Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 288: Hidden reward

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The demon fox looked at Lu Chen, who was all supportive, in shock. This guy looked terrifying.

In the previous battle, although neither of them suffered blood damage, they were as thrilling as Lu Chen slaying Emperor Wu Hai with two divine beasts, or even worse.

Until the last moment, it was not known who both had and who had lost. It was not until the last moment that both parties used their own assassins.

However, it is obvious that Lu Chen is even better. He has finished close and is stunned by the fox demon!

"Next, it's me!" Lu Chen smiled slightly!

"Rapid attack! The tiger descends the mountain!"

Even though the fox demon dodges 40%, Lu Chen's attack speed has doubled, and he still holds an active stun technique "Earth-Splitting Divide" in his hand. He is confident that he will reach the clone.

Dizziness, MISS, poisoning, Xuanyuan, MISS, silence, slowing... the fox demon's head began to refresh various abnormal states, and 3 seconds later, Lu Chen's clone arrived.

In this way, everything is no longer suspense.

"Impossible, impossible, I cannot lose to you! I am a four-tailed fox demon, how could I lose to a human!"

No matter how the fox demon shouts, it can't change the ending. In less than a minute, the fox demon has fallen.

[Kill the four-tailed fox monster (level 55 ancient alien species), resurrect 2 million heaven and earth auras, gain 1 rank 1 talent fragment, gain 1 rank 1 evolution point, and extract 26 pure aura points. 】

"Huh? Didn't you drop anything? Don't pick it like that." Lu Chen waited for a while before he heard the "ding", "Where is the magic seed?"

Suddenly, a spirit body appeared on the corpse of the fox demon on the ground.

The spirit body floated in front of Lu Chen, still seemingly reconciled, "I actually lost to a human! I am not reconciled! No, you are no longer a human being, you have magic power, and you are also a magic!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, as if humans were a very low-level race in this guy's eyes.

In other words, this guy probably doesn't know yet, but in fact he still hasn't tried his best.

He still has the power of Fengtian, it's useless.

"Hey, where is your demon seed?" Lu Chen asked the fox demon directly.

"Demon Seed? Hahahaha, do you really think I still have a Demon Seed? You don't want to think about how I broke away from the Great Array after being trapped for so long! If I still have the Demon Seed, you can defeat me so easily !?"

Lu Chen almost collapsed.

Could this guy consume the Demon Seed and forcibly break free from the shackles of the great array? Then he is not blood loss!

"Axi, you are planning to empty the glove white wolf, forget it, forget me... I have killed you, my mission should be completed." Lu Chen sighed and checked the mission, sure enough The display is complete.

The rewards for the mission were very general, some experience, two pieces of purple outfits, and a profound level technique, which Lu Chen couldn't admire.

"Zhang Lingyan that bitch, why don't you kill her!" The fox demon seemed to be very dissatisfied with Lu Chen's choice. "You people are idiots. You were deceived by that person's appearance. She sent you in with sinister intentions! "

Lu Chen shrugged, "I can't do anything about it. Who knows that guy is so cunning, unless you defeat the two tails, no one will know her true face."

"No, you can kill her, you can kill her when you go out!"

"By the way, what is the relationship between the two of you?" The mission was completed, and Lu Chen was a little curious about the past of the fox demon and Zhang Lingyan.

Until now, the fox demon was thinking about killing Zhang Lingyan, what a grudge, what a grudge.

Speaking of the past, the fox demon finally didn't look so excited, but instead looked a little sad and sad.

"She and I... were sisters before."

"Sister? No, Zhang Lingyan is also a fox demon?"

"Yes, but her cultivation is always slower than mine. When I evolved into a three-tailed, she did not evolve until 50 years later." The fox demon's eyes were far-reaching, as if he was remembering something far away.

"However, although my cultivation base is higher than her, I have never discriminated against her. I always regard her as my sister, love her, protect her, and teach her...for thousands of years!"

"I gave everything for her. She used to be so sensible and well-behaved until... she met the scholar."

"That time we encountered a four-headed snake monster. The two of us were not its opponents at all. We fled in a hurry. When we ran away, she and I were separated."

"Later, a human scholar rescued her. He bandaged her wounds, fed her, and even read a book to hold her..."

Lu Chen probably understood. The scholar probably didn't know that he was holding a fox demon, and the fox demon gradually fell in love with the scholar.

"So, your sister fell in love with the scholar, and in your opinion, she betrayed you, so she seduced her family and punished her to prevent her from leaving." Lu Chen guessed the second half of the story.

The fox demon laughed, with a sad smile, "You have wronged me. I told her that her husband was not dead at first, but how many years have passed since, how can human life have such a long life, her husband, child? Has long since turned into bones!"

"It's not that I didn't let her go, but she didn't want to go, she couldn't let go..."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, regardless of the old woman's true identity, but she did say in person that when she saw the master of the Dazhen, she asked if she could let her go.

Is it true that she is delirious, thinking that her relatives are not dead? It's not like, although she is deaf and blind, she still has a clear consciousness. Moreover, she also told herself in person that her husband, son, and grandson are dead!

After a moment of silence, Lu Chen seemed to suddenly understand.

"I know!"

"What do you know?" Yaohu looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

"Your sister told me personally that his relatives have died in the forbidden area. She has accepted this fact, so she is not stupid. The reason why she has been outside for so many years, she is not waiting for her relatives, she is waiting It's you!"

"Huh?" I was stunned for a while.

"To be precise, she is waiting for your forgiveness." Lu Chen said affirmatively.

These, the fox demon was completely stunned.

"She, she is waiting for me to forgive her..." For a moment, the woman seemed to be several hundred years old, and all her grievances and obsessions disappeared at this moment.

Although she had no tears, Lu Chen clearly felt she was crying, "Sister, we hated each other for thousands of years. I didn't expect that I was the one who blamed you..."

"Only I am crazy, I hate you because you are stronger than me, but... I also want to thank you, thank you for dissolving the grievances of our sisters for thousands of years."

"Remove the jade pendant from me and give it to Rongrong, tell her that my sister forgave her." After speaking, the spirit of the fox demon finally disappeared.

[Ding, activate the hidden reward of "Love and Hate". 】

[Congratulations for successfully eliminating the hatred between the four-tailed fox monster and Zhang Lingyan and dissolving their obsessions, please return to Zhang Lingyan to receive special rewards. 】

Lu Chen took a deep breath.

There are hidden tasks and hidden rewards, which he has no power to complain about.

However, after completing this task, he seemed to have experienced the story between them personally, with a lot of emotion.

"Nima, do you want to do so many tricks for a task... Go back and accept the award."

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