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It was the first time Lu Chen saw such a weird mission, and he couldn't understand the mission itself.

Lu Chen didn't care about that much anymore, let's talk about the task first.

Passing through the back door of the old woman's backyard, Lu Chen followed the path and onto the path leading to the forbidden land of Lingxiao City.

Not long after, he saw dozens of humans named "Mountain Bandits"

These are all wild monsters, level 41-45, and various occupations, among which the mountain bandit pharmacist can recover blood.

"It doesn't feel very powerful. Go in and have a look. If there is nothing else, come back and catch it." Lu Chen quickly cleared the mountain road, and soon came to a stone forest.

A stone monument at the intersection with words written on it.

【Forbidden Land of Lingxiao City】

[The faint dungeon is dark, with endless hatred]

Lu Chen was surprised to find that the system also gave a special reminder this time.

[This place was built earlier than Lingxiao City. At the beginning, the great ability to build Lingxiao City was to use the high mountain protection formation and the mountain protection beasts to weaken the crooks in the dungeon. sign. 】

Lu Chen blinked, as if he did this by himself...

This place actually lasted longer than Lingxiao City!

In other words, using the golden armor formation plus three sacred beasts can only "weaken" the guy in the dungeon, so that guy's strength...

Lu Chen couldn't help putting away his play mentality.

The guy in the dungeon is definitely not easy!

"Alright, I feel bored!"

After all, Lu Chen entered the forbidden area.

The forbidden area is not a copy, but an open field, but there are a lot of boulders around, and the arrangement seems to be somewhat regular. I don't know if it is some kind of ancient formation.

Speaking of it, the ancient battlefields are mainly composed of various stone formations, which are somewhat similar to here.

[You have entered the ancient stone formation, and your entry has affected the suppression of the stone formation. 】

After the system just reminded me, not long after, there was a fascinating laughter from a distance, "Hehehehe, someone has come in again. He is still a beautiful man. It must be that bitch's friend!"

Lu Chen was a little ashamed. He didn't seem to be a beautiful man, so he said, he can give her a happy moment.

Not far away, a pink figure shuttled from one stone pillar to another, and disappeared in a flash.

"Wait, that old grandma said she shouldn't watch what she shouldn't look at, don't listen to what shouldn't be listened, don't do what shouldn't be done... Then should I go and see..." Lu Chen thought for a while and decided to give up chasing Check over and continue to the center of the ancient stone circle.

The stone array is bigger than expected, and there are stone forests everywhere. Lu Chen needs to check the map from time to time to avoid getting lost.

"Nima, I suspect that the entire mountain is forbidden! A map of this size..." Lu Chen just closed the map and suddenly found that a woman was relying on a stone pillar not far in front.

The woman Lu Chen has seen a lot, and it was everywhere for nine days.

But after seeing this woman, Lu Chen felt a little unable to walk.

This woman was wearing a pink hanbok, but she was not wearing it well. The top was pressed to her chest, her fragrant shoulders were all exposed, a smooth thigh stretched out from the bottom of the skirt, and she drew circles on the ground with her toes.

Lu Chen took a deep breath. As a good-spirited boy, he almost didn't spray his nosebleed when he saw this scene.

"Good demon woman, Nima, kind of pretty!"

"Come to have fun?" The woman lowered her head slightly, although she had a shy expression, but with this outfit, she was afraid that she would use the hook to the extreme.

Lu Chen swallowed, "Nima, do you still do this in Heaven? How did it pass the trial!"

"Come on, there is no one else here. Am I not pretty enough?"

No, what she said is not true at all. This woman is so beautiful that she can't fault her, and she has that figure that makes people unable to move at a glance!

Lu Chen only felt that his feet were heavy.

Whether he is curiosity or desire, he wants to go over!

All the feelings of Jiutian are so real, so...try?

At this moment, Lu Yi's call came.

"Brother, Sister Nuo asked when you were free, it was the last time you made a guest appearance in a new drama."

Hearing Lu Yi's voice, Lu Chen finally suppressed the fire.

"Oh, uh, cough cough, uh, I will go to her tomorrow."

"Brother, why are you panicking?" As expected of my younger sister who grew up together, Lu Chen just spoke a little abnormally and was immediately discovered.

"I don't have any! I just woke up, but I was a little unconscious."

"Oh, don't always sleep in the game cockpit, pay attention to rest!" Now it is the younger sister's turn to teach the older brother.


After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen took a deep breath. Lu Yi interrupted his "interest" just now.

"Forget it, eldest sister, fight if you want, don't seduce me, I admit that my strength is not good enough." Lu Chen shook his head and continued to walk towards the center.

"Don't go, okay, what's fun in there, come over. As long as you come, people will do whatever you want."

Lu Chen walked with a nosebleed...

"I don't look, I don't look, I don't see it, I don't worry!

As he walked, the woman's voice finally disappeared, and Lu Chen was relieved.

"Nima, it turned out to be such a painful thing to resist a beautiful woman..." However, when Lu Chen opened the map again, he suddenly found that he had deviated from his route!

Perhaps it was too hard to concentrate, or it was too much to leave here. Lu Chen unknowingly deviated from the route and accidentally walked into the stone forest on the other side.

And here, there are more stone pillars!

A gentle hand rested on Lu Chen's shoulder, and then, Wen Xiang entered his arms, Lu Chen raised his head in shock and saw a pair of gentle eyes right in front of him.

"Brother, you are still here, you still can't help but want to do... what you like to do with me, right?"

If Lu Chen could withstand the temptation just now, then the woman is wrapped around him now, and he can even feel the westernized arm, breathing like a orchid, her pearly teeth biting her pink lips. With her longing gaze, I am afraid that a man can't resist this test.

"follow me!"

The woman took Lu Chen's hand and walked behind the stele.

There were ten thousand voices in Lu Chen's mind saying, don't go there, but his body followed in a ghostly manner.

"Help, help, help! Me, what should I do! It's over...it's definitely gone after going to the copy."

Now, Lu Chen suddenly understood the old woman's warning.

Don't watch what shouldn't be seen, don't listen to what shouldn't be heard, and the worst thing is, don't do what shouldn't be done!

"Axi, the hero is sad for the beauty level! Anyway, I have enough equipment. This task is only epic. It can't be better than the blood of the gods, or...try?"

At this moment, Lu Chen heard a voice.

"Boss, don't go! She will steal your blood and demons!"

It's Xiaomin's voice!

"Where's the kid!" The beautiful woman who was still charming and charming just a second, turned her face to reveal a murderous look, and she raised her hand with a palm.

Directly knocked out Xiao Min who was possessed by Lu Chen!

"It turned out to be a mere ghost pet, my old lady made you dead!" The woman instantly rushed towards Xiao Min, who was already in shape!

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