy? !

Lu Chen chuckled and shook his head. Anyway, the system was afraid that the movement was not big enough.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway." Lu Chen slowly raised his head, his voice was not too loud, it spread all over the map.

"Today, those who stand in my way... die!"

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