Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 277: Is he the limit of strength?

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Lu Chen has been stabbed in the back, finally getting angry!

"Lao Tzu's, Emperor Fuhai Wu, I will put it here today, no one can save you!"

attack! Keep attacking! Quickly attack! Crazy attack!

At this moment, those players who had just been ecstatic, saw the mad god's health bar, and suddenly became calm.

The blood bar of the mad **** is beating back and forth at an extremely fast speed. If there is no critical strike, the blood volume of the mad **** will be in a downward trend, but the frequent crit hits abruptly pull the blood back again.

The special feature is that when a triple critical strike is issued, the health bar can go up a lot!

Blood injury and blood recovery are almost in balance!

"Two sacred beasts can't touch him? How could it be possible!"

"Damn, it **** blood! This Nima, what blood sucking can be so strong!"

"The blood-sucking ratio is not very high, but the key is that the attack speed of the solo mad is too fast. Look at his blood bar, how fast is the blood recovery!"

"Not only the attack speed is fast, but the critical strike is also high. A critical strike can return a long period of time... I'll go, resist the attack of two monsters, is this guy a bit too abnormal!"

With Lu Chen's character, if he had a choice, he would not put himself in such a situation.

However, in the face of three divine beasts that cooperate with each other tacitly, the blood-added Emperor Wudi must be dropped first.

Since the clone was killed and injured, Lu Chen used to refresh before, so now Lu Chen's skills are relatively scarce. Once he misses this opportunity, his situation will only be more passive.

This time, Lu Chen was going to resist the attacks of the two sacred beasts and overwhelm the Emperor Wudi in seconds!

The 30-second rapid onslaught, which lasted completely enough, Lu Chen attacked desperately, and finally the blood volume of Emperor Wudi Covered Sea bottomed out.

At this moment, all the water rings around Emperor Fu Hai rushed towards Emperor Fu Hai, and its blood volume instantly recovered 50%!

Emperor Fu Hai is stunned, but the water ring can move!

"Is this activating the dying big move?" Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I'll give you another life, I still can count on you!"

With a blood volume of 100 million, in front of the crazy attack speed Lu Chen, it would not last long. Not long after, Emperor Wudi's huge body crashed to the ground!

"Move quickly!" At the moment Fuhai Wudi fell, Lu Chen hurriedly withdrew from the attack range of the remaining two divine beasts.

It can't stand to be stabbed like this without blood sucking.

[Kill Fuhai Wudi Remnant Soul (Lingxiao City Mountain Guardian Beast), capture 20 million heaven and earth auras, obtain Tier 9 talent fragment 5, gain 9-star evolution point 5, and obtain pure aura 26. 】

[Ding, get the "Sea Covered Emperor Wudi Summoning Stone" (optional), get the fourth-order spiritual source core*1, obtain spiritual source fragments*80, obtain the ultimate spiritual gathering pill*25, obtain the magic weapon "chunshui" (orange magic weapon)]

Fu Hai Wudi is really stronger than the previous divine beasts, the spirit source core dropped Tier 4, and the magic weapon dropped orange!

When Emperor Fu Hai Wu fell, the surviving players in the Great Mountain Protection Formation had no blood on their faces...

"This Nima, really, really killed!"

"The last time the mad **** still went to find the leak and killed the White Tiger and the Gorefiend, this time... directly against the two sacred beasts, he forcibly killed Fuhai Wudi?!"

"It's really hard...really the devil!"

"Wait, maybe we still have hope, have you forgotten, the gilt basalt has anti-injury, and the anti-injury ratio is very high, but the clone of the madman is anti-death, he may not be able to kill!"

After defeating Emperor Fu Hai Wu, Lu Chen looked up at the remaining two mythical beasts and finally had a chance to take a breath.

"You two had a good fight just now!" The devil smiled wickedly, "OK, it's me now!"


Lu Chen thought for a while, and at the same time summoned the Nine Wings Heavenly Dragon, "Nine Wings, didn't you just want to fight? You and the clone would fight the turkey together."

Jiuyi froze for a moment, turkey?

"Burning Suzaku!" The devil smiled and shook his head. Sure enough, the AI ​​of the mount is not as good as that of pets. If Min, or those divine beasts have cubs, they must know.

"Roar!" Jiuyi roared at Blazing Suzaku.

Judging from the blood level, the Nine Wing Heavenly Dragon does not lose the Suzaku, and the blood levels of the two are equal, so the Nine Wings are naturally not persuaded.

With the lessons learned, this time, Lu Chen asked the clone to find Suzaku directly, and he could deal with the gilt Xuanwu himself.

The anti-injury of the gilt basalt was completely useless for Lu Chen. When Lu Chen went up, it was a tiger going down the mountain...

On the other side, a group of clones spread their wings directly and rushed towards the sky, Nine Winged Heavenly Dragon.

I don’t know when it will start. The top Korean suit master Tai Chi Dragon King, the top master of Yue suit Jia Bahe, the big kimono God Zang Guiyi, etc., the strongest national suits have been gathered together.

"Only I am too mad. He actually went to kill the gilt Xuanwu himself. This is definitely a stupid decision." Jia Bahe said.

"Yes, it should be to use the clone to consume and kill the more lethal Suzaku first. This is the best choice."

Tai Chi Dragon King squinted his eyes and said, "It seems that the guy just stepped on **** luck and obtained these powerful equipment. The actual combat ability is average."

At this time, Shen Zang Guiyi did not speak, he stared blankly at the demon rushing towards the gilt Xuanwu, lost in thought.

Shen Zanggui sighed, he was not interested in Jia Bahe's guess.

As the only person who has fought against the mad god, he believes that the man who can stand at the top can't be foolishly invisible to the high proportion of gilt Xuanwu.

If the mad **** is really turned to death, it can only be said that he is not worthy of the title of the strongest in China Clothes, let alone defeating himself.

Originally, he had always longed for the Asian service area, and he was confident that even in the face of the strongest national service, he still had an advantage.

For him, it will be a broader stage for him to show his strength and charm!

However, things seemed to be different from what they had imagined. They had the strongest group of national clothes, and they could only hide in the mountain guards to report to the group for warmth.

Huaxia Server is the strongest, crushing the entire Asian Server, including all of them!

At this time, Shen Zang had only one question in his mind.

Is the strength of the only madness the limit of nine days?


After killing Emperor Fuhai Wu, the clone and Jiuyi were also restraining Suzaku, and Lu Chen singled out the gilt Xuanwu without any pressure.

This guy's attack is not high, it just relied on an anti-injury, and it happened that Lu Chen ignored anti-injury!

The rapid onslaught was cooling down, and Lu Chen was not in a hurry, and directly confronted the gilt Xuanwu.

"That's not right, why didn't I just get hurt?" Someone immediately discovered that something was wrong.

"What do you mean by so many "immunizations" on his head?"

"It may be anti-injury injury, Nima, I am the only one who is immune to anti-injury injury! I said how could he kill the gilt basalt by himself, this is too, too much!"

"I just want to ask, does this guy have any weaknesses! Does Tianxing put special benefits on your Chinese server, otherwise, how could such a monster appear!"

"Look at the sky, Suzaku can't beat the clone and Nine Wings, who are only crazy!"

At this moment, a player suddenly screamed!

"No! Well, doesn't that mean... we are going to die soon!"

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