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Lu Chen was also too excited, he thought about it for a while and realized that his idea was still a bit naive.

Without these high-level bloodlines, Lu Chen would have completed those perverted missions of the God Blood Demon Seed!

"Well, but it's already a big profit to upgrade from Tier 6 to Tier 9!"

In addition, the blood of the gods has an effect to improve the variety of blood! This one is even stronger.

So far, many of Lu Chen's talent levels are not low, but with the exception of a few of the bloodline of the flower demon, most of the talents are essentially "inferior" talents.

At first, Lu Chen thought that as long as the upgrade caused a qualitative change, he could go from inferior to normal bloodline, but now it seems that the bloodline is fixed, and the quality of the bloodline only determines the upper limit of the level.

You must use props of the "sacred blood" level to completely change the quality of blood!

"Damn, it's fortunate to get the blood of the gods, otherwise you will reach the top when you reach the 9th rank." Lu Chen widened his eyes, "This Nima, from this point of view, the blood of the gods is really strong enough to pervert."

The role of the blood of God is not over yet.

[Function 2: Evolve "Mortal Body Divine Power" into "Extreme Mortal Body Divine Power". 】

[Extreme Mortal Body Supernatural Power: Increase the upper limit of the level by 20%, and the gain of heaven and earth aura by 20% of the kill level will no longer be reduced (stackable). 】

"It turns out that the role of the blood of the gods is the evolution material of the gods!" Lu Chen was still depressed before, although his upper level limit has been increased, but the experience of killing low-level monsters will be much less. His level limit is higher, but other monsters have the highest level. He is still only level 50, which has caused him not to upgrade much recently.

With the superb power, the experience gained from killing level 50 monsters will no longer be reduced.

[Function 3: Activate innate power]

[Fengtian Divine Power: Once the Innate Divine Power is used, all players whose "power level" in the current map is lower than their own, and whose level is lower than themselves, will be affected by the power. Within the skill time limit, the player contributes 0.001%-0.01% of the basic attributes. The upper limit of the level is (20,000 points), the duration is 30 minutes, and the cooling time is seven days. 】

[After the effect of Fengtian divine power disappears, the witness enters the [weak state], and the basic attribute reduces the sacrifice amount by 2 points. 】

[Note: Unit players can choose single or multiple choices from the four dimensions, and decide the percentage of sacrifice within the sacrifice range. After the sacrifice, the player is in the [Dedicated State]. Within 7 days, the basic attribute of the sacrifice is reduced by 50% and does not enjoy the bonus effect of the equipment on this attribute. 】

Seeing this explanation, Lu Chen was not calm at all, his eyes widened and his face was incredible.

"Damn, what the **** is this!"

He had never seen this kind of skill.

In other words, can he make all players on the current map "sacrifice" some of their abilities?

Although the ratio is from 0.001% to 0.01%, it is not that many, but with so many players, even if each person contributes 1 point, it can easily reach the upper limit of 20,000!

"20,000 attribute points! This skill is really a magical skill! And in the future, the level of God's power will increase, and the upper limit should be increased."

"However, after the skill is over, it enters a weak state. Not only does the added attribute disappear, but also doubles the attribute... And after the player sacrifices, the sacrifice attribute drops by 50% within 7 days. This side effect is a bit fierce."

"God's blood is really strong, especially the blessing of talent, which is beyond my imagination." Lu Chen said excitedly, "I am worthy of my effort to handle this task!"

"It's this Fengtian divine might, it seems that you can't use it casually!" Lu Chen couldn't help gasping for breath, "By the way, look at the Demon Seed!"

【Magic Seed】

[Function 1: Raise the task quality to one star, and increase the quality's bonus effect to attributes by 20%. 】

[Function 2: Evolve "Mortal Mortal Power" into "Extremely Mortal Mortal Power"]

[Extreme Mortal Body Magic Power: Increase the upper limit of the level by 20%, and the difference in kill level by 20% will no longer reduce the acquisition of heaven and earth aura (stackable). 】

"Hey, that means I can be upgraded to level 70, and I won't have less experience in fighting level 50 monsters." Lu Chen smiled slightly, and the effect was similar to what he expected.

[Function 3: Activate the innate magic power]

[Devil Power: Once the innate magic power is used, all units in the current map whose "power level" is lower than their own and whose level is lower than their own will be affected, and the enchanter will be forced to absorb 0.001% of the basic attributes of the whole map target (current The upper limit of the level is 20000 points). The effect lasts for 1800 seconds and the cooling time is 7 days. 】

[After the devil power effect disappears, the enchanter enters the [backlash state], and the basic attributes are reduced by 20000*2 points. 】

[Note: When the attribute is forced to be absorbed, the 4D drain is immediately drained. After draining, the sucked unit will be in the [magic barrier state] for seven days, and the attribute item being sucked will be reduced by 90%, and the equipment will not enjoy the bonus to this attribute. . 】

"This... the whole map of Star-absorbing Dafa?" Lu Chen was startled.

The Burning Sky Divine Might was abnormal enough, and the Heaven Defying Mo Might was even more unreasonable.

At any rate, the Burning Heavenly Might also asked the player how much to sacrifice, and the Heaven-defying Demon Might sucked directly and forcedly.

And after being sucked, the player's devilish state is worse than the dedication state, which drops by 90%...

"Rely, a demon is a demon, and it doesn't matter whether other players want it or not." Lu Chen shook his head.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen took a deep breath, "Fengtian Shenwei and Tianwei Mowei are very strong, and their talents and qualities have evolved a lot."

"But these two Tianwei skills really cannot be used indiscriminately."

Even if you don't consider the effect on other players, after the skills and technology, Lu Chen himself will enter a weak or backlash state, and his current attributes can't help it!

It is not a last resort, absolutely not to be used!


After several months of hard work, Lu Chen finally completed this legendary hidden mission and obtained the blood of the gods.

His Tianwei was strengthened again.

Looking at the players around Lingxiao City, Lu Chen no longer needs to occupy Lingxiao City. With a slight smile, Lu Chen summoned the Nine Wing Heavenly Dragon, "Nine Wings."

Jumping onto the Nine Wing Heavenly Dragon, Lu Chen shouted at the bottom, "Lingxiao City Massacre is over!"

After all, Jiuyi belt Lu Chen soared into the sky and flew away.

Back in his territory, Lu Chen looked at his taskbar again.

Now there is only one task in his task bar, and he promised Lu Yiyi to complete the double heaven task "beautiful"!

"Second Heaven..." Lu Chen muttered silently, "Am I going?"

Before being killed, Lu Yiyi asked Lu Chen three questions.

Do you know what the second heaven has? Do you know how strong they are? Do you know how cruel they are?

Lu Chen obviously couldn't answer these questions, but he knew Lu Yiyi's strength.

The existence of things and spirits is almost invincible, but she dare not go to the double heaven, which shows how terrifying the double heaven is!

Moreover, Tianxing's official website clearly declares that when the dual universe opens, it will give all players a "huge surprise"!

If you like to evolve and upgrade from wild monsters, please collect it: (www.ltnovel.com) From wild monsters to evolve and upgrade, the literature update is the fastest.

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